Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 9199: Unwavering determination

Chapter 9199: Unwavering determination (6)

They walked on the street and chatted casually.

The streets were brightly lit and they walked side by side. They had never walked such a long way like they did today.

The moonlight was bright, the time was quiet, the street lights lengthened their figures, and the shadows on the ground were closely linked to each other.

After walking a long way, Qiao Chengfan took Xiao Xisi into a jewelry store.

Xiao Sisi tugged at the corner of his clothes: "You have given me a lot of jewelry, but I haven't given you a gift yet."

"Isn't Zheng Bao the best gift for me? Zheng Bao is so cute and well-behaved. It's hard work for you to stay with him for so many years." After saying that, Qiao Chengfan handed her a bank card, "I'll be there in a few days. I’m going back to the capital. I’m keeping this card. This is my card. The password is my birthday.”

"I can't accept it. I have income. Besides, we are not just boyfriend and girlfriend. How can I accept such a valuable thing from you?"

"Really?" Qiao Chengfan forcefully pushed the card into her hand, "From now on, everything mine is yours, so wouldn't that put more pressure on you? When I go back, you should turn down all your part-time jobs, otherwise you will be photographed by reporters. I thought the eldest son of the Qiao family couldn’t even afford his own girlfriend.”

Xiao Sisi had no choice but to accept his card.

Qiao Chengfan watched her take it in and was satisfied: "Do you know that when a man loves a woman very much, he can't wait to give her everything he can give."

"Then I know now."

"Well, that's good to know."

When she walked into the jewelry store, Qiao Chengfan helped her choose a few new pieces of jewelry and put them on for her.

"Sisi, I will be returning to China in a few days. Take good care of yourself and tell me if you need anything. I will come over to see you whenever I am free."

"Thank you for your hard work. It's not easy to fly back and forth."

"What's the matter? I said that as long as you are willing to take a step towards me, I will walk with you in the future. The ups and downs will be shared with others in the future."

Xiao Xisi leaned on his shoulder, rubbed the crook of his neck, and put her arms around his waist. For the first time, she felt safe in another person.

She has lost her sense of security since she was very young. This loss of sense of security and trust in others has made her walk with trepidation all these years.

She didn't dare to have it because she was afraid of losing it.

At this moment, she hugged Qiao Chengfan, afraid of losing him.

She leaned into his arms and whispered: "Chengfan, thank you for giving me a sense of security...except for the time you took Zheng Bao away."

"I'm sorry, I'm such a bastard."

"Just admit your mistake."

"I know I'm wrong, I've known it a long time ago. You don't know, that little guy Zhengbao obviously loves me, but when I brought him back to the capital to prevent him from seeing his mother, he wanted to bite me. He follows me every day You see, he still likes you the most."

"Zhengbao, like me, has no sense of security. When I had to foster him elsewhere, he was always afraid that others would treat him badly and abandon him. So he was often very well-behaved and would please others because he was afraid Others don’t want him.”

Qiao Chengfan felt particularly distressed after hearing this and frowned.

During the years when he was absent, he could not imagine how a person like Xiongsi could bring up Zhengbao.

He hugged Xiao Sisi and said, "As long as I'm here from now on, no one will bully you."

"What if you bully us?"

"You can complain to anyone you want. Our whole family is definitely not biased towards me. You have to know that my status in our family is only a little higher than Qiao Zhixing's."

Xiao Xisi smiled.

Qiao Chengfan showed her many photos of the Qiao family. These photos were all shown to him by his family members to help him regain his memory.

Some he could remember, some he still couldn't.

Xiao Sisi kissed him on the face: "I will work hard too."

"You can do whatever you want, whatever you love." "Thank you."

Qiao Chengfan put down his phone, turned off the light, and pushed her down.

The moon shines like water, and the night is peaceful.


After Qiao Chengfan returned to China, his life returned to the past.

Zhengbao was picked up and dropped off by Qiao Chengfan's housekeeper every day, but she refused Qiao Chengfan's driver and took the bus to school by herself as usual.

After Zhou Li left, the laboratory became cleaner and the management system became much stricter. Xiao seemed to have more opportunities to conduct experiments with peace of mind.

She would go to Qiao Zhixing's laboratory on weekends. The research and development of that drug was in the final stages. The clinical trials during this period were also very successful, and the side effects were getting milder and milder.

Xiao Sisi is looking forward to the day when the medicine is successful. At that time, Qiao Chengfan can continue to take the medicine until his memory is restored.

She talks to Qiao Chengfan on the phone almost every day, and occasionally sees Qiao Chengfan's mother in the video - a gentle, beautiful and dignified woman who feels loved all over her body and always has a smile on her face. Yingying smiles.

She never saw Master Qiao again, but she always owed him a face-to-face thank you for helping her take revenge.

If it weren't for the Qiao family, the feud between her father and Sister Xiaoyu would never end. In Xuanzhou, no one could touch the Xiao family.

Qiao Chengfan told her that Xiao Lang had been sentenced to death, and Xiao Qiaoqiao, as an accomplice, had also been sentenced to life imprisonment. As for those in the welfare home, they were all punished severely and would never recover.

Xiao seems to have begun to slowly forget about the past. The only thing she doesn't want to forget is the days in Xuanzhou with Qiao Chengfan, and the happy time with her father when she was a child.

Every time Qiao Chengfan called her at Xiling Villa, he would hold the little civet cat to her.

Huahua has grown up, but remains as cute as ever.

Every time she sees Huahua, the corners of Xiao Xisi's lips will rise. This is the kitten she and Qiao Chengfan rescued, and they raised it together.

When she and Zheng Bao return to China in the future, they will bring potatoes back.

On Saturday, Zheng Bao clamored to video chat with his father.

Xiao Sisi turned on his phone and asked Zheng Bao to hold the phone and talk to Qiao Chengfan.

Qiao Chengfan was in a meeting. When he saw the call from Xiao SiSi, he immediately came out of the conference room and stood by the wall, with the corners of his lips raised: "Si Si, do you miss me?"

"Dad, I am Zheng Bao. I miss you."

"Oh, dad is busy, hang up now."

"Why can't I call Zhengbao? Zhengbao misses you."

Qiao Chengfan smiled angrily: "Okay, okay, don't hang up, you say."

"Dad, please turn on the video. Zheng Bao wants to start a video with you."

"Okay, start the video."

Qiao Chengfan stood aside and turned on the video.

Jing Rui passed by with a few assistants, and the others looked confused. Mr. Qiao was also in such a good mood.

Jing Rui also smiled and whispered to them: "At first glance, Mr. Qiao is talking on the phone to his wife and children."

"Isuke, aren't you a girlfriend? Why do you already have a child?"

"You will know later."

(End of this chapter)

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