Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 9180 Zheng Bao’s Father

Chapter 9180 Zheng Bao’s Father (10)

The doctor quickly put Zheng Bao on an intravenous drip.

Zheng Bao was so dizzy from the fever that he kept talking nonsense and couldn't open his eyes.

Qiao Chengfan never left, guarding him closely, his brows furrowed and his face full of worry.

It's raining heavily outside the window, and it's quiet and deep inside.

The night was already very deep, and Qiao Chengfan could hear his own heartbeat.

As early as when he was in Xuanzhou, he could sense that he had a different feeling for Zheng Bao. He originally thought that he was in love with Wu Jiwu, but he didn't expect that Zheng Bao was connected by blood with him.

Now, Zheng Bao will never leave him again, he will take good care of him until he grows up.

Zheng Bao had a fever, and Qiao Chengfan felt uncomfortable.

"Doctor, when will the fever subside?" Qiao Chengfan asked.

"Mr. Qiao, if it's quick, we can leave early tomorrow morning, if not, we'll have to wait a little longer."

"I showed you Zheng Bao's case. He had surgery. Could it be a previous problem?"

"No, the young master's examination a few days ago found no abnormalities. He is recovering well from the operation. If he has a fever, it may be that the young master has not adapted to life in China, that is, he is not accustomed to the local environment."

"But it's been several days since he came back."

"Yes, I know. Mr. Qiao, acclimatization varies from person to person, and the young master's physical condition is a little worse than that of children of the same age. But these are not problems. He is still young, so he can adjust slowly."

Qiao Chengfan didn't say much more.

He had no experience in taking care of children, so when he saw Zheng Bao having a high fever, he subconsciously became worried.

Maybe he was overreacting.

The doctor didn't think it was a big problem, so he examined Zheng Bao and left first.

Qiao Chengfan asked Butler Zhou to go down again, and he accompanied Zheng Bao alone.

In the past few years, he has not seriously accompanied Zheng Bao. From now on, he will love this child well.

The ward was brightly lit. Qiao Chengfan covered Zheng Bao with a quilt and sat there waiting silently.

It was late at night and the ward was particularly cold.

Qiao Chengfan was not sleepy, and there was worry in his deep eyes.

The water in the hanging bottle is decreasing little by little.

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning flashed across and thunder roared!

Zheng Bao waved his little hands randomly and murmured in a choked voice: "Mummy... Mummy... I'm afraid..."

Qiao Chengfan immediately held his hand and stopped him from moving: "Dad is here."

Zheng Bao was still talking nonsense, and Qiao Chengfan couldn't hear clearly. He could only faintly hear him calling "Mom".

Zheng Bao's calls and cries were heartbreaking, and Qiao Chengfan's heart felt like it had been torn open by an invisible hand, causing pain.

Qiao Chengfan held Zhengbao's hand. Zhengbao's palm was hot, and his heart was also tightening.

When the thunder subsided, Zheng Bao fell asleep again, but his fever had not gone away.

At this moment, Qiao Chengfan suddenly heard the sound of someone walking in the corridor outside the ward!

Zhengbao lives in a single-story single room, and there is no way anyone can fit in!

Qiao Chengfan was on alert.

With a "click" sound, the door handle of Zhengbao's ward was turned open, and someone came in.

Who is coming? !

Just as Qiao Chengfan was about to stand up, someone had already opened the door to the room.

It was none other than Ye Jiaqi. Seeing that it was his mother, Qiao Chengfan breathed a sigh of relief, but his eyes were scarlet with haggard red bloodshot eyes.

Ye Jiaqi was wearing a dress that she had not yet had time to change out of, and a thin coat draped over her shoulders. She had just finished her trip abroad.

Josnian only told her about Zheng Bao the day before the trip. She hurried back and heard that Zheng Bao had come to the hospital with a fever.

Ye Jiaqi looked at the child lying on the bed, bent down distressedly, and gently touched Zheng Bao's face.

This child's facial features are very similar to Qiao Chengfan's when he was a child. He is carved from the same mold and is very cute.

At this moment, Zheng Bao had a fever and was on an IV drip. Ye Jiaqi's eyes were full of love.

She scolded Josnian on the phone. She didn't know about such a big thing until now.

Naturally, someone felt aggrieved and said that he did not want to delay her trip abroad and wanted her to relax.

Ever since Qiao Chengfan's accident, she hadn't completely relaxed for a day until Qiao Chengfan returned to China and appeared in front of her again.

This feeling of loss and recovery made her unable to calm down for a long time.

Her Qiao Chengfan was really back, still fine, and still remembered her.

It had been five years, she had not been able to feel at ease for five whole years. It was not until that day that she had a peaceful sleep.

After Qiao Chengfan came back and took over the Qiao Group, he worked, held meetings, and discussed business as before. He became more and more calm. In just a few months, his performance was very impressive, unlike five years ago.

She saw all this.

She originally thought that Qiao Chengfan's life would be connected to what it was five years ago, but she never thought that Qiao Chengfan was already a father and had a child named "Zheng Bao".

She didn't know all this until the day before her return trip, and she felt that Josnian was the culprit.

He had known about Xiao Sisi's existence for a long time, and also knew that Xiao Sisi and Qiao Chengfan had been entangled in Xuanzhou for a long time, but he kept it secret from her without saying a word.

Someone said he didn't want her to worry, but she really wanted to kill Josnian.

After getting off the plane, she rushed to the hospital. At this moment, she held Zheng Bao's little hand and refused to let go.

"Chengfan, this child looks very much like you when you were a child."

"He is my son. He is five years old. His name is Zheng Bao." Qiao Chengfan's eyes were filled with adoration and his eyes never left Zheng Bao. "He has not been able to adapt to the climate since he returned to China and his health has not been good."

Qiao Chengfan didn't say much. Since his mother is here, she must already know a lot.

At this moment, Qiao Chengfan felt a little powerless.

Ye Jiaqi looked away, helped Zheng Bao change into a clean wet towel, and helped take care of the child.

Zheng Bao moved his body, as if he was in pain: "Mom... I want mom... I'm afraid..."

"Zheng Bao wants a mother..."

"Where is mom... Zheng Bao feels uncomfortable..."

Qiao Chengfan held down his small body and didn't let him move.

Ye Jiaqi helped take care of Zheng Bao and asked Qiao Chengfan calmly, "Where is his mother."

"No mother."

"Really? Did it pop out from the cracks in the rocks? Or did you buy it from the pet store?"

"..." Qiao Chengfan remained silent.

Sensing his mother's cold gaze, Qiao Chengfan did not dare to look at her, so he kept using a towel to help Zheng Bao wipe his body.

"Chengfan, I know you have forgotten a lot of things after your accident. I wonder if you have also forgotten what your father and I taught you back then. There are also things that happened when you were a child. I don't know how much you still remember."

"Don't dare forget."

"You just remembered? It doesn't matter if you forget. Neither your father nor I will blame you. Your father has been very strict with you since you were a child, but you should know that he and I... both love you. You He is our first child and the one who has endured the most hardships. Your father has always felt a little guilty about you. When you were very young, he sent you to England, leaving you alone at an age when you should have enjoyed the warmth of a family. Growing up alone abroad.”

(End of this chapter)

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