Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 9181 Zheng Bao’s Father

Chapter 9181 Zheng Bao’s Father (11)

Qiao Chengfan thought of these things one after another.

After returning to the capital, he looked at the photo album from childhood to adulthood. An old man who often appeared in his dreams appeared in the photo album. It turned out that the old man was not a hallucination, but his master.

Later, he also learned that his father had no choice but to send him abroad. His father needed to stay and deal with the forces in the capital, and both he and his mother were his father's weaknesses.

In the dead of night, the ward was particularly peaceful.

Ye Jiaqi's soft voice sounded slowly: "Of course, at that time, he felt guilty not only for you, but also for me. He had done things that I was sorry for. You must not know these things, so there is no harm in talking about them today. I gave birth to you and fell into I was in a coma, and when I woke up I thought the child was gone, but I didn’t know that you had been taken away by him for three years, and he never let me know that you were the child in my belly.”

When it comes to the past events many years ago, Ye Jiaqi's memory is much lighter.

She talked calmly about what happened at that time, including the fact that Qiao Chengfan was standing in front of her but she didn't know it, as well as the right and wrong, love and hate entanglement with Josnian at that time.

Mentioning it today is an understatement.

She had put these things aside a long time ago, but she only mentioned them in front of Qiao Chengfan, feeling somewhat embarrassed.

Qiao Chengfan was silent, listening to his mother say this.

This was the first time he heard these things. At that time, he was still young, even younger than Zheng Bao.

"Chengfan, I have hated him for many years because of the child in my belly. I have never forgiven him in those years. For a mother, the child is her life. It is the child she gave birth to in ten months of pregnancy. She has to endure a lot of hardships to see her baby, who is connected to her by blood, and she is willing to do anything for her child.”

Ye Jiaqi spoke a lot, each word soft, calm but powerful.

This was the first time she had a long conversation with Qiao Chengfan since he grew up.

She has always been proud of Qiao Chengfan. Since childhood, Qiao Chengfan has shouldered unlimited responsibilities, but he has grown up in adversity and remained indomitable.

But no one is a saint, and no one can make mistakes, and her sailing will also make mistakes.

But both she and Josnian knew that Qiao Chengfan was not someone who had his own way.

"Chengfan, I have always thought that you are much better than Josnian when he was young. Josnian was arrogant, self-righteous, had a hard and bad temper, and did not know how to be humble at all." Speaking of this, Ye Jiaqi smiled faintly, " To be honest, when I met him when I was young, it was not a marriage, but a tribulation."

Qiao Chengfan fell into even greater silence.

He knew that his mother came in the rain in the middle of the night not just to see Zheng Bao.

He didn't even know that there was such a past between his mother and his father that his mother didn't even know that he was her child many years after giving birth to him.

Ye Jiaqi stood up and helped Zheng Bao change into a wet towel.

She bent down and wiped Zhengbao's face while saying, "Zhengbao is very cute. He was raised well. You have to know that children who grow up in love can tell it at a glance."

For a long time, Qiao Chengfan was no longer silent, and finally said: "Mom, thank you for coming here in the middle of the night. I understand your good intentions, but it's just that Zheng Bao's mother and I can't go on. I will compensate her, but I won't Be with her."

"I don't recognize her, but your father said he has met her. She is a very smart and outstanding girl. I heard she is still studying, right?"

"Yes." Qiao Chengfan did not deny it. "She studied under Professor Krutch, and she is in the same school as Zhixing." "Like your father, I will not interfere in your life. This is true for Mu Yuan and Zhixing. Marriage It is a major event in life, not a child's play. Since you have decided not to be with her, you must have your reasons. We will not interfere with whoever you like or marry. However, your father and I have our own interests in you three children. The same expectation, "approximate yourself and others, compare yourself to others", this is a beautiful character that a person with an independent personality should have. No matter what, she is Zhengbao's mother, and you took Zhengbao away from her rashly, because of your feelings. It’s not the right thing to do.”

"Zhengbao is not a tool you use to punish her. You, her, and Zhengbao are all living people. You are dealing with people, not objects. You should learn to compare your feelings with your own. The separation of flesh and blood is huge for a mother. Pain, such a wound, takes many years to heal. You can dislike her, you can hate her, but you should not hurt her with Zhengbao."

"Also, Chengfan, you and she had a relationship five years ago. I heard it was not her fault, she was the victim."

Ye Jiaqi's voice was as soft as the spring rain in March, and he was always very tolerant and gentle towards Qiao Chengfan.

At this time, Qiao Chengfan frowned, pursed his thin lips, and said no more.

He was silent for a long time, his heart was so clogged, as if he was being pressed by a huge stone, and he couldn't breathe for a long time.

Ye Jiaqi was still taking care of Zhengbao, who had fallen into a deep sleep.

She heard that Zheng Bao had undergone an operation at a young age, and she was heartbroken.

Qiao Chengfan was still in New York during that operation. I heard that Qiao Chengfan was always with Zheng Bao and was completely undressed.

Ye Jiaqi knew that Qiao Chengfan was different from Josnian. Qiao Chengfan's temper was much better than that of Josnian when he was young. Even though he was cold and distant, he still had warmth in his heart.

Qiao Chengfan would put down his body and pursue her from Xuanzhou to New York, and would do his best to love and protect a girl. Based on these, Qiao Chengfan was much better than Josnian.

"Mom, I will try my best to remember what happened five years ago."

Qiao Chengfan still can't recall when he had a child who looked like a child.

He only knew that it was at the Zijin Club on the night when Xiang Xisi came to the capital.

He couldn't remember what happened after that. He only vaguely remembered that he and Ji Changmu broke up on bad terms.

"Don't force yourself, you've done a good job. You've taken good care of Zhengbao. I know this is your first time being a father, too."

"As for Zhengbao's mother, I vaguely heard about her identity. She is an orphan. She grew up in an orphanage. She has no father or mother, and her health is not very good. She wanted to provide for her father, herself and the welfare of the orphanage. The child took revenge and endured a lot of pressure alone. I know you hated her for hiding Zheng Bao's life experience, and you hated her for taking Zheng Bao away. You also hated her for being indifferent and turning a blind eye to your efforts. "

"No." Qiao Chengfan suddenly frowned, "There are many more... In short, there is no possibility for me and her anymore."

It seemed that my mother knew everything.

He knew that with Qiao Zhixing's big mouth, no secrets could be hidden.

As long as you can't hide it, mother is not an outsider.

Seeing Qiao Chengfan hesitant to speak, Ye Jiaqi chuckled: "Your mother has been through this before. In some aspects, you and your father are still very similar."

Upon hearing his mother's words, Qiao Chengfan pursed his thin lips and remained silent.

(End of this chapter)

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