Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 9127 I don’t love you

Chapter 9127 I don’t love you (2)

"You're too busy." Qiao Chengfan said bluntly.

"Uncle, have you had breakfast?" Zheng Bao didn't want his uncle to leave and deliberately interrupted their conversation.

"Same as you, I didn't eat."

"Then let's eat together."


Xiao seemed helpless and had no choice but to ignore them. She went downstairs to help Zheng Bao get medicine.

Zheng Bao hugged his beloved red panda and refused to let go. He and Qiao Chengfan got acquainted and began to act coquettishly, insisting that Qiao Chengfan feed him breakfast.

Qiao Chengfan looked into his big watery eyes and did not retort: ​​"What do you want to eat?"

"Uncle bought them, they are all delicious."

Qiao Chengfan picked a bun and fed it to him, and Zheng Bao took a bite.

Zheng Bao whispered: "Uncle, Zheng Bao is sick, please don't leave Zheng Bao, okay?"


"Uncle, Zhengbao likes you very much. After going abroad, Zhengbao often missed you."

"..." Qiao Chengfan didn't believe it.

“Uncle, when Zhengbao gets better, do you want to take him to the amusement park?”


"Can I give you a kiss, a hug, and a lift?"


"Then Zhengbao should get well soon."

Zheng Bao was so happy that he had forgotten that he was in the hospital. He could lean into his uncle's arms and act coquettishly with him.

When Xiao Sisi came back, she had already taken the medicine.

When she saw Qiao Chengfan eating the rice dumplings she had not finished eating with a spoon, her heart trembled: "Mr. Devin, you should..."

"There is nothing I should do, not to mention, it is always up to me to decide what I want to do."

His sharp gaze swept across her face, and Xiao Xi suddenly didn't know what to say.

"Uncle, will you be kind to Zheng Bao in the future?"

"Of course, but you have to obey."

"Can I be kind to Zheng Bao for the rest of my life?"

"Do you know what a lifetime is?"

"It's a few islands, Zhengbao and Mama will have a good life."


"Zheng Bao, let's not disturb uncle. Uncle still has to work." Xiao Sisi suddenly felt an uncontrollable force. She didn't like this feeling of being unable to control, which was strange to her.

"It's Sunday." He said calmly, "I won't leave."

"Then Mr. Devin, please accompany Zhengbao!" She was a little angry, but Zhengbao was still head-to-head with Qiao Chengfan, as if they were whispering.

She dropped the medicine and walked out of the ward.

Xiao Sisi ran to the window in one breath and looked at the drizzle outside.

It's dawn, there are hazy lights and shadows on the horizon, and there are gradually more and more pedestrians on the streets.

She couldn't breathe, and her heart felt like there was a stone pressing on it.

She stood by the window for a long time, with many thoughts in her mind.

She was not familiar with New York. This was the city center. She knew that Trader Joe's International Group also had a branch in New York.

That was an existence that she could never look up to in her life, and Qiao Chengfan was the eldest son of the Qiao family and the future heir of the Qiao Group.

It's getting brighter.

Xiao Sisi felt increasingly uneasy. In the morning, Professor Crutcher called her: "Kathleen, are you ready for the Vancouver meeting? Are there any difficulties?"

"Professor, I may not be able to go. My son is sick and is in the hospital."

"Is this serious?"

"It's not clear yet, I'm still checking."

"Okay, then take good care of the children. There will be other opportunities next time."

"Thank you, Professor."

Professor Crutcher had just hung up the phone when Qiao Zhixing opened the door: "Professor, what's wrong?"

"Kathleen's son is sick and has no way to go to Vancouver. I have to find someone else."

Qiao Zhixing frowned. Is that little guy sick? A lively little guy, how can he be sick just because he is sick?

"Hey, Zhixing..."

Professor Cruach shouted, but Qiao Zhixing had already walked out of the hospital.

As a student, what is he thinking?

Professor Crutch noticed that Qiao Zhixing's recent behavior was different from the past.

Qiao Zhixing's mind is mostly on academics, but there seems to be a little change recently...

Xiao Sisi stood at the window for who knows how long. When Qiao Chengfan stood behind her, she was completely unaware.

"Zheng Bao fell asleep after eating, and the little nurse was watching."

"Mr. Devin, I think that too little promise can lead to too much faith. You shouldn't agree to Zheng Bao easily for many things. He will be disappointed in the future."

"Why do you think I agreed to him easily?"

"A lifetime is too long, you can't do it, and neither can I."

"I can do whatever I promised him."

"But Mr. Devin, you don't have to do it." Xiao Sisi said in a fierce tone, "We, mother and son, have no relationship with you."

"What if I say, I want to intersect?"

Her heart skipped a beat, her internal organs felt like she had never felt before, and it surged through her body like an electric current, making her body tremble slightly.

She looked at Qiao Chengfan, who was also looking at her, with a serious look on his sharp and cold face, and he did not let go of her every expression.

Xiao Sisi seemed to have forgotten to breathe for a moment.

She moved her lips, but didn't say a word.

"Xiao Sisi, do you know why I came to the United States? Do you know why it is the United States and not the United Kingdom, France or something else? Because there are people I want to see here."

"Mr. Devin, that's enough!" She finally spoke, her emotions fluctuating greatly, "You should respect me and respect my wishes."

"Mr. Devin, please don't come to see me and Zhengbao again. Zhengbao likes you, but I don't. Mr. Devin, I have never liked you. I used to treat you as my boss in Xuanzhou. Later, when I went abroad, I already Forget you. If we hadn’t met again yesterday, I might never have thought of you in my life. It’s that simple.”

"I said that I will have a brand new future, and Zheng Bao and I will also have a completely different family. I will meet someone I love in the future, and if he happens to love me too, I will marry He will form a happy family with him. But that person will not be Mr. Devin, because I don’t love you.”

"Mr. Devin, I have never had feelings for you, not at all. Let's just say goodbye and don't have any entanglements in the future."

Staring at her slightly pale thin lips, he watched expressionlessly as she finished speaking word by word, and he listened to every word.

Those words also fell on his heart, each word was like a drumstick, beating his heart over and over again, and his heart made a crisp sound like glass.

They stood facing each other, always keeping two steps apart.

So close, yet so far away.

"Where are the parents of little Donald?" a nurse came over and shouted.

Xiao Sisi walked away from Qiao Chengfan and walked anxiously towards the nurse: "I am the mother of little Donald."

"Miss Kathleen, right? Come here."

"What's wrong? Donald's inspection report is out, isn't it?"

The little nurse didn't answer.

Xiao Si seemed to be extremely anxious, but no matter how she asked, the little nurse didn't say anything.

(End of this chapter)

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