I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1525 Monstrous father-in-law PK dog and dog godfather! 4

Chapter 1525 Monstrous father-in-law PK dog and dog godfather! 4

All the children were dumbfounded.

"I'm going! I didn't look at the flowers, did I? The little prince was laughing at Shi Ming just now?!" Owen was so startled that his blue eyes were round.

The onlookers all had the same shocked expression, little prince, you definitely didn't look at the flowers.


However, a certain father's face was already dark.

"Owen, what nonsense are you talking about!" Ji Yicheng wanted to shout, but he was afraid of scaring the little princess in his arms, so he lowered his voice abruptly.

The little prince lay gun innocently, fell to the ground and died...

Shi Ming rolled his eyes, stretched out his hand and gently hooked the little guy's thin fingers, "Ji Yicheng, I know you are envious of me, so I won't argue with you."

Ji Yicheng,...

This Inuyasha returned to him what he had just said in the corridor. →_→

"Who is jealous of you? My son must be smiling at me!" The big boss said without blushing.

Even Shangguanyu couldn't hold back the corners of his mouth from shaking, and Qiqi had a disgusted expression of "Is it really okay for you to deceive yourself like this, you evildoer?"

"Husband, do you remember that you are your own father?" Jing Qingge was sipping hot soup, and made a decisive stab, with a cool and cool tone.

Ji Yicheng, "..."

He suddenly didn't want to talk to Qing Bao'er.



Ai Qianqian has already carried the little princess over.

Ji Yicheng was still staring at the little guy, and slapped Shi Ming's arm away with his palm, why are you pulling my son's little hand.

"Come on, little brat, give your father a smile." The big boss gritted his teeth and smiled.

However, the little crown prince didn't even look over the corner of his eyes, and still looked at Shi Ming with his small mouth pursed.

Obviously, people don't want to talk to you.

Ji Yicheng suddenly wanted to throw his son out of the window...

Everyone looked at Youyou sympathetically, gloating all over their faces, Li Xize laughed fearlessly,

"Monster, it seems that you kicked your son's iron plate, and now you are disgusted. This is called the Avengers Alliance. This round of godfather wins, hahaha..."

Collectively change to the "we all agree" emoji.

The corner of Ji Yicheng's mouth twitched, he was wrong, he threw these brothers off the balcony!


Jing Qingge has already drank half a bowl of corn soup,

"Ji Yicheng, it seems that sons are more rare than godfathers."

When Shi Ming heard the words, he squinted over showing off, look, Xiao Qing said so, facts speak louder than words.

Immediately, Ji Yicheng felt sore in his heart, feeling a small arrow "xiu" suddenly poke his heart.

Then he stared fiercely at his own son, and there was still a little bit of...sorrow in his eyes.

And kiss my son!

Even my own father doesn't recognize me!

Dislike you!

The little prince suddenly turned his peachy eyes slightly, and the gaze that had been on Shi Ming's face finally looked at his father.

Ji Yicheng's throat rolled up and down, his eyes widened, and then he saw his son really smiled.

The thin and tender little red lips are much more obvious than the action of hooking the corners of the mouth to smile just now, coupled with the pair of dark peach blossom eyes, it has almost inherited Ji Yicheng's coquettish/coquettish energy .


Ji Yicheng burst out laughing,

"Little bastard is smiling at me! Did you see that! Hurry up and see clearly!"

Only then did everyone come to their senses, turning back and forth on the faces of the big and small monsters, Shangguan Yu said in a leisurely tone,

"It really is my own."

Ji Yicheng snorted, and rolled his eyes at Shiming, "Please step aside, your godfather is the ultimate true love!"

Shi Ming, "..."

Qiao Chujian and Chi Shenshen were teasing the little princess, and Chi Shenshen shouted, "What's the name of these two babies? Have you two made up your mind?"

 Today's update~ On the big boss who was promoted to become a father, and the way to be arrogant.

  The name of the dragon and phoenix baby, the little rabbits raise their paws if they want to know, the big rabbit thinks so much that his head hurts, haha.

  It's the end of the month again, keep begging for monthly tickets!

  Good night, Big Rabbit will go to the hospital for an examination tomorrow, okay~



(End of this chapter)

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