I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1149 She is no longer happy 1

Chapter 1149 She is no longer happy 1

"Mommy knows that my daughter is the strongest."

"Mommy, when I don't like others, I live the most relaxed and happy life. Although I feel a little lonely occasionally, but since I have someone I like, I am no longer happy."

Ji Yinuo slowly opened her eyes, and looked out of the French windows with half-closed curtains, the hazy white moonlight became more and more pale, her face was calm,

"So, I will never like him again."


Ai Qianqian just felt sad, remembering the first time Nuo Xiaonuo told her that she had someone she liked, when she called home from Italy,

"Mommy, Mommy, I fell in love with a boy! His name is Su Yan! Isn't it a nice name! I must chase him!"

At that time, she could feel her daughter's cheers through the microphone. She was as happy as a singing lark, and her crisp voice was full of laughter.

At that time, Nuo Xiaonuo was so happy.

Now, her daughter has lost all her pride, and said coldly that she will never like that boy again.

How much disappointment has accumulated enough to become the current despair...

Only then will deep love become sorrowful.


Ai Qianqian stroked Ji Yinuo's head distressedly, it was her mother's gentle comfort, she tied the hair scattered around her ears behind her ears,

"It's all over, and we will be together as a family in the future."

Ji Yinuo nodded his chin, yes, everything will pass, there is no one in this world who can't live without someone, just like the cracks under the embankment that are gradually widened due to erosion and humidity, will one day be closed The wind is broken into powder, there will always be a result.

"Mummy, I'm sleepy and I want to sleep well. You don't have to wake me up tomorrow, so go and rest." She said softly.

"it is good."

Ai Qianqian covered the quilt for her, then got up and left lightly.

With a "click", the quiet air fell into loneliness bit by bit, and became more and more dense and pervasive.


Ji Yinuo opened his eyes, staring at the darker night outside the window in a daze, his dazed vision gradually became blurred and out of focus.

When he came back to his senses, there had already been a pool of rippling water, and the tears that were full of tears suddenly slid out from the corners of his eyes like broken strings, staining the soft long hair under the pillow...

The little hand that was hidden under the quilt was clenched tightly at some point, and the popping blue veins were more distinct on the bony back of the hand, as if some decision had been made.

It rained for three days in a row in Rome. The rain was not heavy, but it felt depressing. The whole sky was foggy and misty. Pedestrians in the rain were holding black umbrellas, and the wheels were speeding. The messy water splashes made passers-by walk faster and hurried on their way...

The atmosphere in the castle wasn't very good either, everyone's faces were full of gloom, especially Ji Sanshao, Nuo Xiaonuo went down to eat something last night, and then went back to the room to sleep, if it wasn't for Ai Qianqian's persuasion , Ji Sanshao wished he could squat at the door of his baby's room all the time.

This night, it was already twelve o'clock in the middle of the night.

The pattering rain outside the castle had stopped, and the mist covering the floor-to-ceiling windows gradually dissipated. Ji Yinuo felt a little hungry, knowing that Mommy must have left her a supper, so he turned over and got out of bed.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Ji Sanshao walking around outside the door in his pajamas.


(End of this chapter)

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