Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 9129 I don’t love you

Chapter 9129 I don’t love you (4)

Qiao Zhixing would not persuade his brother to change his mind. He thought that no one in the entire Qiao family would do such a thing.

Now in New York, he is the only one who is by his brother's side. Meeting him again after a long absence is both a coincidence and a kinship.

Qiao Zhixing knew in his heart that his brother cared about Donald's child's condition. He was always very kind to the people he loved and would do his best to protect him.

"Brother, don't worry, little Donald will be discharged from the hospital soon. In fact, I prefer conservative treatment, that is, observation after taking the medicine. If surgery is performed, the child will not be able to bear it and will suffer. The biggest problem now is that the side effects of the medicine are not clear, and the use of medicine for children is not clear. There is no clear systematic explanation in the medical field. But I will consult the relevant doctors I know and will definitely give Donald the best treatment.”

"Know what you do."

"elder brother?"

This was the first time his brother had called him by his name in this period of time. Qiao Zhixing's heart trembled, and an indescribable feeling filled his whole body.

What used to be a normal thing has now become a luxury, but at this moment, his brother called his name.

Like every day before, his brother called him "Zhi Xing".

"Don't forget, I also know about medical research and development."

"Yes..." Qiao Zhixing's eyes were shining brightly, and he couldn't tell whether it was tears or light. "My brother graduated with the first grade in the school, but later transferred to the finance department. My brother is so good, no matter what field he is in, he can do it." sparkling with light."

Naturally, Qiao Zhixing didn't remember anything. He just said lightly: "I can do something to help Donald."

"Brother, you just said that Kathleen wouldn't appreciate it."

"I'm helping Donald. The kid is still young and can't bear this."

"That's perfect."

Qiao Zhixing trusted his brother's ability. In the last round of drug research and development, his brother's team was the only one that could compete with Professor Krutch's team.

However, my brother was in Xuanzhou, as if his hands and feet were tied, and all his talents could only be wasted.

Qiao Zhixing told his brother about Donald's current situation, including some of his thoughts and follow-up measures. He told his brother everything.

It was raining outside the car, and he and Qiao Chengfan were sitting in the car.

Finally, he could be so close to his brother again, and talk to him safely, even if it was just greetings, he felt extremely satisfied.

He had been waiting for this moment for almost five years.

He originally thought that heaven and earth were separated forever, but now, he can actually sit side by side with his brother in the car, watching the autumn colors and falling flowers.

Everything in the world is bright and lovely, but if there is no one to share it with, it will become empty and powerless.

Having his brother by his side was a feeling that no one else could replace. This time, his brother did not turn around and leave, nor did he drive him out of the car.

Qiao Zhixing felt very satisfied.

After talking about Donald's condition intermittently, Qiao Zhixing tried to talk about his current situation again. He didn't know if his brother would be bored, but he still wanted to give it a try.

"Brother, do you like potatoes? If you are free, I can raise them for you."

"Donald prefers, give it to him."

"..." Qiao Zhixing was a little reluctant, because potatoes are his brother's favorite pet and the spiritual sustenance of Qiao's family in the past few years. "Let's wait until Donald is discharged from the hospital!"

"Brother, I rarely go back to Harvard now. I basically live in New York and am usually in the hospital. If you are free, you can come and stay in my villa. I have a room reserved for you."

With that said, Qiao Zhixing reported his villa and work address.

He said this carefully, fearing that Qiao Zhixing would reject him, although he knew he wouldn't. No matter in the past or now, my brother is a person who would rather get hurt than hurt his family. He is like an eagle flying out from the protection of his father's wings, and then turns around to protect the Qiao family.

Sure enough, Qiao Chengfan didn't say anything, just took a few puffs of cigarette.

Qiao Zhixing looked into the distance silently, and there was the patter of rain in his ears, tapping on his heartstrings one after another.

"Brother, I asked my brother-in-law to get a piece of land in Qiongzhou, and the construction is about to start. I have already seen the design drawings. It is a coincidence that the land was the same land that I was fighting for with the Xiao Group. At that time, my brother also In Qiongzhou, we just didn’t encounter it.”

"You know? Brother, things in this world are so coincidental. When I was in Qiongzhou, I met the arrogant and domineering Miss Xiao Xiao Qiaoqiao, and we almost had a quarrel. If I had known more about competition, Opponents, maybe we will meet much earlier.”

Maybe, my brother wouldn't have to suffer so much.

Qiao Zhixing already knew about Xuanzhou. His brother was drugged by Xiao Lang's people, and his memory was completely damaged.

Qiao Chengfan frowned slightly and listened quietly to what Qiao Zhixing said.

Qiao Zhixing's voice gave him an all-too-familiar feeling, falling in his ears and causing ripples in his heart.

There was something moving in his heart, and he had a different feeling.

Maybe, this is family affection and blood relationship? he does not know.

Qiao Chengfan usually didn't like to deal with people, but today he heard Qiao Zhixing say a lot...but he didn't reject it.

That familiar feeling seemed to be gradually smoothing the scars on his heart, just like when he saw his father in Xuanzhou that day. This feeling was almost exactly the same.

Originally he was not ready to come into contact with the past, but when it all happened unexpectedly, he felt that he was not very repulsive.

The people in the Qiao family must have loved him so much that he didn't have the slightest precaution against them after losing his memory, everything happened so naturally.

"Brother, it doesn't matter. We still have a long future. By the way, you also have a very cute sister. She is the sister you have protected in your hands since you were a child. She misses you too."

"Father said that."

"Well, she has been waiting for you. She is doing well now, and we are all fine."

Qiao Zhixing could tell from Qiao Chengfan's tone that Qiao Chengfan really didn't remember anything, not even Qiao Muyuan.

At this moment, Qiao Chengfan closed his eyes slightly, as if thinking of something.

His voice was slightly hoarse and he paused: "Do I recognize a... young man in a suit and tie, sitting in a wheelchair?"

Qiao Zhixing was surprised!

He thought his brother had forgotten everything!

"Brother, I know him. His name is Ji Changmu. He is your brother-in-law and the president of Qiongzhou JY Group."

Qiao Chengfan said "Oh", it turns out...those dream fragments were not dreams, they were real.

"Ji Changmu..." This name sounded familiar to him. "If you are lame, you are not worthy of being my brother-in-law."

"That was five years ago. Later, his legs healed and he became like a normal person without any sequelae. Don't worry, brother, the Qiao family will not let my sister suffer."

"Yeah." Qiao Chengfan didn't say much, but occasionally recalled fragments of the dream.

The rain fell by the window, and Qiao Zhixing kept talking. This was the most peaceful day for him in five years.

(End of this chapter)

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