Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 9182 Zheng Bao’s Father

Chapter 9182 Zheng Bao’s Father (12)

Ye Jiaqi sighed inwardly.

From beginning to end, her eyes were gentle.

She sighed softly: "Chengfan, you grew up in Qiao's family. Although you have experienced a lot of ups and downs in those five years, no matter who sees you, you are the proud son of heaven, and you are superior. In the Beijing circle, you are still the proud one. So, what about elsewhere? Chengfan, your identity and status are out of reach, so what if you lean down? You are still like the sun high in the sky. The day you don’t want to lean down, you will become untouchable again. people.”

"Chengfan, do you understand what I say?"

"I can probably feel the character of Zhengbao's mother. She is not a girl who is willing to cling to others. Since she is unwilling to cling to others, she will not put her destiny and happiness in the hands of others, even if this person looks like She loves her very much and cares about her very much. She will never feel safe if she puts her happiness in the hands of others. Her future and future destiny seem to be unknown. If that person is willing to bend down and pamper her a few times, she will You can live a good life for a few days, but if that person doesn't want to, he will be abandoned at any time. "

"What's more, your memory has not been fully restored. In such a situation, she will not feel safe. I have said that you must learn to compare your feelings with your own. From her perspective, there are too many differences between her and your relationship. Uncertainty. If one day you fully recover your memory and find that she is not your type, how will she deal with it?

"You won't suffer much loss by withdrawing from a relationship, but what about her? She has been cautious and dependent on others these years, and it is difficult for her to accept the withdrawal of a relationship. If the uncertainty is too great, why go there? To begin with? In her eyes, she never felt that your feelings for her were serious."

"In other words, you didn't give her enough sense of security."

When Ye Jiaqi talked about these, he couldn't help but think of the past.

Isn't it the same with her and Josnian? In an unequal relationship, unless they are firmly chosen, there won't be many results.

If Josnian hesitated or gave up even a little bit back then, there would be no future between her and him.

Adult love sheds its youthful shell, and firm choice is the foundation.

Only by making a firm choice can there be subsequent stability, responsibility and care. Otherwise, everything will be like decoration and have no appearance.

Ye Jiaqi knew that this was Chengfan's first relationship. Although he had experienced many things, no one was perfect, and some roads had to be tried to know whether they were bumpy or not.

"I heard that she has been helping you when she was in Xuanzhou. Later, when she went abroad, she still devoted herself to drug research and development and wanted you to restore your memory. I don't know how deep her feelings for you are, but I know that she doesn't I thought about hurting you."

"You said that there is no possibility for you and her to continue together. If you understand, then your father and I will respect your choice and will not interfere."

In the dead of night, Ye Jiaqi's gentle voice echoed in Qiao Chengfan's ears.

This was the first time in his memory that his mother had a long talk with him.

His father and mother rarely interfered in his life, and they rarely even went to Xiling Villa, but every time they talked with him, he found that he had not grown into the person he was satisfied with.

Fortunately, he still has enough time to grow.

After Ye Jiaqi finished saying what he wanted to say, she started to help take care of Zheng Bao again.

For a long time, Qiao Chengfan didn't speak again.

Halfway through, the nurse came to help Zhengbao take away the medicine bottle and measured Zhengbao's temperature.

Zheng Bao still has a fever, but his condition is much better. He no longer has nightmares and sleeps peacefully.

After a while, Ye Jiaqi's cell phone rang.

She looked at Josnian's name on the screen and knew that he was urging her to go home.

Ye Jiaqi stood up and said, "Chengfan, I'll go back and rest first while you take good care of Zheng Bao."

"Mother, I'll give it to you."

"No, you stay with Zheng Bao, my driver is outside."

Qiao Chengfan nodded and watched his mother leave the ward.

As soon as Ye Jiaqi left, Qiao Chengfan closed his eyes and leaned against the bed, looking tired. Many memories flashed through his mind, and he recalled the past in Xuanzhou.

He remembered his original intention of going to Xuanzhou. Firstly, he had planned to go to the grassroots to hone his character. Secondly, he found out that some of the Qiao Group's project funds were not matched, and the forces behind it had deals with Xuanzhou.

But he always felt that there were other reasons, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

Every word of his mother's words fell in his ears and were engraved on his heart.

What his mother said was that he had always been aloof and always acted according to his own wishes and never considered anything else.

As a king, he does not need to consider other people's emotions too much, but as a father, a husband, and a son, he is far from qualified.

The sound of rain outside the window fell on his ears, like drumsticks, and penetrated his heart.

Qiao Chengfan's heart fluctuated and he never calmed down for a long time.

As soon as Ye Jiaqi walked downstairs of the hospital, a cold wind blew by, and she wrapped her coat tightly.

Under the dim street lights, someone held an umbrella and walked toward her. When she looked up, she realized it was Josnian.

Josnian held an umbrella for her, took her to his car, and got her a blanket.

Ye Jiaqi grabbed his generous hand, leaned on his shoulder, and whispered in surprise, "Why are you here? It's very late at night."

"I can't sleep anyway." He smiled, "You don't know, I never sleep well without you by my side."

She nuzzled into the crook of his neck out of habit, and suddenly she turned into a soft and greasy cat again. His body had her familiar scent, which made her feel at ease.

"Why don't you go up?" she asked softly in his ear.

"I don't want to put too much pressure on him."

Ye Jiaqi probably guessed the answer, as Josnian always did. His love for Chengfan was the deepest, because he also knew that Chengfan was the most sensitive of the three children.

"Then I won't go out alone in the future, otherwise you won't be able to sleep well." Ye Jiaqi hugged his waist distressedly, "I'll take you with me if I want to go out in the future. If you don't have time, I won't go out."

"I'm not that fragile."


"..." He paused, "How is Zheng Bao doing?"

"The high fever has not gone away, but my condition was much better when I left, and I slept soundly. Chengfan was with him and stayed with him every step of the way."


Ye Jiaqi told Josnian what happened in the ward again, and his words contained affection for Qiao Chengfan.

However, when she mentioned Chengfan's childhood, she couldn't help but criticize Josnian and give him a few words.

Josnian: "..."

He somehow became a victim of the incident.

Along the way, the glass windows blocked out the wind and rain outside, and the interior of the car was as warm as spring.

It was raining heavily, and the black Maybach was speeding on the road, driving through the night and rain all the way to Qiao Zhai.

(End of this chapter)

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