Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 9115 1 Family will always be reunited

Chapter 9115 The family will always be reunited (12)

Qiao Zhixing held Zheng Bao, and Zheng Bao held Xiao Tudou in his arms. They walked to the elevator together.

As soon as the elevator door opened, they disappeared into the elevator.

The underground parking lot returned to calm. Qiao Chengfan's eyes fell on the elevator door, his thin lips pursed tightly, and his eyes had a deep luster.

The game starts in half an hour.

Qiao Chengfan found his position, a position far back.

There are 10 children in the children's group, and Zheng Bao is the third child to compete. When the curtain opened, he sat firmly on the stage, calm and composed, completely different from the previous playfulness.

As soon as Zheng Bao came out, Qiao Chengfan saw the woman.

Xiao Sisi wore a black windbreaker and sat quietly in the audience, with a quiet smile on his lips and his eyes full of doting on Zheng Bao.

She has changed a lot. She has a mature temperament and the calmness of a mother. Her eyes are always on Zheng Bao.

When the song ended, she clapped her hands, and when the curtain came down, Xiao Xiongsi quietly stood up and walked backstage.

Qiao Chengfan sat in his seat without moving. Soon, he heard the sound of another piano music.

After the ten children finished their performances, the scores were displayed at the judges' table.

It was almost lunch time. Backstage, Zheng Bao took a bite of the bread brought by his mother.

Xiao Sisi was slightly surprised when she saw the puppy lying at Zheng Bao's feet. It was Dr. Qiao's puppy.

Is Qiao Zhixing here too?

Just as Zheng Bao finished eating the bread, the door to the backstage lounge was pushed open and Qiao Zhixing walked in.

When Xiao Sisi saw him, he said hello: "Doctor Qiao."

"Yes, I've seen her before." Qiao Zhixing naturally recognized her, "Donald, get ready and go to the stage to receive the award."

"Wow, accept the award!"

"Yes, first prize." Qiao Zhixing pinched his face.

"I'll take him to the front desk." Xiao Sisi took Zheng Bao's little hand, "Dr. Qiao, thank you. After receiving the award, I will take Zheng Bao directly to lunch, please do so."

After saying that, Xiao Sisi hurriedly led Zheng Bao out of the lounge, his steps very fast.

Qiao Zhixing picked up Tudou from the ground, with a slight confusion in his eyes. This was not the first time. This woman named Kathleen seemed to have been avoiding him.

Is he that scary?

No one has ever avoided him out of fear of him.

There are many people who are afraid of his brother, but there are really no people who are afraid of him.

When Qiao Zhixing saw that there was another pigtail on Tudou's head, he knew it was Donald's work. Tudou narrowed his eyes and looked silly and happy.

Qiao Zhixing touched its head, thoughtfully.

I had just been a judge in the audience and was entrusted by someone. I was just going through the motions, but when this little friend Donald played the piano, his whole body felt like being hit by an electric current. For a moment, there was a special feeling throughout his body.

So similar, so similar...

Donald is young but very talented. He plays "Forest Rhapsody" with great fluency. The most important thing is that the technique and style are exactly the same as the one he misses the most!

Qiao Zhixing found it incredible and became distracted several times in the audience.

The dim stage lights shone on the little boy's body, and in an instant, Qiao Zhixing actually saw some of the same traces as his brother's on his facial features.

He didn't listen to the next few songs, and the melody of "Forest Rhapsody" echoed in his ears.

How could there be such a coincidence in the world? For a moment, he actually thought...was this kid Donald the reincarnation of his brother?

This absurd idea only existed in his mind for a few seconds, and he knew it was absurd.

But if not, how could anyone imitate his brother's piano playing style so perfectly?

Qiao Zhixing hugged Tudou: "Tudou, do you also think Donald is like an older brother, so that's why you jumped on him? Huh?"

Tudou couldn't understand the words and nestled comfortably in Qiao Zhixing's arms.

Qiao Zhixing sighed: "What do you know? You're just a puppy."

Qiao Zhixing raised his head and glanced out the window. It was already late autumn. The sky outside the theater was clear and bright, with white clouds drifting leisurely.

It’s late autumn again. At this moment, Qiao Zhixing seemed to remember something, that woman named Kathleen... She was from Xuanzhou, and it was Xuanzhou where his brother had the accident.

Qiao Zhixing's eyes gleamed, and there was a hint of coldness in his eyes.

What is this woman named Kathryn hiding from him?

At the front desk, Xiao Xi seemed to have received the prize with Zheng Bao, the first prize certificate and trophy, and small gifts.

This is the first award Zhengbao has received. Zhengbao is happy and cherishes it. He holds the small trophy and refuses to let go.

"Mommy, Zheng Bao will win many, many awards in the future."

"Okay, baby is great."

"Mommy, how about we go eat chicken drumsticks for lunch?"

"Of course."

Xiao Sisi always responds to Zheng Bao's requests.

The game is still going on, but the rest of the game has nothing to do with them.

Xiao Sisi was in a hurry to take Zheng Bao to dinner and home. She walked in a hurry and held Zheng Bao's hand through the corridor of the theater.

"Huan Miyou said goodbye to uncle." Zheng Bao thought of Qiao Zhixing, "Huan Miyou hugged Little Tudou."

"Let's wait another day. The baby and Xiaotuo are so destined, we will definitely see each other next time."

"Okay." Zheng Bao was a little regretful.

"Baby, how did you meet Little Potato?"

Only then did Zheng Bao tell Xiao Sisi everything about the morning.

Xiao Sisi listened silently and didn't say much.

She didn't expect that she would meet Qiao Zhixing again after a while.

Qiao Zhixing was very busy, spending most of his time in the hospital, or directly with Professor Crutcher, and rarely returned to school. They had never seen each other since the last time they happened to meet.

She thought there wouldn't be a second meeting, but she didn't expect that it would come so soon.

She didn't want to see Qiao Zhixing, nor did she want Zheng Bao to see him.

Thinking of this, Xiao Xiang seemed to walk faster and almost trotted out with Zheng Bao.

"Wait." Deep footsteps came from behind, stepping on the marble floor step by step, walking towards them.

Xiao seemed to be in a panic, his hands were shaking involuntarily, and his heartbeat was speeding up.

Zheng Bao heard his uncle's voice and just turned his head to say hello, but his little hand was clenched tightly by Xiao Xisi.

She pretended not to hear and ran away with Zheng Bao.

"Kathleen, are you so afraid of me?"

Qiao Zhixing walked towards her with a sullen face, stepped forward, and clasped her arm with his big hands, giving her no chance to escape again!

This time, I'm afraid she won't be able to run away so easily.

Xiao Xisi trembled all over, as if she was struck by lightning. Her feet became weak and she subconsciously broke away from his hand!

Qiao Zhixing tried his best, but she couldn't get away.

"Dr. Qiao, let go."

"Kathleen, why are you running?"

"I didn't run away. Donald was hungry and I was anxious to take him out for dinner."

"Twice, same excuse."

"Doctor Qiao, let go first!" Xiao seemed to be struggling, trying to break free from his restraints!

Qiao Zhixing refused to give in. Ling Rui's gaze fell on her face like a blade, but this woman did not dare to look directly into his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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