Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 9174 Zheng Bao’s Father

Chapter 9174 Zheng Bao’s Father (4)

Xiao Xisi's arm hurt, and it took a long time for her to come back to her senses.

The pain was very real, and Qiao Chengfan's breath was also very real. This was not a dream.

The man's big hand grasped her arm tightly, and his eyes were filled with red light. The complex and sharp light almost pierced her soul and cut through her cheek like a knife.

The night outside the window is quiet, quiet and peaceful.

She was so close that she could even hear Qiao Chengfan's breathing.

Raising her tired eyes, she looked at him quietly, moved her lips, and whispered: "Can you save Zheng Bao?"

"Xiao Sisi, I'm asking you a question! Do you only have Zheng Bao in your eyes?! Who do you think I am again?!"

"Mr. Qiao, as long as you can save Zheng Bao, you can punish me no matter what you want..."

Looking at her look of death, he sneered: "You should have thought of the result a long time ago. If you have the ability, just keep hiding this secret. Since you don't have the ability, don't blame me for holding grudges. You took advantage of my loss of memory and deliberately Concealing the identity of Zheng Bao, even if I get along with you day and night, you can still keep this secret with a straight face. Okay, very good, you are indeed a woman who can achieve great things!"

Hearing his sarcasm and ridicule, she didn't feel much in her heart.

At this moment, she was extremely calm.

She knew that he would definitely save Zheng Bao. As for the other consequences, she would be responsible for them. She was willing to bear them all.

"Mr. Qiao, come at me if you want to do anything. Zheng Bao is innocent... He is still young and doesn't know anything. These things were all done by me and have nothing to do with him."

"Xiao Sisi, since Zheng Bao is my biological son, you should know what I will do!"

"I know……"

As soon as she finished speaking, Qiao Chengfan let go of her hand, as if he didn't want to say a word to her, and walked straight into the ward!

Xiao Sisi hurriedly took his hand: "Don't go in! Zheng Bao fell asleep, he is still sleeping."

But she was not as strong as Qiao Chengfan. Qiao Chengfan pushed her hand away and strode to the ward!

"Mr. Qiao! What are you going to do?"

"Take away the political treasure!"

"Can...can you let me accompany him again...can...Mr. Qiao, please, tomorrow...even if it's just tonight...please..." Xiao seemed to be hoarse.

It wasn't until she was about to part with Zheng Bao that infinite fear arose in her heart.

She may never see her political treasure again.

Zhengbao, who was still nestled in her arms yesterday and called her "Mommy", would be gone by tomorrow morning.

This separation probably lasts a lifetime.

She promised Zheng Bao many things but has yet to do them. When he grows up, he may not even remember that he had a mother before he was five years old.

From now on, he will call others "Mama", grow up happily in the Qiao family, and have many people accompany him.

Xiao Xiang rushed in desperately. When she wanted to take another look at Zheng Bao, Zheng Bao was already in Qiao Chengfan's arms.

Zheng Bao slept soundly, his little face pressed against Qiao Chengfan's chest, and he didn't seem to be woken up.

Xiao Si seemed unwilling to wake up Zheng Bao, with two lines of clear tears streaming down her scarlet eyes, her eyes were red, and she looked at Zheng Bao with reluctance.

"Can you let me stay with him one more night...just one night...please..."

"Xiao Sisi, you should know that everything is too late. Ever since you tried to let me erase Xuanzhou's memory, there has been no relationship between us. Maybe I should be lucky if I hadn't discovered these things earlier. , I still can’t realize that I am facing a woman who is as cruel as iron.”

Xiao Sisi stretched out his hand and tried to touch the Zheng Bao in his arms, but Qiao Chengfan avoided it and did not let her touch it.

At this moment, she burst into tears, and there was endless pain in her eyes.

They looked at each other in silence. At this moment, she finally couldn't say another word.

Faced with Qiao Chengfan's accusation, she did not argue, and all her words turned pale. Qiao Chengfan didn't give her a chance to argue. He walked out with Zheng Bao in his arms and walked to the door in a few steps.

At this time, there were footsteps in the corridor!

When Xiao Sisi chased him to the door, Qiao Zhixing also chased him from outside.

It was late at night, the wind was blowing hard and there was thunder.

Qiao Chengfan held Zheng Bao in his arms, his steps were steady, and his stern face showed the indifference of not letting strangers approach him.

He strode forward without looking back.

"Qiao Chengfan!" Xiao Sisi held on to the door frame and shouted his name in a hoarse voice, choking with sobs, "Zhengbao is afraid of thunder. Zhengbao doesn't like spicy food. Zhengbao needs to wear sunscreen when going out because his skin will be allergic... ...You take good care of him... He likes to listen to stories, can you tell him stories every night... Qiao Chengfan... Save him... Take care of him..."

Qiao Chengfan didn't respond to her, and left without looking back.

His figure disappeared in the inpatient building, and Zheng Bao... also disappeared with him.

Xiao Xisi collapsed on the ground and finally burst into tears.

She would never see Zheng Bao again, not in this lifetime.

There was a rumble of thunder in his ears, lightning lit up the night sky, and the marble on the ground was cold, but he seemed not to notice it.

She stared blankly at the place where Qiao Chengfan left. There was no one there and there was nothing left.

He took away her political treasure and also took away her life.

The pale light shone on her face, she burst into tears and her shoulders trembled.

Qiao Zhixing closed his eyes, leaned against the wall, and made no sound for a long time.

Qiao Chengfan came to New York by private plane during the day and stayed at his house. He was taciturn and almost never said anything.

But just that night, Qiao Chengfan suddenly picked out a sports car from his garage and drove it out, as if he had been greatly stimulated!

He hurriedly drove after her and chased her to the hospital before he realized that Qiao Chengfan had come to see Xiao Xiang. Qiao Chengfan seemed to know something.

Judging from Qiao Chengfan's behavior just now, it is very likely that his brother knew that Zheng Bao was his son.

The thunder was dense, one after another.

Not long after, the heavy rain came as expected.

There was another thunder, and Xiao Xiang's heart trembled. She raised her head blankly, her eyes were empty and there was nothing.

Qiao Zhi walked over and helped her up from the ground.

"Kathleen, it's cold outside, don't catch a cold."

Xiao Si seemed to be unable to hear what he was saying, and there was only a "buzzing" sound in her ears, like a puppet that had lost its soul, like a soulless puppet.

She let Qiao Zhixing support her.

When she returned to the ward, she saw Zhengbao's drinking cup, Zhengbao's schoolbag, and Zhengbao's toys...

His heart was stung again, and Xiao broke away from Qiao Zhixing's hand like crazy, threw himself on Zheng Bao's toy, and burst into tears again.

Her baby was taken from her and she would never see it again, never again.

"Kathleen!" Qiao Zhixing knew that she was in a bad mood, "Brother will be very kind to Zheng Bao, don't worry."

"Will he save Zheng Bao?" She raised her head and looked at Qiao Zhixing blankly.


(End of this chapter)

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