Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 9173 Zheng Bao’s Father

Chapter 9173 Zheng Bao’s Father (3)

Xiao Sisi hasn't slept, she can't sleep.

She pressed her head against Zheng Bao's soft cheek, and breathed on Zheng Bao's face, gently, for fear of waking up her baby.

Her reunion with Zheng Bao was hard-won. During her years in Xuanzhou, she was cautious and restrained her emotions, just waiting for the opportunity to reunite with Zheng Bao.

But now, this short-lived reunion will be shattered again. From now on, Zhengbao will no longer belong to her...

There was only a faint light in the bedroom, and the night was sleepless, with a feeling that there was a lump in the throat.

She closed her eyes and let Zheng Bao lean into her arms. She hoped that such a peaceful moment could last longer, longer...

Late at night, a strong wind blew outside the window.

The weather forecast says it will be windy and cloudy with rain tomorrow.

Xiao Si seemed to be noisy by the wind and couldn't calm himself down.

She stood up, covered Zheng Bao with the quilt, and finally left the bedroom quietly.

Walking to the living room, she thought of many things, those past events more than ten years ago, the only time she was in the capital, and everything that happened later in Xuanzhou.

She thought it was finally dawn, but she didn't know that it was just the afterglow of the setting sun.

Xiao Xisi was standing by the balcony window. The night wind outside blew through the branches, causing them to tremble and the leaves to fly.

The street lights in the hospital glowed dimly, and the wind blew so hard that it felt like it was blowing across Xiong's heart.

She was standing on the balcony, still wearing the shirt she wore during the day, her figure looking shabby and haggard.

She raised her hand and placed her fingers on the glass window. The transparent windowpane reflected her frail figure like a thin film, as if the strong wind outside would blow her away at any time.

After an unknown amount of time, she finally picked up her phone and dialed Qiao Chengfan's number again.

It rang for a few seconds and then the other end picked up.

"Mr. Qiao..." She controlled her emotions, but could not hide the hoarseness in her voice, "Zheng Bao is sick and needs surgery."

There was no sound from the other end, and Xiao seemed to have a trembling voice as he continued: "This operation requires a stem cell transplant. The hospital has no way to find a suitable match in the short term, but your match is just right for Zheng Bao... I think Please help, help Zheng Bao, he is only five years old, he is still young..."

"I said, I can't help." Qiao Chengfan said firmly.

Afraid that he would hang up the phone again, Xiao Sisi said quickly: "Mr. Qiao, listen to me. I know that you don't want to interact with me anymore, and I won't pester you again after this Zhengbao surgery. You are helping Zheng Bao, he, he is still so young..."

"Xiao Sisi, do you think my time and life are worthless?"

"That's not it." She explained tremblingly, almost crying, "The doctor said that if a suitable match cannot be found within a short period of time, the results of the Zhengbao surgery will be very bad. The worst result is... high amputation. Mr. Qiao, I don’t want to see Zheng Bao suffer. I want a healthy Zheng Bao...Mr. Qiao, please help me, help Zheng Bao..."

"Xiao Sisi, you also know that I have no such obligation. Zheng Bao has nothing to do with me!"

"What if I said yes?"

For an instant, the head seemed to be holding its breath, and the man said in a deep voice: "What."

“Mr. Qiao, I don’t know how much of your memory has recovered. I don’t know if you still remember that night at the Zijin Club five years ago… You are Zhengbao’s father… dear…” Xiao Sisi seemed to be telling a long-lost secret. She finally felt relieved, but also heartbroken. “I was tricked by Langshan’s people to come to the capital, and accidentally entered your room… That night…”

Xiao Sisi paused when he said this, as if he didn't want to say any more.

She looked at her calm face on the glass window: "The next day I was taken back to Xuanzhou by Langshan's people, and not long after that, I found out that I was pregnant." "Xiao Sisi, say it again! You fucking Say it again!"

It was the first time that Xiao seemed to see Qiao Chengfan in a rage. He always behaved like a gentleman, gentle and dignified, but at this moment he was no longer the same Qiao Chengfan.

"I'm sorry. I wanted to keep this secret in my heart and never reveal it again, but I didn't expect that Zheng Bao would get sick. Zheng Bao needs you."

"Mr. Qiao, as long as you help and are willing to save Zheng Bao, you can punish me in any way you want."

"Mr. Qiao, save Zheng Bao."

"Ha." There was a sneer on the other end, and there seemed to be the roar of a car engine starting up. "If Zheng Bao hadn't been ill, would you have planned to hide it from me for the rest of your life? Xiao Sisi, you are brave enough."

The other end hung up the phone.

After Xiao Sisi said this, she felt as if her soul had been taken away from her. She was so weak that she collapsed on the balcony.

Xiao Sisi stared blankly at the night sky in the distance. The mist was so misty that he didn't know what night it was.

After tonight, she knew that the day when she and Zheng Bao were separated was one step closer.

The sound of howling wind and the angry voice of Qiao Chengfan were heard in her ears. This was the first time she saw Qiao Chengfan angry. He was no longer the Qiao Chengfan she was familiar with.

The wind blew harder and harder, causing the branches and leaves to tremble.

Time flies and the night fills the air.


A flash of lightning flashed across the night sky, followed by thunder. Summer is here and thunderstorms are coming.

Xiao Xisi's heart trembled, she hugged her arms and looked out the window tremblingly.

She forced herself back to the living room, but before she could stand firm, suddenly, the door to the ward was pushed open forcefully!

In the dead of night, the movement was extremely loud!

Xiao Xi was startled, his pupils dilated, and he saw someone outside the door!

It was none other than Qiao Chengfan!

Why is he in New York? When did he come?

Xiao Xiang seemed to have lost the ability to think, his brain stopped functioning, and he froze in place, staring blankly at Qiao Chengfan.

The man was dusty and dusty, with the cold outside, and the cold moisture on his dark shirt. He opened his long legs and strode towards her, pressing closer every step of the way.

Xiao Si seemed to react, and just when she was about to avoid it, Qiao Chengfan had already walked up to her, grabbed her arm with his big hand, and pulled her to him with force, his fingers almost pinching into her flesh and bones.

Facing Qiao Chengfan's red eyes and angry face, Xiao Xiang seemed to be trembling uncontrollably, his mouth opened slightly, but he couldn't say a word.

"Xiao Sisi, you are so brave! I didn't expect you would dare to play tricks on me right under my nose for several years!" Qiao Chengfan's anger almost burst out from his eyes, and there was a sharp look on his stern face. His coldness was like a blade, "It's fun to lie to me, isn't it? It's fun to have Zheng Bao call 'uncle' in front of me, isn't it? Xiao SiSi, you had a lot of fun, didn't you?! Huh?"

Xiao Xisi's shoulders trembled, and for a moment, he was speechless.

She just looked up at Qiao Chengfan blankly, unable to tell whether it was a dream or reality.

If it wasn't a dream, how could he appear in front of her so quickly? This was New York, and he was clearly with Miss Qian in the capital the night before.

"Xiao Sisi, stop talking?"

(End of this chapter)

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