Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 9200: Unwavering determination

Chapter 9200: Unwavering determination (7)

Everyone was puzzled and followed Jing Rui into the conference room.

Qiao Chengfan on the side was still video chatting with Zheng Bao: "Are you ready? Dad has to go to a meeting."

"Where is Dad? I saw the building. It's so tall."

"Dad is in dad's company."

"Dad, then you secretly told Zheng Bao that you have never had a lot of money?"


"On TV, it is said that good-looking and rich men will have many girlfriends, but what about you?"

"What TV series have you watched recently? Go to school!"

"That's it, hum!"

"What is it? Dad told you that a man should be devoted to his wife. Do you understand? If you don't understand, remember it for me."


"Watch less TV series and die."

Qiao Chengfan hung up the video and raised the corners of his mouth.

Qiao Chengfan went to the conference room for a brief meeting, and then left Jing Rui behind.

"Mr. Qiao, this survey is very safe. I think we can start arranging the fund matters next month."

"Okay, we've discussed everything that needs to be discussed, and the communication with Yutai has gone smoothly. Let's make arrangements next month."

"The chairman of Wison Bank called me a few days ago and wanted to cooperate with Joe's."

"What do you think?"

"Mr. Qiao, when the Qiao Group was in crisis, Wison was the first bank to siphon off Qiao's cash flow without any regard for face. It's better now. Director Wang resigned and let his son take over, pretending that the whole thing was It’s never happened before, but I still want to cooperate with Qiao.”

Jing Rui was filled with righteous indignation when he mentioned these things. He also remembered all these grievances.

Back then, he accompanied the eldest daughter, Qiao Muyuan, to travel here and there. The little girl was still looked down upon when she was still studying.

Now these people who follow the trend want to act as if nothing happened.

"Isuke, if he wants to cooperate, it's better to cooperate with him. As for whether he can make a profit, I'm afraid it's Qiao who has the final say." Qiao Chengfan said calmly, "There is no need to save face for this kind of bank. After cooperation, the salary will be removed from the bottom of the cauldron. It’s not impossible to cut off its path.”

"Yes, that's the truth. It just takes a little effort."

"It's okay, Isuke, it's up to you." Qiao Chengfan said, "Those things five years ago caused many monsters to appear in the capital. Looking at it now, it may not be a bad thing."

"The eldest lady also suffered a lot from them back then. The eldest lady was straightforward and did not hold grudges. But in private, Mr. Ji helped a lot of people take revenge."

"Ji Changmu, he will definitely not let them off lightly. His mind is smaller than mine." Qiao Chengfan smiled, "He is also ruthless in what he does."

Jing Rui also laughed.

After talking about the project, Qiao Chengfan packed up the documents on the table and said, "Isuke, choose a better place in the capital to build a laboratory. As for the specifications, it should at least be on par with Qiao Zhixing's."

Jing Rui instantly understood that it seemed that Qiao Chengfan was very interested in Miss Xiao.

It was indeed commendable that during Qiao Chengfan's most depressed years, only Miss Xiao accompanied him and brought him to the Qiao family.

Everyone avoided the Qiao family, except Miss Xiao who never looked back.

This is probably what Qiao Chengfan said. Looking at it now, it may not be a good thing. If it hadn't happened five years ago, how would we know whether this capital was a human or a ghost.

Money is easy to get, but sincerity is hard to come by.

"Okay, Mr. Qiao, I've written it down. I think it's better to let the eldest lady's company do the laboratory design, so that Miss Xiao can feel the Qiao family's wishes."

Qiao Chengfan thought this was a great idea, and Qiao Muyuan would definitely be very happy with it.

It's just that with Qiao Muyuan's character, he will definitely show his importance to Xiangsi by himself, but that may not be the case for his brother-in-law.

Ji Changmu didn't want his wife to suffer any more.

Qiao Chengfan frowned and thought for a moment: "Jingsuke, how do you want to convince my brother-in-law? Don't tell him. With his ability, he can only hide it for a while. Pay him a lot of money, Ji Changmu doesn't like it even more. That man is very difficult to deal with." "Mr. Qiao, why not set up a children's fund in the name of Ji Huai's children, send it in the name of the Qiao family, and transfer management personnel from the Qiao Group? Mr. Ji will not refuse such a heavy gift. Accept it, accept the gift, and naturally you won’t say anything more.”

"Why does it sound like a loss-making deal?"

Jing Rui smiled: "This is how you make a deal with the old fox."

Qiao Chengfan didn't have any objections. For him, it didn't count as a loss. After all, he hadn't officially given Xiao Huaihuai any expensive gifts yet.

Think of this fund as a gift from your uncle and aunt.

"Isuke, I will do as you say."

"Okay, Mr. Qiao, I will make arrangements."

"It's Saturday, it's really annoying to have you come over for a meeting."

"It's your job."

"There's nothing else, Isuke, you can go back and stay with your sister-in-law. Remember to send me your schedule for next week."

"it is good."

After discussing the project, Qiao Chengfan left the Qiao Group.

When the laboratory is built, Xiao Sisi will be able to return to the capital with him. At that time, she can do scientific research in her laboratory with peace of mind.

Qiao Chengfan calculated his days. Next month, he would have time to go to New York again.

It won't take long before he and Xiangsi seem to be reunited.


It’s another New Year.

Winter in Boston is extremely cold, with a strong north wind.

Xiao Sisi helped Zheng Bao wrap up his scarf and took him shopping in the supermarket.

Zheng Bao insisted on sitting on the trolley, and Xiao Xisi pushed him and got some snacks.

"Mom, it's the Chinese New Year, and Zheng Bao can eat candies again."

"Don't eat too much, it will cause tooth decay."

"Then are we going to buy new year's goods this year?"

"Buy it and go tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay, it would be great if dad is here." Zheng Bao was a little disappointed, "This way I can lift it up high."

"Dad is very busy. He has to make money to support the family."

"Then Zhengbao told Mama a little secret. My father is very rich. Seriously, I won't lie to you."

Xiao Sisi: "..."

Is this a secret?

"But Zheng Bao will definitely be richer than him in the future, and he won't be willing to buy a big diamond ring for Mom." Zheng Bao looked at the small diamond on Xiao Ruishi's hand, "It doesn't dazzle, it's stingy."

Xiao Sisi doesn't know whether to laugh or cry. He is young but knows a lot.

"Also, he lives in a big house, but he is reluctant to buy a big house for Mom!" Zheng Bao gestured, "He lives in such a big house! Zheng Bao has been there! Such a big house, and a swimming pool, And a big lawn!”

"Zheng Bao also saw that he works in a big company! What a tall building, what a beautiful office!"

"How come you know everything?" Xiao asked him with a smile.

Zheng Bao sat on the trolley, facing the portrait, puffing up his cheeks.

The more I talk, the more angry I become!

Dad doesn’t even take mom to enjoy the blessing, you big bastard!

"Dad is a big bastard! Enjoy it yourself!"

At this moment, Xiao Xisi looked up and saw Qiao Chengfan standing opposite her.

(End of this chapter)

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