Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 9120 Destiny is never preset

Chapter 9120 Destiny is never preset (3)

Qiao Zhixing thought carefully again, the pharmaceutical factory, Xuanzhou... isn't it the Xiao Group?

In other words, Kathleen was once an employee of Xiao Group? Sure enough, she and her brother had known each other for a long time.

Well, my brother is coming to New York this time...

Qiao Zhixing vaguely noticed something, but didn't think about it any further.

"Teacher, I don't know much about other students, so I recommend Kathryn!"

"Okay, I'll take a few more students over later."

Professor Krutch was talking and caught a glimpse of the medical literature on Qiao Zhixing's computer screen.

He frowned, then smiled: "Zhixing, why do you read other interdisciplinary literature? Don't even think about running away from me. You are my student, and I will not allow you to follow Another professor."

"I have been a student of professors my whole life." Qiao Zhixing also smiled, "I just looked up some relevant literature."

"Okay, then I won't disturb you anymore."

Professor Crutcher left Qiao Zhixing's office, and Qiao Zhixing sat silently in front of the computer screen, lost in thought.

The potato moved uneasily in his arms, and Qiao Zhixing gently touched its little head, with a deep luster in his eyes.


In late autumn, the weather is getting cooler day by day.

Qiao Chengfan didn't look for Zheng Bao again for a long time. Every Saturday, Zheng Bao waited eagerly as usual.

Waiting and waiting for several Saturdays, Zheng Bao still didn’t see his uncle.

Zheng Bao missed him so much that he felt uncomfortable when he was learning the piano. He lay in the teacher's arms and choked softly.

The teacher didn't know why and thought someone was bullying him: "Kid Donald, what's wrong? Is someone bullying you?"

Zheng Bao shook his head and rubbed his eyes again.

"Children, if you have anything unhappy, you can tell the teacher."

Zheng Bao took out his award certificate and certificate from his schoolbag: "Show it to uncle...but uncle is not here...where is uncle?"

The teacher remembered that it must be the young man who often came to the training class in the past.

"Teacher..." Zheng Bao called her softly, "Donald wants to call uncle."

"Do you remember his cell phone number?"

Zheng Bao nodded, he remembered.

"it is good."

The teacher handed his mobile phone to Zhengbao and helped him dial the number on the other end.

When the connection was connected, Zheng Bao called out in an aggrieved voice with a choked voice: "Uncle...Uncle have never wanted Zheng Bao..."

There was silence on the other end for a long time.

Zheng Bao was even more panicked, and he became more and more sad: "Uncle... It's been a long time since you came to see Zheng Bao... You said before that you wanted to watch Zheng Bao's game, but you didn't come... Zheng Bao has to come... Awarded."

"Donald, uncle is very busy at this time. I will visit you when he is free later."


Qiao Chengfan thought for a moment, but did not give him a definite answer. Instead, he remained silent for a long time.

Zheng Bao turned his little head and said, "Uncle, how about Zheng Bao going to see you? Let the teacher take Zheng Bao to see uncle."

"No." Qiao Chengfan rejected him without thinking, "Uncle is very busy."

Probably frightened by his decisive refusal, Zheng Bao lowered his head again, feeling terribly wronged.

After a long while, Zheng Bao sobbed twice and said aggrievedly: "Then Zheng Bao won't bother uncle anymore. We'll see you next time."

"Yeah." Qiao Chengfan responded lightly, "Maybe you can go find the uncle who has a puppy."

"Ah..." Zheng Bao poked his little hand. Before he could respond, Qiao Chengfan had already hung up the phone.

Zheng Bao became more and more aggrieved, his eyes red.

Uncles with puppies are nice...but he, likes Uncle Devin even more.

He really liked Uncle Devin more, no lie.

Zheng Bao returned the phone to the teacher. The teacher wiped his tears and coaxed: "Kid Donald, is there anything you need the teacher's help with?"

"Teacher, why doesn't uncle like Donald?"

"No, the teacher can tell that uncle likes you very much. He is very nice to little Donald every time he comes here, right?"

"..." Zheng Bao didn't know if it was right or not, he lowered his head and poked his little hand.

"Donald, this uncle... who is he to you?"


The teacher didn't ask the answer, and she didn't ask any more questions. She knew that Donald was a child of a single-parent family, and maybe this man was the suitor of Donald's mother.

Zheng Bao was melancholy and learned the piano until evening, when Xiao Xisi came to pick him up.

There was a light rain in the sky, and Xiao Xisi came to the training class holding an umbrella.

Standing under the eaves, she put away her umbrella, greeted the teacher and led Zheng Bao out of the classroom.

Zheng Bao waved goodbye to the teacher, held Mom's hand, and walked with Xiao Xisi from the training class to a nearby restaurant.

Zheng Bao didn't chatter non-stop as usual, and was even a little depressed.

Seeing that he was not very happy, Xiao Si led him to his favorite Western restaurant: "Baby, can we have a buffet today?"

"Okay..." Zheng Bao was not picky about food and walked to the restaurant with his mother.

Xiao Sisi held an umbrella and just walked to the door of the restaurant. By chance, Zhou Li and her best friend Lin Shihan got out of the car.

Xiao Sisi hasn't seen Zhou Li for a while. For some reason, Zhou Li hasn't given her any additional experimental tasks during this period. Today is just a coincidence.

Just as Xiao Sisi was about to hide away, Zhou Li held her backpack and glanced at her lightly: "What a coincidence. It seems that our Miss Kathleen is not as poor as the legend says, and we still have money to spend in this kind of restaurant."

"I come here once in a while." Xiao Sisi looked at her calmly.

"Do you come here once in a while, or is someone keeping you? I heard that the professor is going to take you to Vancouver for a conference, and our entire pharmacology team is taking you alone. Kathleen, you are really honored."

Lin Shihan on the side shook Zhou Li's arm in surprise: "Lily, wasn't it rumored last time that the professor was going to take you there? Why did they change the person?"

"How did I know? Things that were promised sometimes change, and we don't understand. I am the team leader, and I have a good relationship with the professor, but what's the use? We don't have anyone to support us."

"Lily, how could it be? You have such a good relationship with the professor! You have strong academic ability!"

"Shihan, you don't understand this. No matter how powerful I am, I have no one to support me, and I can't imitate others in seducing men. Do you understand?"

"Ah..." Lin Shihan quietly leaned into Zhou Li's ear, "Are you saying that this woman seduced the professor?"

"Don't talk nonsense. The professor is not that kind of person. She hooked up with... someone else."

"Who is it? Lily, why have I never heard you say that? Just tell me and I will make the decision for you."

"Shihan, you are too young to understand. I have the ability to take down the young master of the Qiao family."

"How... how is it possible?!"

"You don't understand this!"

When Xiao Sisi heard them singing along, his expression was indifferent: "Senior Lily, you don't need to slander me in this way. It's just a meeting, and everyone is qualified."

 (Happy New Year 2024 and happy holidays~~)



(End of this chapter)

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