I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1150 She is no longer happy 2

Chapter 1150 She is no longer happy 2


Ji Sanshao paused, and quickly turned around, "Are you hungry? Daddy is going to cook noodles for you?"

"Okay." Ji Yinuo smiled brightly, and held his father's arm tightly, as if returning to the time when Nuo Xiaonuo and Ji Sanshao acted like a baby when they were children.

Ji Sanshao's smoky eyes were slightly deep, and his heart was pitiful.

The father and daughter went downstairs to the kitchen together.


Ji Sanshao is also a master in the kitchen. Back then, he conquered his wife's stomach with his culinary skills comparable to that of a five-star hotel, and successfully lured and abducted Qianqian Little White Rabbit back home.

Soon, a strong noodle fragrance wafted from the kitchen.

Ji Sanshao also cracked two eggs and boiled them in the noodles. The viscous egg liquid quickly solidified, and the crystal clear white was paired with carrots and vegetables, which looked very appetizing.

"Come on, my little princess is ready to eat." Ji Sanshao picked out the yolk from the egg, put the white back in, and placed a large delicate porcelain bowl in front of Ji Yinuo.

Ji Yinuo gave a particularly amazed smile, and gave a thumbs up, "Father, father, father, I would like to give you a thumbs up!"

Ji Sanshao smiled, "Eat quickly, don't burn yourself."

"it is good."

In the restaurant, Ji Yinuo ate noodles one bite at a time, while Ji Sanshao sat beside him and watched quietly, while the father and daughter chatted, talking about Cheng Xiaoxuan and Xiao Nuo's brother and sister's childhood.


The noodles were not cooked a lot, they were just right, Ji Yinuo ate them all, and even drank the noodle soup to the bottom of the bowl.

"I'm so full." Ji Yinuo licked the corner of his mouth, his crescent eyes narrowed into a smile, looking very satisfied.

Ji Sanshao said in a doting tone, "Leave all the bowls, let your brother come and clean them up tomorrow morning." Cheng Xiaocheng would rush downstairs every early morning to make breakfast for the cute pregnant women. .

"Brother Cheng..." Ji Yinuo sighed with emotion, and blinked mischievously.

The father and daughter went upstairs together again arm in arm, and Ji Sanshao sent Ji Yinuo to the door of the room. In the gorgeous and exquisite corridor, the atmosphere seemed to have become a little silent.

Ji Yinuo suddenly hugged Ji Sanshao, and the bright curve of his lips that he was trying to raise was curving bit by bit,

"I am very happy and feel lucky to be the daughter of Daddy's Mommy and settle down in Ji's family. Daddy, I have grown up."


Ji Sanshao gently patted Ji Yinuo's back, his magnetic voice became more stable, "I would rather my daughter never grow up."

He hoped that Nuo Xiaonuo would always hug his spoiled little girl, be free from worries and unscrupulous, just be a carefree little princess.

However, how did the little girl grow up unknowingly back then, and he wasn't even ready yet.

There was a thin layer of water in Ji Yinuo's eyes, which flickered under the lights in the corridor. She had grown up, but the price of growth was the skin still attached to it, which was so painful.

Her throat choked,

"Thank you Daddy, good night."

"Good night, my little princess."

the next morning.

Like the previous two days, Ai Qianqian would go to see Ji Yinuo first after getting up, and when she opened the door, she found that the bed was empty, and the velvet quilt was spread neatly, without any trace of sleeping.

"Nuo Xiaonuo!" Ai Qianqian exclaimed, and the whole family rushed to the room.

Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, a ray of sunlight shone in, and it happened to fall on the white note by the bed.

[I'm leaving, go out for a walk alone, don't read. 】

(End of this chapter)

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