I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1378 Beauty Misleads People!See no evil! 1

Chapter 1378 Beauty Misleads People!See no evil! 1

"What are you laughing at?"

"Laugh if you want to." Her jewel-like eyes flickered, and she blinked like a little girl.

It can be seen that Shangguan Yu's eyes were darker. When she was tempted bit by bit by him, he had already sunk in. He touched her face with his slightly rough fingertips,

"I like to see you smile, you are beautiful."

It's like an orchid with a faint fragrance, quietly, it has already penetrated into my heart.

While speaking, an imperceptible light flashed across his penetrating and bright eyes, sinking and floating.


Shangguanyu held Qiao Chujian in his arms and kissed him twice, and then he let go reluctantly, and the restless desire in his body had gradually cooled down.

He patted her smooth back gently,

"I'll apply medicine to your wound."

Shangguanyu moved very carefully, for fear of hurting her, he blew while applying the ointment, and looked at her from time to time, but he would stop whenever she frowned.

Seeing that his brows were tightly locked, Qiao Chujian really thought it was funny,

"Shangguan, you don't have to... treat death like home."

The too serious expression on his face made her think of the word.

Shangguanyu raised his head abruptly, and stared at him with a pair of cold eyes, "Huh?" The monosyllabic words raised their voices, revealing a strong... displeasure.

Qiao Chu was taken aback for a moment, then understood immediately, and then smiled slightly, changing his words,


She hasn't gotten used to it for a while, well, it takes a while to get used to it.

Shangguanyu raised his eyebrows, feeling extremely good again.


Qiao Chujian hugged her elbows and watched him help her wrap white gauze to bandage her wound with familiar movements. She remembered that Cindy once gossiped and asked her what the name of the passionate love between her and the big boss was.

She said casually, and called Shangguan.

Cindy immediately squinted at her with a crazy expression on her face, and shouted, "It's so unfamiliar, the big boss doesn't mind!"

She asked back, "Strange? Don't all the young brothers of the big boss call it like this, they are very intimate."

Cindy resolutely rolled a round big white eyeball to her, and her tone was filled with contempt even more,

"Miss, you are not the boss's group of young masters, you are his girlfriend, girlfriend, you must be unique!"

She said, "..." She introspected for 10 minutes with a serious attitude, and thought of her two best girlfriends.

I deeply call Xuan Ershao one mouthful and one "erbai", and Qingcheng and his wife, those who dare to call Ji Da Boss's name directly in this world are also Qingge, they are all unique.

So, after reflection, she wondered if she had to change her name.

A field.

She likes the title.


While thinking about it, Shangguanyu had already helped her re-bandage, applied ointment on the scratch on her palm, pulled her wrist and squeezed it gently,

"time to eat."


When Shangguanyu opened the small wonton takeaway that he specially packed and brought back, the two of them pursed their mouths together, and their expressions changed a little bit.

Because the two of them had been messing around for too long just now, almost half an hour, the little wontons were already cold, and the wonton wrappers were all soaked open, and the shrimp and mushroom stuffing inside ran out.

It looks really... very ugly.

The corner of Shangguan Yu's mouth twitched, and he asked calmly, "Are you hungry now?"

Qiao Chujian shook his head, a little, but it's okay.

Shangguanyu took his mobile phone and called Cindy directly, "Order two more small wontons, and they will be delivered to our room in 10 minutes."

(End of this chapter)

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