I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1377 I'll stay tonight, do you agree? 2

Chapter 1377 I'll stay tonight, do you agree? 2

Tightly, hug her.

She even hugged her a little out of breath, very uncomfortable...

But she didn't want to let go at all, and even let his tighter arms on her shoulders.

The faint lemon scent on his body also seemed to be like a sudden fermented longing, and it lingered wantonly under his breath for a moment.

"First time, I miss you..."

He said in a low voice, the words he said twice on the phone two hours ago, I miss you...

It's not the kind of miss that can be resolved with a phone call, but the kind of miss that has to meet and hug each other tightly, feel her heartbeat, her breathing...

So here he is.


After hugging for a full 5 minutes, the two of them haven't even seen each other's face.

After relieving the pain of lovesickness a little, Shangguanyu finally relaxed a little bit, really just a little bit.

Staring intently at the sleeping face without makeup in his arms who was awakened by him, the long hair was still slightly messy and loose on the shoulders, it was the most natural and unguarded state.

He suddenly softened into a mess,

"Someone knocked on the door at night, don't open it."

She paused for a moment, and then remembered that she opened the door directly without looking through the peephole to see who was outside. It would be terrible if there were some bad people with evil intentions.

"I fell asleep..." She explained, then suddenly remembered, "It's you, and you're not a bad person."

Shangguanyu suddenly laughed out loud. He was handsome and handsome, and his eyes became extraordinarily vivid.

"I am," he said.

"Ah..." She didn't understand what he meant at the time.


Before she was allowed to think about it, he hugged her tightly again, trapped her in his arms, resting his chin on the twist of her hair, patted her back again and again,

"Let me hold you for a while, and I'll leave after a while."

She froze for a moment, "Where are you going?"

"Drive back to City A."

"Go back?" As soon as she said it, her face became slightly hot, and she realized that there was... reluctance in her tone of voice.

Even more so, he could hear her clearly, so he just looked at her intently for a while.

When her heartbeat in her chest was beating out of rhythm, his low-meld voice with a hint of hoarseness suddenly fell into this ambiguous and silently fermenting air.

"I'll stay tonight, do you agree?"

Do you agree……


By the time Qiao Chu regained consciousness, the door of the room had already slammed shut!

And the man who was standing outside the door just now and said he was going back to City A was hugging her delicate waist tightly.

He pressed her body tightly against the wall at the entrance, and his thin lips with a wicked smile directly covered her soft lips.

I kissed deeply and overwhelmingly...


a long time.

I don't know how long the kiss has been.

She was rubbed in his arms, and the tightly hugging arms slowly tightened bit by bit.

She most clearly felt the corner of his mouth slowly rising.

Blending with each other, under the nose, on the side of the cheek...

The surrounding air became ambiguous, my heart felt numb, and all consciousness began to collapse bit by bit.


It was at this time that she saw that evil and demonic man for the second time.

The brows that have always been noble are full of soul-stirring amorous feelings.

It was also at this time that she understood what he meant by "I am" when he hugged her at the door just now.

(End of this chapter)

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