I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1484 I am the most beautiful baby!

Chapter 1484 I am the most beautiful girl!

Brother Cheng's face turned black!

The situation is very bad.

Xuan Shengbei winked at Chi Shenshen vigorously, but was beaten back to his original shape by Chi Shenshen's words,

"Erbai, why are you so excited?"

A certain little Beibei, "..." burst into tears silently.

All the children in the box looked at Xuan Er Shao's shriveled and aggrieved face with infinite sympathy, and laughed one by one.


Shangguanyu and Qiao Chujian were late, but they were not the latest ones. Tang Haotian said on the phone that they were still stuck on the road.

"Let me tell you, the two of you called within half an hour and said you were packing up and getting ready to go out, why did you keep getting ink stains for so long?" Li Xize squinted his eyes with an evil smile.

Owen said,

"That is, it takes at most 15 minutes from your villa to Blue Harbor."

Immediately, Qiao Chu saw that his cheeks were flushed, and the roots of his ears were slightly hot. He quietly turned his hands behind his back and pinched Shangguanyu.


Originally, they were indeed ready to go out half an hour ago, but when they went upstairs and went back to their room to change their clothes, Qiao realized something was wrong at first sight.

Facing the glass mirror in the bathroom, his face was bloody rose red.

Around her neck... on her chest... are all the masterpieces of a certain big-tailed wolf, filled with ambiguous little/strawberries/berries.

Some from yesterday, and some from this morning.

Her skin was already fair, and this looked as conspicuous as possible.

Especially the point below the collarbone, the bite is more clear, and it is not covered by the powder.

Shangguanyu had already changed his clothes, so he opened the door and walked in directly.

He saw Chujian wearing a long dress with thin shoulder straps, his satin hair was scattered, and the deep and shallow kiss scars were just like that in front of his eyes.

Suddenly, a fire lit up in Shangguanyu's throat, and he was extremely thirsty.

Qiao Chujian stared at the mirror and complained, but he still didn't notice his darkening eyes, "Look, I can't wear a skirt anymore, so I don't know how to be gentle."

"Well, then I'll be gentle." Qiao Chu was startled when he first saw it, and heard the deep and hoarse voice in the man's words.

Just as he was about to take a step back, he was already enveloped in a handsome suit.

The two sat in the bathroom for a while longer.

So, no, it's a waste of time.


Shangguanyu's waist suddenly felt numb, and the fabric of summer clothes is thin, and the twisting and pinching really... hurts.

However, the pain is the pain, a certain young master still looks calm, I glanced at the past coolly,

"You will know when you have girlfriends and wives."

So, a certain group of men without girlfriends or wives collectively lay down their guns, why dig a hole for themselves!


Shangguanyu snorted and turned his head to kiss his wife, but the girl beside him had already gone to hug his best friend.

Shangguanyu, "..."

A group of bachelors who had just been despised all rolled their eyes and came back with contempt. They must be despised.

The three girlfriends have not been together for more than three months. Qiao Chujian started to promote with the crew after returning from F city for a few days. Chi Shenshen just went to the United States in those few days, and it was even more inconvenient for Qingge to be pregnant. , so they are all chatting on video.

Qiao Chujian took Jing Qingge's hand, looked left and right,

"Tsk, she looks like a pregnant woman at last, and gained some weight."

When Qingge was five or six months pregnant, if it wasn't for her big belly, she would never have thought she was pregnant, but now she is a little richer.

Jing Qingge's mouth twitched suddenly, and Ji Yicheng hurried over to kiss him, grinning,

"That's because I'm well-raised! I give Baoer the most beauty!"

 The eighth update is over~!In other words, the little cutie is about to give birth, and the little rabbits come and give the twins a nickname!

  Ask for a monthly pass!Recommended tickets!Give me a reward~

  Good night, Big Rabbit sleeps~



(End of this chapter)

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