I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1419 Big-tailed wolf is really aggrieved

Chapter 1419 Big-tailed wolf is really aggrieved

He raised his hand and threw the phone aside.

Unexpectedly, the phone vibrated suddenly, and a group video message from the young master group was sent. He obviously wanted to hang up, but who would have thought that the phone would slide and accidentally...press it...to answer.


"Shangguan, you two are finally trending together!" Li Xize yelled.

"It's not easy, why did you get you up from the dark underground room when you first saw a girl?" Situ Yan continued.

Owen laughed wildly,

"That's not right, Shangguan, you are still shirtless and the lights are dim. Could it be that you are planning to do something bad?"

"It seems that the posture is not right?" Ji Yicheng smiled even more coquettishly, "Could it be that the good show was interrupted?"


Suddenly, the corners of Shangguan Yu's eyes twitched violently, his perfect handsome face was almost distorted to hideous, and a raging anger rushed straight to the top of his head,

"It's good that you know!!"


Hang up decisively!

Depend on**!This group of people are definitely professional pit friends for 18 years. What about the promised brothers, what about the agreed-upon god assists!

Can't I let Lao Tzu eat fresh and tender white rabbit meat smoothly? !


"Honey, let's continue..." Shangguanyu looked up, and the next second, the corners of his mouth collapsed before he finished speaking.

What's more, it collapsed...in a shaky way.

Qiao Chujian was wrapped in a thin blanket and half leaned on the back of the bed, with the mobile phone in her hand facing her delicate face, and Jing Qingge and Chi Shenshen's wailing laughter continued to be heard.

It turned out that the three girlfriends also had a video chat.

Chi Shenshen was yelling,

"It's good to see you for the first time. I heard that the little tyrant said that you and Shangguan have been sneaking around for several days, but you didn't tell us! Come on! Be honest!"

"Hey, what is 'gou, and'?" Qiao Chujian expressed his innocence.

"That's stealing!" Jing Qingge narrowed his eyes with a smirk.

Qiao Chu saw, "..." Qingge, you are definitely a godsend! →_→


Hearing the voice of a certain Shangguan Boss, the two women in the video were so excited that they screamed across the screen.

"For the first time, it was Shangguan who was talking just now?!"

"I heard correctly, he called you..."

"Wife!!!" The two women roared together.

"Ahem..." Qiao Chujian raised her head and met her boyfriend's miserable eyes. Her face was full of desire and dissatisfaction. She didn't know whether she was comforting him or the two girlfriends, "Calm down, calm down."

Jing Qingge exclaimed,

"There's no way to calm down. You guys are calling your husband and wife. I only called him husband after Ji Yicheng proposed to me!"

the pool is deep,

"So Shangguan proposed to you? Impossible, if you really propose, you must tell us immediately!"

"What did Shangguan just say?"

"Listen, continue? Continue with what?"

"you two……"

The two girlfriends sang together, and Qiao Chu was embarrassed when he saw the gorgeousness. He squinted at Shangguanyu from the corner of his eyes, and then pointed in the direction of the bathroom.


【To take a bath. 】


In an instant, Shangguanyu's dark face was frozen with ice, and his attitude was firm:

I do not!

To eat meat!

The corner of a certain young master's mouth pursed, he reached out his hand to get under the tightly wrapped thin blanket, held her slender ankle, and rubbed her fingertips seductively.

Qiao Chu was ashamed when he saw her, and kicked her away. You should go take a shower!Qing Ge and Shen Shen are still chatting online!

Shangguanyu, "..."

Don't they all say that sex is more important than friends?

Seeing the white rabbit meat flying away like this, the big-tailed wolf is really aggrieved...!

 The eighth update is over~!Ask for a monthly pass!Recommended tickets!Reward~

  Mr. Shangguan: Rabbit mother, are you so stuck with me and the meat I met for the first time, are you afraid of being sent razor blades by the little rabbits!

  Big Rabbit: Actually... I'm afraid.

  Good night, have a mouth~



(End of this chapter)

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