I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1498 Mr. Shangguan really wants to marry Chapter 1

Chapter 1498 Mr. Shangguan really wants to get married 1

Really wronged.

Shangguanyu smiled, his deep eyes full of doting, even in front of the future father-in-law, he held her thin hand even tighter, and held it in the palm of his hand full of warmth.


Qiao's mother and Qiao's father looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

They naturally know their daughter's relationship status. In the past six months, except for the three months when Chujian went to F City to film, the child from Shangguanyu sent Chujian home almost every night. Adults don't know.

Not to mention the confession of the century some time ago, even when they met a neighbor when they went out, they would ask them.

Qiao's mother looked at Shang Guanyu and smiled amiably,

"Xiaoyu, don't mind if Auntie calls you like that."

"Not at all, that's what my father and mother call me." Shangguanyu was even more intimate.

The girl who was silently blushing and embarrassing at the side instantly widened her eyes.


This change of words is a bit quick, maybe it's really the mother-in-law looking at her son-in-law, the more she looks more satisfied!


Mother Joe went on to say,

"It's not sensible to fall in love for the first time, and I haven't mentioned it to us. Xiaoyu, when you have time, come to your house for dinner."

A bright cluster of light flashed across the bottom of Shangguanyu's eyes, and he nodded without hesitation,

"It's not my fault when I first met her. She was too busy filming. I didn't think carefully. I should have come to visit my uncle and aunt at home earlier."

The big boss resolutely took all the responsibility on himself, rather, protecting his wife!

Qiao's mother and Qiao's father also smiled. What Qiao's mother said just now was of course intentional. How could she really blame her daughter? The son-in-law answered very satisfactorily.

Mother Joe nodded,

"What about tomorrow? It's just the weekend, and your uncle doesn't have to go to school."

Shangguanyu looked respectfully at Father Qiao, who had been silent all this time, and felt a "thump" in his heart. He was very kind,

"it is good."

"Ding ►€ defeat?br />
Finally, a certain girl who had been wandering in space all this time flew back with seven souls and six spirits.


When Qiao Chujian completely recovered, she realized that she and the big boss were left at the door of her house.

He was staring at himself with his forehead slightly bent, his lips curled into a shallow arc, and the white moonlight set off his deep ink-stained eyes even deeper.

"Honey, I'm obviously the one who is nervous about seeing my father-in-law and mother-in-law tomorrow, why do you look more nervous than me?"

Shangguanyu's tone was joking, but he couldn't hide a bit of affection.

When Qiao Chu saw "shua", his face was full of crimson clouds, and his head was like a movie replay, recalling the conversation between his two adults and his boyfriend just now, and he swallowed a little.


"I'll come over at about nine o'clock, do you think it's all right?"

"No, didn't you go down to say that you will go to City F on a business trip tomorrow?"

"I'll buy the presents for my uncle and aunt. You don't have to get up early tomorrow to wait for me. You can sleep a little longer and have a holiday."

Qiao Chujian's exquisite eyebrows and eyes were all wrinkled into a ball, the conversation between the two of them was simply wrong!


"I'm talking to you, don't you have something to do tomorrow." She was so anxious that she directly grabbed his hand even more, without knowing it.

Shangguanyu lowered his gaze slightly, watching his arms being held in her arms, the corners of his lips curved a little deeper, he raised his hand to touch her round earlobes,

"Nothing is as important as meeting father-in-law and mother-in-law."

Qiao Chujian was stunned for half a second, and soon the pinnae of his ears turned red.

(End of this chapter)

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