I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1551 2 Bai asked, "Shen Shen, what kind of wedding do you like?"

Chapter 1551 Erbai asked, "Shen Shen, what kind of wedding do you like?"

Suddenly, I thought of the things I hadn't finished talking about when I came back from the bar at night.

Jing Qingge rolled around on the bed, reached for the mobile phone on the bedside table, and was about to make a call to Shen Shen when the phone rang.


"I was about to call you, and I was taken aback." Jing Qingge lazily hung in the air and shook her thin legs.

"So this is Wannian girlfriend love." Chi Shenshen yelled on the phone, his voice sounded weak, "I met a couple tonight on their wedding night, I think if I make an emotional harassment call to Chujian right now , I guess her husband..."

"Impossible, Mr. Shangguan absolutely turned off both of their mobile phones. You have no chance to complain to the bride at all." Before Chi Shenshen could finish speaking, Jing Qingge ended in blood.

Quite... sharp.

"..." Chi Shenshen gave a thumbs up silently, "The strongest golden sentence."

Jing Qingge sneered and laughed.

Chi rolled his eyes deeply,

"Then you dare to ask Mrs. Boss, I am not disturbing you and your husband's lingering lingering to the end of the world right now?"

"If the big boss and I are passionately burning, can we still have time to answer your harassing calls?" Jing Qingge asked back with a smile.

Chi choked deeply, gritted his teeth and roared

"Sure enough, in the end... it hurt my heart!"


Jing Qingge couldn't stop laughing, listening to Chi Shenshen's energy on the phone, she pulled back the corners of her mouth, her playful tone became more serious, and she turned to the topic,

"Second Young Master Xuan sent you back tonight?"


"Then have you talked to him?"


In the bedroom, Chi Shenshen also lay on the bed after taking a shower, and glanced at the big white pillow in his arms, which was given to her by Xuan Shengbei before.

At that time, it was just the summer vacation, and she went to the United States by herself, and took a plane back to China, and the two melon seeds were waiting for her at the airport early.

She came out of the exit with the passenger flow, there were so many people, and she saw a certain young master Bai standing in the crowd from a distance.

With a handsome appearance and a handsome body, he is particularly eye-catching, and the girls next to him are all eyes full of nymphomaniacs.

He also saw her at a glance, waved at her and grinned vigorously, holding the giant white doll in his arms, and yelled,

"Deep, deep..."

For fear that no one can hear it!

Tsk, not to mention how stupid! o(╯□╰)o

Simply stupid!

She wanted to silently pretend to be a passerby and leave quickly.

But it was that silly look on her face that made her a young girl's heart so cute, and her blood flow biubiu exploded.


Thinking about it, Chi Shenshen's bright black eyes suddenly dimmed a little, and his chest felt a little stuffy.

"Little Gezi, do you know what that Erguazi asked me when Shangguan and I first met at the wedding ceremony?" Chi sighed deeply again, his chin resting on Dabai's face, his mouth was vague grunt.

"Eh?" Jing Qingge narrowed his almond eyes quickly, and a gossip filled his brows, "Could it be asking when you want to get married?"

Chi pursed his lips deeply, "Almost..."

At that time, although there were deafening thunderous applause all around, and the wedding master of ceremonies also shouted excitedly with the microphone when he asked her, in fact, she still heard it.

Xuan Shengbei asked her,

[Shen Shen, what kind of wedding do you like? 】

His ears were red.

She also followed her heart beating violently, like a deer bumping wildly, "thump, boom, boom".

(End of this chapter)

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