Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 9175 Zheng Bao’s Father

Chapter 9175 Zheng Bao’s Father (5)

Xiao Si seemed to be silent. She stopped talking and only silently rubbed the things left by Zheng Bao.

These things seem to still have the warmth of a political treasure.

For a moment, the entire living room was eerily quiet, and Xiao Xiong's eyes seemed to be blank and vacant.

Qiao Zhixing did not dare to leave the hospital. He stood aside and called Qiao Chengfan, but no one answered.

Outside, Qiao Chengfan placed Zheng Bao on the passenger seat of the sports car, his expression as ugly as the storm outside the window.

It's raining, lightning is thundering, and tall buildings are like dormant animals, crawling over the streets of New York. There was no one around late at night, and the streets outside the hospital were empty.

The glass separates the inside of the car from the outside, making it seem like two different worlds.

Zheng Bao smashed his mouth in his sleep, but did not wake up and slept comfortably on the passenger seat.

Qiao Chengfan leaned tiredly on the leather seat, staring straight ahead with a pair of sharp eyes like a falcon. The rainwater flowed rapidly along the glass. The heavy rain isolated his sight, leaving only a blurry world.

This fuzzy world is very much like the past in his memory, so fuzzy that it is difficult to tell the truth from the false.

In that phone call, Xiao Sisi mentioned the Zijin Club, which is a high-end club in the capital. It was the place where Xiao Sisi was betrayed by people from the welfare home five years ago.

He had known about it for a long time, but he never expected that he would be in the club that night.

This memory has never been recovered, and until this moment, he still doesn't have much impression, only vague fragments flashing through his mind.

He remembered the scene when he kissed Xiao Shishi half a year ago. At that time, he felt a strange sense of familiarity... He didn't expect that the familiarity was real. He and Xiao Shishi had crossed paths as early as five years ago, and they actually There is also a child.

At this moment, Qiao Chengfan was restrained and depressed, and his heart felt heavy, as if he was pressed against a huge boulder.

He had never been so out of breath.

Qiao Chengfan's mind was still echoing with the words that Xiao seemed to say that night. She said that Zheng Bao was his son, the son they had after their encounter five years ago.

She had always known that Zheng Bao was his son, but she hid this secret in front of him and asked Zheng Bao to call him "uncle". If it hadn't been for this accident, she would have kept this secret forever, and he, The secret will never be known.

Qiao Chengfan couldn't calm down for a long time.

How much she hates him to tell him lies one after another. As early as in Xuanzhou, she lied to him and said that Zheng Bao was the child of her online dating partner. He never cared about her having a child. He regards Zheng Bao as his own and tells her that it doesn't matter even if she can't have children in the future, he will treat Zheng Bao as his own son. dear son...

He really is his biological son.

He also knew that she had been deceived by the welfare home and taken to a drinking party in Beijing. He knew that this was a wound in her heart, but he never opened this scar and even blocked the news.

But what about her? How did she treat him?

She knew everything, but she hid it from him, separated him from Zheng Bao, and tried to use medicine to erase his memories of Xuanzhou, and also her memories of Xuanzhou.

Does she have a heart?

Qiao Chengfan had never seen such a cruel woman. How much did she hate him that she would do everything possible to play tricks on him.

If Zheng Bao's condition hadn't been so desperate this time, would she never have made this call to him?

Thinking of this, Qiao Chengfan felt extremely chilled.

As she wished, since she hated him so much, he would never appear in front of her again.

The sound of rain fell on Qiao Chengfan's ears, hitting his eardrums and his heart.

Apart from the sound of rain, there is also the sound of heart breaking and falling to the ground. Qiao Chengfan pursed his thin lips tightly, and his deep eyes were filled with cold light, colder than the rain.

After a shower, the rain subsided a little. Qiao Chengfan started the car and drove to the Qiao family's private airport in New York.

The car stopped at the airport, Qiao Chengfan unbuckled Zheng Bao's seat belt and took him out of the car.

Zheng Bao moved his little hands, and seemed to open his eyes in a daze, then closed them again quickly: "It's not Uncle Devin, it's Uncle Qiao."

This time he won't admit the wrong person!

After murmuring, Zheng Bao lay obediently in Qiao Chengfan's arms and fell asleep.

When the bodyguard saw Qiao Chengfan, he immediately stepped forward: "Mr. Qiao, are you going somewhere?"

"Go back home."

"Okay, make arrangements immediately."

The bodyguard immediately called the captain, but due to weather conditions, the flight was temporarily unable to take off.

Qiao Chengfan carried Zheng Bao on the plane, and the strong wind blew his shirt. Under the night, the man's face was dark and sinister, and his thin lips were pursed tightly.

He stepped into the plane step by step and placed Zheng Bao in the small bed on the plane.

He covered Zhengbao with a quilt, and Zhengbao slept particularly soundly.

It was the darkest hour of the day, but the lights in the cabin were brightly lit, and the noisy thunderstorm outside the cabin could barely be heard.

On the edge of the bed, Qiao Chengfan sat silently, looking at Zheng Bao who was sleeping soundly under the light.

Zheng Bao's cheeks were slightly red, and he looked more like a portrait, but his facial features were very similar to him.

Qiao Chengfan stretched out his hand and gently rubbed Zheng Bao's soft cheek with his fingertips, never taking his eyes away from Zheng Bao's face.

From now on, he will not let Zheng Bao live outside, nor will Zheng Bao suffer any pain.

Qiao Chengfan's cell phone rang again.

He lowered his head and opened the screen. It was Qiao Zhixing calling.

"Brother! Where are you?! Where did you take Zheng Bao? He hasn't recovered yet."

"Go back home."

"Going back to China? Brother, you are at the airport, right? Wait for me, I will go there! I will follow up on Zhengbao's condition throughout the whole process, Zhengbao can't live without me!"

"I don't need you." Qiao Chengfan's voice was hoarse, "There are plenty of doctors in the country!"

"Brother! Do you hate me for helping Xiao Shisi? But she is quite pitiful. She is alone abroad. If I don't help her, she will have no choice. Besides, it's all for your sake. If it weren't for you , I won’t help her.”

"To be honest, I don't dare to leave the hospital now. Zheng Bao was in very bad condition after you took her away. I'm afraid she might have an accident. Brother, if you really don't care about her at all, you won't see her again. Can you really let go of coming to New York immediately after the message? You also know that Zheng Bao is her life, and now that Zheng Bao is gone, she has lost the meaning of living..."

"Qiao Zhixing, shut up!"

"Brother, listen to what I have to say. Anyway, we are a family. We don't see each other when we look up. If we shut up today, we will still talk tomorrow. You can take Xiao Sisi back home. She will definitely follow you back for Zheng Bao. She Being left alone in a foreign country, I am really afraid that something might happen to her. "

"Is her life valuable? She avoided the Qiao family and told big lies. She is innocent? Qiao Zhixing, if you speak for others again, don't step into the Qiao family again! You have to know that now Who is in charge of the Qiao family?"

(End of this chapter)

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