I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1418 Wife, we are in the same frame for the first time 1

Chapter 1418 Wife, we are in the same frame for the first time 2

Netizens, you are really so sharp-eyed!

She and him held hands at the celebration banquet to announce their relationship tonight, but they were only in the circle first, and they didn't expect it to be exposed to the public so soon.

Although this "exposure" is also very... ambiguous, low-key and cryptic.



Because my daughter is an actress, a lot of news is updated on the big V account, so Qiao's father and Qiao's mother also play Weibo, especially paying attention to the news of the TV series filmed by their daughter.

Qiao's mother would know that seeing Shangguanyu for the first time at this time was due to reading Weibo.

Qiao Chu's head flickered, and she suddenly remembered that just now, when her aunt asked her on the phone that the celebration party was over, it should be... I saw the hot search headlines.


The corners of Shangguanyu's pursed lips had already been rolled up happily, and the corners of his eyes were full of rippling smiles, as if a star was floating.

"Honey, it's the first time we're in the same frame." The thin lips parted, and the low-alcohol magnetic voice was unbelievably soft.

Qiao Chujian raised her eyes, a pair of willow-leaf eyebrows were slightly frowned and hadn't had time to relax.

Shangguanyu squeezed his clasped fingers, and immediately added, "If you don't like it, I'll ask someone to remove Weibo."

Qiao Chu couldn't help laughing when he saw "Pu Chi",

"Do you understand that there is an idiom called 'to cover up', and when did I say that I don't like it?"

"Then you frown?" Pressing the slightly rough fingertips on the center of her slightly frowning brows, he couldn't see that she was unhappy.

"I was wondering, do you think this Weibo photo is a little subtle?" Seeing the flicker in Qiao Chu's eyes, he blinked at him.

Shangguanyu naturally understood immediately, and narrowed his eyes faintly.


The two of them were staring at the hot search headlines when Qiao Chujian received a voice message from Cindy on WeChat.

[Girl for the first time, just now Director Yang and I jointly posted an official Weibo, I guess you and the big boss are going to be trending, but the photos are all carefully selected by our group, it is definitely not ambiguous The ambiguity has attracted countless imaginations, and it just happens to be the first free publicity for "The Princess of the Prosperous Age"! "

Another voice came:

[I sincerely believe that the big boss is also quite willing to be a green leaf and a red flower for his girlfriend. First, the popularity will rise and the popularity will rise! 】

Last message:

[Wait until the last Mr. Shangguan and the girl who meet for the first time meet the cp big bang again! 】

Finally, at the end, a text message:

[Home run ah ah! 】


"Extremely happy." Shangguanyu leaned against her ear temples affectionately, and laughed softly, a cluster of light flashed across his dark eyes.

When Qiao first saw it, her cheeks flushed red, "This stalk is hard to pass, isn't it?"

Shangguanyu had a serious face again, "I mean, I'm very happy to praise my family's first-time little red flower."

Cindy was right. After the filming of "Prince of the Prosperous Age", it will enter the promotion period of the summer broadcast. Naturally, it needs popularity, and hype is even more normal, but if he is such a big No. [-] Boss to hype, the effect is absolutely leveraged.

"..." Qiao Chu saw, "Can we still have a pleasant chat?"

"Honey, now is not the time to chat."

While speaking, the palm he held moved up slightly along her wrist bone, and the skin-to-skin contact created another ambiguous feeling.

There was something slowly gathering in his smoky eyes, and the hint was quite obvious, so he threw the phone aside with his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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