I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1497 Wife, haven't you hidden me yet?

Chapter 1497 Wife, haven't you hidden me yet?

It's just...inexplicable!

Qiao Chu was the first and only one to feel the chill from a big boss.

Whoosh, the temperature in the compartment dropped suddenly...


Qiao Chujian quickly grabbed his hand, and gently squeezed his distinctly slender fingers,

"Hey, Auntie is also worried about you. Who told you to be a cold-faced king all day long? When I first saw you, I couldn't hold back my heart trembling."

Her laughter was shallow, her pure voice was crisp and soft, and there was a hint of girlishness in it, and the tender and soft touch came from her fingertips.

Immediately, the knot in Shangguan Yu's chest disappeared miraculously, and he became more gentle.

He slammed on the brakes and stopped by the side of the road.

Qiao Chu hadn't recovered from the first sight, and the whole person fell forward unexpectedly due to inertia, and was tightly protected by the arms lying on his chest in the next second, and approached her, and circled her in. into his arms.

"You..." As soon as she opened her mouth, her thin lips with a faint lemongrass fragrance covered her lips tightly, and a low-mellow magnetic voice filled the corners of her lips.

"Honey, I'll let you feel it tonight. Is your husband sexual, cold, or indifferent?"

The last three words are specially accented.

As he said that, he intentionally bit her, and the big hand that clasped her waist even more provocatively squeezed it lightly.


When Qiao Chu saw it, her waist became numb, her breathing became short of breath, and she flapped her eyes lightly, with a faint gleam in her clear eyes.

"Ayu, I've felt it, I've felt it, you're absolutely not!" Qiao Chu saw the sincerity of being very ruthless.

Shangguanyu hooked the corners of his lips with a half-smile,

"not enough."

What is not enough?

Is she not sincere enough or is it not enough for him to throw himself down and eat meat? o(╯□╰)o


However, in the evening, he failed to have a full meal as a certain big-tailed wolf wished.

Because after dinner, as soon as his future mother-in-law called, and her mother called, his wife took her bag and went home resentfully.

When Shangguanyu drove Qiao Chujian back, he saw two elders standing at the door of his house from a distance.

Qiao Chu was taken aback when he first saw it, and murmured in a daze,

"This... what's the situation?"

Shangguanyu's smoky eyes were slightly deep, and a hidden smile appeared, then he took her hand and got out of the car together.

"Uncle and aunt, I'm Shangguanyu, my first boyfriend." It was Shangguanyu who called first, with a very respectful and humble attitude.

Qiao Chu shrank next to Shangguanyu with a guilty conscience of being caught for doing something wrong, and realized that he squeezed his wrist slightly before regaining consciousness, and hurriedly yelled,

"Mom and Dad."


Qiao's father and Qiao's mother glanced at a certain girl speechlessly. Is this their clever daughter?

Qiao's mother pulled Qiao Chujian, stared in feigned anger, lowered her voice,

"You said you have been dating for more than half a year, and the TV is on, how long are you going to hide her?"

"Ah..." Qiao Chujian was taken aback for a moment.

When did she hide...how could she not know...

Then look at the three eyes cast in front of her in unison, especially the slightly pursed corner of the mouth of a certain big boss, she can naturally understand that playful smile.

Wife, haven't you hidden me yet?

Qiao Chujian silently looked back at the past.


So what... seems to be a little bit...


This is, embarrassing.

When Qiao Chu saw the big boss, he was really aggrieved.

(End of this chapter)

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