I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1526 Big Treasure and Little Treasure See You Every Day

Chapter 1526 Big Treasure and Little Treasure See You Every Day

Chi Shenshen suddenly shouted in surprise, "What are the names of these two babies? Have you and your wife thought it out?"

Everyone looked at the little woman on the hospital bed in unison.


Jing Qingge was drinking porridge, and raised the small spoon in his hand,

"Don't even look at me, our big boss has always been in charge of naming things."

As a result, everyone showed a look of "doesn't all your big bosses listen to you?"

The corner of Jing Qingge's mouth pouted, how innocent she is.

The big boss said from the very beginning that he couldn't do anything except go into the delivery room to give birth, and he would do everything else, from naming the milk bag to serving the wife during confinement, all the evildoers would do it.

Ji Yicheng hurriedly rushed out with an expression of "protecting my wife", sitting tight on the edge of the bed, staring at each other from the corner of his eyes,

"My son and daughter are not in a hurry, you emperors are not in a hurry and the eunuchs are in a hurry!"


Silently burst into tears. ┭┮﹏┭┮


"Those are two little guys who can't talk yet, you see if they are in a hurry." Shangguanyu hit the nail on the head indifferently.

Xuan Shengbei nodded his head to answer,

"It's obvious that my own father hasn't chosen a good name yet."

Everyone in the ward was silent for a second.

Eyeballs of horror or shock stared straight at Xuan Shengbei who had just spoken, and said in unison, "You dare to say Xiao Beibei, I am not afraid that you will kill you with sparks and lightning." Furious expression.

Xuan Shengbei looked back and forth,

"what happened?"

Qiao Chu couldn't help laughing at first sight,

"Shen Shen, hurry up and educate your melon Erbai."

Chi Shenshen fell down on Xuan Shengbei's shoulder with a smile, and touched/rubbed Xuan Shengbei's face in a very rogue manner,

"It's so cute! My Erbai can expose the truth with just one sentence!!"

A certain little Beibei was still infinitely confused.


The corners of Ji Yicheng's eyes were twitching, kind of... annoyed?

"What do you know! Is it so easy to choose a name, let alone my baby! Of course you have to think carefully!"

"Thought it out?" Owen leaned over resolutely, not afraid of death, and laughed so hard that his branches trembled, "Monster, you have been thinking about this for seven or eight months, and the Xinhua dictionary in your office is probably almost turned over. It's rotten, this thoughtful thought has sharpened my brain."

The subtext is,

[I didn't even think of the two names, Big Boss, isn't your evil genius not a human IQ?Could it be that he was offline all the time like that bastard Xiao Bei? 】

A group of people unitedly threw a row of disgusting bomb holes, Chi Shenshen still put it on Xuan Shengbei's shoulder and smiled,

"Hahaha, then I'll just call him Big Baoer and Little Baoer."

"No!" Ji Yicheng strongly objected.

"Little name, listen, how down-to-earth, Dabao and Xiaobao see you every day." Tang Haotian also joked.

"Get out." Ji Yicheng admired the big white eyes of the Globe, and said solemnly, "I already have Bao'er."

Everyone paused for half a second in astonishment, and instantly understood.


Qing Bao'er! ! !


So, a group of children beat their chests, kicked the legs of the sofa, and finally looked at the sky silently, choking with emotion, it doesn't take you husband and wife to show their affection in such a fancy way.

Jing Qingge held her face with a smile, she is so innocent!

Collective depression...

(End of this chapter)

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