Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 9114 1 Family will always be reunited

Chapter 9114 The family will always be reunited (11)

No matter how reluctant he is to leave, he will eventually have to go back.

Qiao Chengfan got into his car, stepped on the accelerator and left without looking outside.

In the rearview mirror, he saw the little man still standing under the eaves, a small ball, with his mouth raised high, as if he was a little reluctant and a little sad.

Gradually, the small figure disappeared from his sight.

It was raining in the evening, the sky was getting late, and raindrops were falling on the car glass.

Qiao Chengfan turned on the wipers, and his calm and deep eyes gradually became peaceful and quiet.

This is the rare peaceful time he has had in the past few years. He is far away from the hustle and bustle and can do whatever he wants to do.

Delia called him again: "Devin, are you free tonight? I invite you to have dinner."

"Sorry, Delia, I have something to do outside."

"Oh, what about tomorrow? I have two tickets to the concert."

"You know, I don't really like crowds."

"But Devin, this is not good. I can try to take you to try everything in New York. I have lived here for many years. You can tell me what you like and what you want to do."

"Nothing to try."

After that, Qiao Chengfan hung up the phone.

It's getting late again, and night is falling.

Under the man's long, slender and thick eyelashes are a pair of eyes that can't be seen to the end, with clear and profound eyes.


On another Saturday, Qiao Chengfan learned from Zhengbao's piano teacher that Zhengbao would participate in a competition at the Mullet Theater in New York this Saturday, and Zhengbao was in the children's category.

This is Zheng Bao's first competition, and Qiao Chengfan promised him that he would go there.

He wanted to surprise Zheng Bao and bought theater tickets in advance.

The theater was not far from his apartment, and Qiao Chengfan drove there.

As soon as the car parked in the underground parking lot, Qiao Chengfan suddenly saw a small figure standing next to a white Porsche not far away. It was none other than Zheng Bao.

Zheng Bao was wearing a new white sweater today and looked cute and soft. He was standing next to the white Porsche with a white puppy in his arms.

The puppy lay in his arms, at his mercy.

Zheng Bao looked extremely happy and kept chattering to a young and tall man next to him.

Because of the angle, Qiao Chengfan could only see the young man's back and Zheng Bao's profile.

Subconsciously, Qiao Chengfan remembered what Zhengbao said last time - Zhengbao said that he had never seen such a cute Xiugou and wanted to hug him again.

Is it...this dog?

The puppy turned its furry little head, looked towards him with its big black eyes, and seemed to let out a "ouch".

Zheng Bao held the puppy in his arms, kissing and rubbing it: "Uncle, Donald didn't expect to see the puppy repair dog again."

"What baby? It might be bigger than you!"

"But it's so small, so it's just a baby." Zheng Bao put his little head next to the puppy, "Tie it up and fix it."

The young man put his hands in the pockets of his gray windbreaker and leaned half against the door of the Porsche. His tall and slender back was full of handsomeness and calmness. He lowered his head and looked dotingly at the child holding the puppy in front of him.

"Donald, are you here to compete?"


"What competition programs have you prepared?"

"Piano, Jungle Rhapsody."

"Oh? Uncle will be the judge later. Do you want uncle to give you a high score?"

Zheng Bao shook his little head and hummed again: "Donald can get high scores by sending a few numbers." "You are young, but your tone is loud." Qiao Zhixing looked at the child in front of him, and for some reason, he always felt that there was something special about him. Emotions, especially...when this little child talks.

Qiao Zhixing still treats himself as a child. He doesn't like to deal with children at all, and he is not willing to let anyone touch his precious potatoes.

When the child reached out to him and wanted to hug the potato, he seemed...not to hesitate.

Tudou, a clever little boy, also likes this child. He used to be very considerate and could not be touched by anyone except the Qiao family, but he still likes this child.

When Donald raised his clear and bright eyes to look at him, the softest part of Qiao Zhixing's heart felt like it was being pricked. For some reason, it felt like it was touching the most familiar place.

The little boy couldn't put it down while hugging the repair dog: "Uncle, Donald used to have a little kitten, but then... he lost it."

"How did you lose it?" Qiao Zhixing drooped his eyes and coaxed him into chatting casually.

"Where's Phuket Island?" Zheng Bao shook his head, "Donald likes small animals. Uncle, can Donald raise potatoes?"

"You don't even know if the cat is lost, but what if you lose the potatoes too?"

"No, no," Zheng Bao said anxiously, "Donald will hold Little Potato in his schoolbag every day and go to school."

These childish words made Qiao Zhixing laugh out loud.

Qiao Zhixing has always had a good temper. He smiled and said: "No, uncle is just like you and can't live without it. Why do we call our little potatoes so good and cute?"

"Four." Zheng Bao sighed, "Uncle, if Donald wins the prize, can you let Donald hug the potatoes more?"

"see your performance."

Zheng Bao stood on tiptoes while holding Little Tudou, and pulled the corner of Qiao Zhixing's windbreaker with his little hands.

"Uncle, you are so tall. Please give Donald a hug. Donald is good to you."

"Oh?" Qiao Zhixing raised his eyebrows. No strange child dared to let him hold it. "Donald, are you trying to trick your uncle's puppy?"

"You can't cheat." Zheng Bao sighed.

"Indeed, you can't be fooled."

Qiao Zhixing bent down, first pinched Zheng Bao's little face, and then picked him up from the ground!

The child was not heavy, so he held him firmly without any effort.

He was holding Zheng Bao, and Zheng Bao was holding the puppy.

Zheng Bao hadn't seen this uncle for a long time. He chuckled heartlessly.

He leaned into Qiao Zhixing's ear: "Uncle, we haven't seen each other for a long time. Donald misses you very much."

"Do you miss me or potatoes?"

"Think about it all."

"I think you want potatoes more." Qiao Zhixing pinched his soft face, "You are dressed so beautifully today. Where is your mommy?"

"Mommy won't be here until later. Donald is here with the teacher."

"How are you doing at the piano?"

"Very good!"

"You are so immodest." Qiao Zhixing picked him up and walked to the elevator, "Let's go, uncle will take you to the backstage."

"Uncle, are you the fourth judge, Lao Xi? Zundu is fake."


Qiao Zhixing happened to return to his villa in New York, and was temporarily recruited by his friends to serve as a judge. He was not interested in this kind of competition that made people yawn at all. He did not expect to meet Donald, his little friend, in the underground parking lot.

The kid had sharp eyes. As soon as he saw the potatoes in his car, he ran towards his Porsche.

Tudou also seemed to see an acquaintance. As soon as he opened the car door, Tudou jumped into Donald's arms, shaking his head.

When will these little potatoes stop growing?

(End of this chapter)

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