Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 9121 Destiny is never preset

Chapter 9121 Destiny is never preset (4)

"You think too highly of yourself. Let me tell you, someone like you is not qualified." Zhou Li was very unhappy. "You think I don't know? If it weren't for Zhixing, you wouldn't have had this opportunity!"

"Then you go talk to the young master of the Qiao family. You can accuse him of being unfair and stealing other people's opportunities. Why don't you go?" Xiao Shi also glanced at her indifferently.

"You!" Zhou Li was extremely angry.

In school, others had always supported her, but this was the first time that she felt frustrated by others.

Zhou Li rolled her eyes and said, "But, Kathleen, if I remember correctly, you have applied for a scholarship from the school. A person who applied for a scholarship came here to eat expensive Western food. Isn't this justified?"

"Senior sister, you don't need to find fault with me. I meet the application conditions for the scholarship. If you insist on making a fuss, just go and appeal to the school. There is no need to say this in front of me."

Xiao Si didn't want to talk to her anymore, so he pulled Zheng Bao towards the restaurant.

Zhou Li was so angry that she said to her best friend: "Shihan, did you see it? It's different when someone supports her! When she first came to school, she wasn't even qualified to carry my shoes. How could she dare to talk to me so loudly?"

"Lily, how did she get involved with the young master of the Qiao family? I heard that the young master of the Qiao family is very aloof. He usually doesn't hang out with the second and third generations in the country. He only has a few fixed friends. His It’s a difficult circle to break into.”

"You are curious, and so am I. You want to know the answer, and I want to know it more than you do."

After saying that, Zhou Li also walked into the restaurant very unhappy.

Xiao Si seemed to see them coming and chose a seat far away from them, not wanting to provoke them.

Xiao Sisi sat with Zhengbao. Zhengbao hung his little head and played with the tissue in his hand, which was different from usual.

Xiao Si seemed to notice that he was not very happy, and rubbed his little head: "Baby, don't you like it here? Why don't you look unhappy?"

"Mi You is not happy." Zheng Bao shook his head, suddenly leaned on Xiao Xisi's shoulder, buried his little head in Xiao Xisi's neck, and acted coquettishly with Ma Ma.

Although he acted coquettishly as usual, Xiao Sisi felt that Zheng Bao was a bit unhappy today. Was he criticized by the teacher?

Xiao Sisi knew that he was very busy during this period, with studies and part-time work, so he couldn't have fun with Zheng Bao.

"Baby, mommy will take you to the zoo in a few days, okay?"

"it is good……"

"Baby, what kind of animals do you like?"

"Brain Ax."

"Okay, let's go see the big tiger and the little squirrel, okay?"

"it is good……"

Zheng Bao was good and obedient. Xiao rubbed his little head as if distressed and ordered Zheng Bao his favorite Western food.

The temperature was very low at night and the rain was getting heavier.

Halfway through dinner, Zheng Bao held his stomach and leaned on Xiao Xisi's shoulder. He frowned in discomfort and closed his eyes: "Ma, my stomach hurts."

"What's wrong? Did you have a bad stomach? Mom will take you to the hospital."


Xiao Sisi hurriedly paid the bill and walked out of the restaurant with Zheng Bao in his arms.

It was raining heavily outside. She waited for a taxi on the side of the road and got in. She saw Zheng Bao's face turned pale and she held her stomach tightly.

"Baby, it's okay." Xiao comforted him as if he was worried, "We will be at the hospital soon."

"Don't go to the hospital, it hurts."

"As long as you go to the hospital, you'll be fine. Be good."

"Don't go to the hospital." Zheng Bao kicked his feet and protested weakly.

Xiao Si seemed not to listen to him and would definitely take him to the hospital: "Master, please drive faster."

"There's a traffic jam on the road, don't worry."

Xiao Si seems to be holding Zheng Bao in his arms, feeling anxious. He must have eaten bad or caught a cold. No wonder Zheng Bao is wilted and listless today.

"Baby, it's okay."

"Numbs, pain, stomachache."

"Be good, bear with it a little longer, and you'll be fine when you go to the hospital." "Hmm."

The car drove all the way to the Children's Hospital.

The driver turned on the wiper, and the pattering autumn rain fell on the car glass, and a thin layer of mist formed in front of his eyes.

The mist in the night blurred Xiong's vision. She looked ahead anxiously, holding Zheng Bao tightly with both hands.

Zhengbao has always been in good health and active, but since coming to New York, he has been a little acclimatized. He also complained of stomachache and fever before.

But this was the first time like today, and there was a layer of fine beads of sweat on Zheng Bao's forehead.

Xiao Sisi held his little hand, which was a little hot, as if he had a fever.

Zhengbao was still making a fuss at first, shouting not to go to the hospital, but after a while he stopped making trouble and nestled in Xiao Sisi's arms, motionless, like a sleeping kitten.

Xiao Sisui hugged him distressedly, pursed his lips, and said nothing.

Her eyes were full of anxiety.

Finally, the car stopped in front of the hospital.

Xiao Sisi held Zheng Bao in his arms and went to the doctor for examinations, blood draws and tests.

When the needle poked into Zheng Bao's arm, Xiang seemed to be trembling, remembering his past experience in the orphanage.

To this day, there are still various remnants of needle holes on her arms, which are evidence of Xiao's crime and are scars that cannot be erased in her life.

Zheng Bao gritted his teeth, did not cry, and looked strong.

Xiao Sisi coaxed him and gave him medicine: "Baby, just drink the medicine and you'll be fine."

Zheng Bao was holding a water cup with white potion in it.

He took a sip and said "wow", and he cried out in pain: "Bitter, bitter, woo woo..."

Xiao Sisi quickly put a small piece of candy into his mouth.

Zheng Bao's facial features were wrinkled, his brows were furrowed, and he was holding a small water glass in his hand with a frown on his face.

"Baby, you'll be fine after taking the medicine. Can mom take leave to stay with you tomorrow? Mom will stay with you all day tomorrow."



There were tears in Xiao Sisi's eyes.

After going abroad, she had never spent a day seriously with Zheng Bao. She always had things to do.

Zheng Bao's eyes were full of expectation, and with this expectation, he drank the remaining medicine in the cup.

As soon as he finished drinking, Xiao Sisi gave him another candy.

Zheng Bao's eyes were filled with watery tears. He lay in Xiao Xisi's arms and choked, "I hate taking medicine."

"You'll be fine tomorrow after taking the medicine." Xiao Xiang touched his little head, "Baby, does your stomach still hurt?"

"It hurts." Zheng Bao still hurt.

He lay in Xiao Sisi's arms, no longer moving, just lying silently.

It hurts so much that I can't speak.

The rain was still falling, beating on the windows of the hospital corridor.

Xiao Sisi sat on the bench holding Zheng Bao, waiting for the test results.

She remained motionless, holding Zheng Bao firmly in one position.

Soon, Zheng Bao lay in her arms, as if asleep, with his long eyelashes drooping and a well-behaved look on his pale face.

Xiao Sisi looked down at Zheng Bao in her arms, her eyes full of pity.

(End of this chapter)

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