I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1550 Big Boss Says Wife 1 Has Been Pregnant for 3 Years

Chapter 1550 The big boss said that his wife has been pregnant for three years

Li Xize spoke out everyone's hearts in one sentence.

After Situ Yan accepted the words, he narrowed his eyes happily,

"That's why those two people have been pretending not to know each other today, and Ganqing has already hooked up with us without telling us. Tsk tsk, the little tyrant is hiding deep enough."

With a flash of his head, Owen suddenly hugged Situ Yan and howled,

"I remembered, all day today I just saw the little tyrant slashing me hard with his white eyeballs, and I wondered if I lost money in the mahjong fight a few days ago..."

"I'm jealous of you!" Xiao Beibei, who has always been emotionally sensitive, could see it, and everyone silently cast [-] sympathetic eyes at the little prince.

Owen immediately wanted to perform a boulder-breaking performance,

"Little Tyrant, you should have said it earlier, you can't bully a friend's wife, I'm still very sensible and a gentleman, I've been turning my elbows towards you..."

The collective burst into laughter.

Owen, if you really want to be a Chinese joker, it will definitely increase your popularity faster than your status as the little British prince, swish swish swish.

Owen was speechless, weeping for a thousand lines, he was very innocent...really...very innocent...

Woohoo ┭┮﹏┭┮

These people decided to let Tang Haotian go tonight, and go to gossip with him tomorrow to gossip about adulterous affairs. They made a fuss all day, and hurried home to rest.


Ji Yicheng and Jing Qingge have already returned to the villa.

He carried her directly upstairs, and before Jing Qingge said to go and see the crown prince and Xiao Tiantian first, Ji Yicheng carried her straight to the nursery.

The twins are already asleep.

It's only been a full moon, and the two little guys are already pink and tender. Their smooth cheeks are white and rosy, and their curled eyelashes are absolutely heaven-defying.

Jing Qingge also posted a photo of the little prince's eyelashes before, and the cuteness made the netizens' faces go crazy, and the blood gauge was instantly empty.

The two little guys are very lively, but as a mother, Jing Qingge found out after careful observation.

The crown prince has definitely inherited Ji Yicheng's monstrosity, but he feels that his black-bellied and glamorous vigor tends to be better than blue.

Xiao Tiantian is a cute baby, she will laugh at anyone who teases her, especially when she is hugged by Ji Yicheng, her big black eyes are all smiling.

As a result, a certain doting girl mad daddy almost didn't go crazy with joy. It is conceivable that the big boss's discriminating treatment of sons and daughters has taken it to a higher level.


No, Ji Yicheng squatted next to the crib, bent down again, and pursed his lips to kiss his precious golden egg lightly.

As for the son next to him, he directly threw a look of "I don't want to talk to you", and the prince slowly realized it in his sleep.

Jing Qingge couldn't help laughing, and kissed the little guy too.

Son, I love you for my mother!

"We went to rest too." Ji Yicheng smiled, and directly hugged Jing Qingge who was squatting on the ground, her legs automatically wrapped around his waist, and she was held in his arms like a child .

"Click"?br />
Gently closed the door.

The two went back to their bedroom next door, Jing Qingge suddenly thought of something,

"Ji Yicheng, I discovered something."


"You seem to have always kissed your daughter's face. I have never seen you kiss." She thought it was accidental, but after observation, it seemed not.

Never seen it once.

Jing Qingge ravaged his face unscrupulously, and his skin was better than hers, "Isn't Xiao Tiantian your heart and soul, why don't you give me a kiss?"

"Qing Bao'er, I just wanted to say that it looks like my wife hasn't been pregnant for three years."

 Yesterday’s [-]th update is finished, this is the first update of today~ Big Rabbit has something to go out at the moment, come back and continue to update~ okay?

  Deep Erbai, little tyrant king Shuifu, little huanghuang, little Feifei... the comments of the little rabbits, the big rabbits have seen birds, what do you want to see the most?



(End of this chapter)

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