Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 9128 I don’t love you

Chapter 9128 I don’t love you (3)

Pushing open the door of the doctor's office, the little nurse backed out.

Xiao Sisi walked up to the doctor and asked anxiously: "Doctor, has Donald's test report come out?"

The doctor stared at the computer screen in front of him. On the screen were several reports that had just come out, which were almost as he expected: "Miss Kathryn, the child's report has come out. According to my preliminary judgment, it is a stomach TA virus infection. "There are medications and surgical treatments for this infection, but medications for children are still under development, which means we need to study and decide whether to treat it conservatively."

Xiao Shi didn't seem to be a doctor, but she had a general understanding of pharmacology. She understood... The doctors didn't dare to use medicine on Zheng Bao yet. As for whether to use surgical treatment, they still needed to make a decision.

She calmed herself down and said, "Doctor, I want to ask, is Donald's condition serious?"

"The infection has been present for some time and has invaded the stomach. The child's immunity is average and he is too young. If it is later or if other diseases are superimposed, it may be more serious."

"Doctor, should we stay in the hospital first?"

"Yes, up-to-date examinations are needed at all times until we determine a final treatment plan."

"Risks of medical and surgical treatments..."

"The medical community has not yet fully demonstrated the side effects of drugs on children. We will not use drugs on children easily. For surgery, the success rate is about 70%, but the children are too young and need to be studied. We will give an optimal solution as soon as possible. The best treatment option.”

Xiao seemed to understand and felt sorry for Zheng Bao.

After a while, she nodded: "Doctors, it's all up to you, I believe you."

"Well, thank you Miss Kathleen for your understanding. We will have a meeting as soon as possible."

"As for the cost of drugs and surgery..."

"It may cost a lot of money, Miss Kathleen, be prepared."

"I see."

Xiao Sisi knew it well.

It doesn't matter, as long as Zheng Bao can be cured, she can find a way no matter how much money is spent.

"Miss Kathleen, we still need the cooperation of our parents for a check-up." The doctor issued a few test sheets. "This will allow us to better determine the plan."

"Parents? Little Donald...his father is gone."

"Oh, it doesn't matter. Then Miss Kathleen, please cooperate."

"it is good."

Xiao took the doctor's test form anxiously and bit his lip.

When she walked out of the doctor's office again, she saw Qiao Zhixing.

Qiao Zhixing stood next to Qiao Chengfan. The two brothers were similar in stature, tall and tall, and had similar facial features, but one was mature and restrained, while the other was young and flamboyant.

The two brothers kept a certain distance. Qiao Chengfan was full of the aura of keeping away from strangers. He stood in the same posture as before, seemingly unchanged.

Xiao Si seemed not to know when Qiao Zhixing came. She lowered her head, holding the test form in her hand, and left along the corridor.

Qiao Chengfan saw her and his eyes fell on her, deep and sharp, with scarlet eyes.

Qiao Chengfan didn't move, but Qiao Zhixing chased after him and stopped Xiao Sisi.

The rain was still falling outside the window, the sky was gray, and the whole city was shrouded in a thin layer of fog.

In late autumn, New York is bleak and cold, and the streets are damp. Most of the pedestrians on the sidewalk of the hospital are holding umbrellas and walking in a hurry.


In the afternoon, Qiao Chengfan sat in his car, smoking one cigarette after another.

The car was parked in an open space outside, and the rain washed the car glass, making the vision blurry and hazy. Qiao Chengfan smoked a cigarette and looked forward. There were only endless vehicles, pedestrians, and huge buildings in front of him.

The bell tower not far away rang several times.


There was a knock on the passenger window.

He turned his head and glanced, or he knew who it was without looking.

The door opened and Qiao Zhixing got into the passenger seat.

Qiao Zhixing didn't smoke, so he choked and coughed as soon as he came in. Seeing the smoke, he didn't know how many cigarettes his brother had smoked.

In my impression, his brother didn't like to smoke. Even when he went out to socialize, he rarely smelled of tobacco or alcohol.

Qiao Zhixing was a little unfamiliar with Qiao Chengfan like today.

In other words, ever since I met my brother in New York, everything has felt familiar yet strange.

My brother has changed a lot. He used to like to make fun of him, but now he looks like a stranger.

Qiao Zhixing sat in the car for a long time, and then spoke after a long time: "Her son, Donald, has a stomach virus infection, and the specific treatment plan is still being studied. This is an area that I have not been involved in, but I will help. she."

"She won't let you help." Qiao Chengfan said calmly.

"We are from the same school. If the child's condition is serious, she will not make fun of her son's life."

"is it serious?"

"It's hard to say. The main reason is that the child is too young and neither conservative treatment nor surgical treatment is suitable. Donald is very cute. I have met him several times and he always likes my potatoes. It's not my potatoes either. Potatoes are My brother raised me and it has always been my brother’s treasure.”

At this point, Qiao Zhixing lowered his voice.

He knew that no matter how much he said, Qiao Chengfan would not be able to remember it.

If you forget about people, let’s talk about puppies.

Sure enough, there was not much movement on Qiao Chengfan's face, just a slight frown between his brows, and he took two more puffs of cigarette.

Qiao Chengfan had a tired look on his face and his eyes were bloodshot.

"Brother, do you also like Donald very much? I see that the child likes you very much. He keeps holding the little panda and says that his uncle bought it. He puts the little panda next to his pillow and no one can take it away."

"So what if you like it? If your personal will works, then everything in the world will go well."

Qiao Zhixing was silent for a long time.

Yes, if everything goes well, then there will be no troubles and sorrows in this world.

When he came to the hospital today, he happened to hear Kathleen and her brother talking. Unfortunately, he heard them both.

He was not surprised that his brother would be attracted to Kathleen.

Under the huge shady curtain in Xuanzhou, they are the only ones who pull each other out of the abyss, and they are also the only ones who trust each other. That kind of working hand in hand and staying in the same boat through thick and thin is the real sharing of weal and woe.

Qiao Zhixing also knows that although his brother has lost his memory, once he is moved, he will not change easily.

It doesn’t matter if Kathleen goes abroad, it doesn’t matter if she has a son, and it doesn’t matter if she has a bad past. For her brother, none of this will change his original intention. He will always stick to his own intention.

My brother knew Kathleen's past very well, but he never cowed because of this, because he also knew that the love of his life would be pursued high and low.

Qiao Zhixing knew his brother's temperament very well. Even if he lost his memory, those things engraved in his bones never changed.

(End of this chapter)

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