I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1482 When I first met the girl, she said that she was really innocent

Chapter 1482 When I first met the girl, she said that she was really innocent

The nails on his fingertips embedded in the skin of his back, leaving messy and horizontal marks.

Countless tactful sentimentality.

Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, the sun is shining brightly, but it can't match the fiery tenderness in the room...


Afterwards, a certain girl who met for the first time was almost so ashamed that she faced the wall and thought about it!

She was actually on the sofa in the living room with her own wolf with a big tail in broad daylight, under the bright sky...!

And, not, more than once!

How exactly does this process happen? !

Didn't you watch the TV series well, why did you get rolling again after watching it?

Qiao Chujian covered her face deeply, and roared silently in her heart for the [-]th time, it's over, it's over, she really has completely fallen/fallen.

By the way, what kind of evil wind was he lying on her ear at that time?

[Replace the sofa at home? 】

Does he think the sofa is too small?

Seeing that the corners of Qiao Chu's mouth twitched suddenly, she really couldn't look directly at the function of the sofa!

He couldn't help rolling his eyes again, and glared fiercely at the man lying beside him, who even held her body tightly.


The big boss, who was full of food and drinks, smiled contentedly, and stretched out his hand to pull a strand of satin hair that was accidentally scattered on her cheek behind her ear.

When she saw Chu Jian's staring eyes, she obviously wanted to express a very strong accusation, but her eyes still had the moistness that had not completely faded after the affair, and her originally light and plain face was also flushed with crimson jade.

This look is even more charming.

Like a blooming rose.

"What's wrong?" Shangguanyu pretended not to understand, his voice coaxing.

Qiao Chujian narrowed her wet eyes, what's wrong?What's the matter, you're pretending to be ignorant again.

Her body was weak and tight, and her hands were also tightly bound by him. The girl became angry from embarrassment, and bit his bare chest irrationally.

Bite deep.

Suddenly, a row of clearly visible teeth marks.

Shangguanyu's shoulders tightened unexpectedly, his back straightened, and a glint of black ink welled up in his eyes.

Qiao Chujian saw the two clusters of burning flames very clearly, flickering surprisingly.

"Ayu, you..." However, all the voices behind were completely drowned out, and they were once again pulled into the surging tide.

The girl regretted deeply again, wasn't she fine just now?

This is the rest...

Why did it move again?

"Honey, concentrate, otherwise..." She couldn't hear the words behind, as if her voice had been crushed.

Ups and downs.


So, during the following weekend, a certain girl was pestered by her big boss who had just started meat/eating/meat.

Eat more marrow and taste.

Until the next Sunday at noon, when Ji Yicheng called, the two of them were still lying on the bed in the bedroom, and a girl who met for the first time said that she was really innocent, and innocent...

"It's not up yet." On the phone, Ji Yicheng gave a wicked smile.

Shangguanyu looked down at the head resting in his arms, and suddenly the corners of his lips curled up, and he snorted.

"Come on, I've been rolling on the bed for two days, and this time it's finally your turn to meet the couple. Go to Blue Harbor at night." Ji Yicheng said again.

Shangguanyu raised his eyebrows, "Where's Qingge?"

"My wife proposed this party!" Ji Da Boss suddenly raised his voice on the phone, his tone...

Shangguanyu couldn't help laughing, "Understood."

 Big Rabbit has something to go out in the afternoon, so I wasted time~ There are two more updates



(End of this chapter)

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