I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1483 My wife wants to talk to your wife by telegram

Chapter 1483 My Wife Wants to Talk to Your Wife on the Phone

Shangguanyu couldn't help laughing, "Understood."

Now Qingge is pregnant for more than eight months, and seeing that the due date is only one month away, Ji Yicheng has already packed up and moved back to Ji's villa, which is more convenient for Ai Qianqian to take care of her daughter-in-law.

Because Jing Qingge accidentally sprained her foot at home, it was not a big deal, but in the end, Ji Yicheng almost passed out from fright.

Decisively ask for maternity leave during the last month of pregnancy, and let his father go to the company to sit in charge.


So these days, Ji Sanshao really doesn't want to see his evil son. He gets annoyed when he sees him, and the frequency of rolling his eyes is more than double than before.

Ji Yicheng was at home on vacation, and stayed by Jing Qingge's side all day long, served by Haosheng who served tea and water.

Wherever the real wife goes, the big boss follows her, even going to the bathroom. The reason is:

"The bathroom floor is slippery, what if I fall?"

A certain cutie twitched her lips, and stared at the non-slip absorbent blanket under her feet with a bright expression on her face.

All the bathrooms at home are covered with such a floor, how could she fall?

Silently support the forehead.

Thick helplessness, helplessness...

The principle that Ji Da Boss adheres to recently is, [I will not go out if Baoer can go out].

I just hope that his wife can stay at home obediently, lying in bed and resting is the best, for fear of being bumped by something blind when going out.

He literally rips people into mop cloths! ! !


So when Jing Qingge proposed to go to Linekong to play this time, Ji Yicheng disagreed from a hundred to a thousand, and he jumped three feet high and voted against it with both hands and feet.

However, the crux of the problem is, in front of the lovely wife, does the evil husband still have the right to make a decision?Is there any more?

The answer is obvious, I reward you with four words:

You, ya, bullshit, dull!

A certain big Boss has chest tightness and tears in his eyes. He has always only had the right to participate, and has no right to make decisions at all! ┭┮﹏┭┮...

The truth is, still four words:

Old, old, most, big!


Shangguanyu was smiling, and Jing Qingge's innocent and harmless voice came vaguely from the phone,

"Ji Yicheng, you lost your temper just now..."


"Then you are so loud?"

"It's just... I'm excited for my brother!" The evil voice suddenly weakened, very weak...


Ji Yicheng wiped off his sweat, and quickly sent a message to the mobile phone, "My wife wants to talk to your wife, please flash."

Before Shangguanyu could respond, the girl next to her stretched out her arm and took away the mobile phone stuck to her ear. She raised her other slender hand and waved it.

"I am hungry."

Shangguanyu quickly ran downstairs to cook.

Jing Qingge lay on the couch of the concubine in the living room, cast a sideways glance, and Ji Yicheng understood it in seconds, turned around and went to the kitchen to make fruit salad.

The seamless stitching of the two big bosses who are busy in the kitchen is very harmonious.


In the evening, Blue Harbor Bar.

A large group of people are all present, and Jing Qingge is definitely the most important protection object.

Not to mention the balloon-like pregnant belly that would not spill a drop on a bowl of water, no one would dare to bump into that evildoer's frowning, squinting, grinning ferocious face just by her side.

However, Chi Shenshen was the one who dared to risk his life. As soon as he saw Jing Qingge, he hugged and kissed Jing Qingge, and even kissed his son and daughter after kissing his best friend.

Seeing Xuan Shengbei's eyelids twitching, he was ready to rush to protect his girlfriend at any time.

Brother Cheng's face turned black!

(End of this chapter)

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