I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1553 You have completely fallen into my hands in this life, how can I still be afraid of you

Chapter 1553 You have completely fallen into my hands in this life, how can I still be afraid of your empathy?

"... After all, she is so white, and still likes you so much."

The last sentence is a joke.

Chi Shenshen couldn't hold back his laughter either, that handsome face suddenly appeared in his head, and when he smiled, a pair of dark blue eyes would faintly reveal a layer of dark blue light.

Very charming.

Indeed, white.


hang up the phone.

Jing Qingge temporarily ignored a certain staring gaze around her, almost staring a hole in her head, and put the phone back on the bedside table.

"Wife!" The yell was fast and urgent, Ji Yicheng grabbed Jing Qingge's shoulder, pulled it over, and sat cross-legged facing each other.

Jing Qingge blinked and smiled innocently,

"Is the monstrous monk taking a bath?"

"..." Ji Yicheng's heart suddenly became extremely stuffy, his wife is simply too black-bellied, why don't you gloat so much!

"Qing Bao'er, you just said that it's possible to empathize with someone else!" The big boss really came to confront her.

With a look of being slandered by his wife...murderous look.

Why is that Erbai a zero-probability event, it is possible to come to him!


However, Jing Qingge didn't panic at all, and even pouted at her, "It's just you."

"It's impossible for me to die!" The big boss suddenly roared.

Decisive, mad.

Jing Qingge silently supported his forehead, a little... so angry that his ears were almost deaf from this guy's shouting, he waited for a minute before raising his hand,

"I mean, didn't you and Xiao Feifei grow up in the 'Brokeback Mountain Alliance', and finally empathized and stopped falling in love with me."

"..." Ji Yicheng was taken aback for a moment, his throat suddenly choked up, and he had a suspicious expression of "do you really mean that?"

Jing Qingge frowned, pounced on him, and twisted Ji Yicheng's ear,

"Why, don't you trust your wife?"



"Letter!" The big boss shouted with a gloomy face, and instantly felt the urge to throw the little villain in his arms.

However, just think about it.

drop it?Are you kidding about an alien planet? My wife wants to treat her like a crystal baby and hold her in her hand, okay?


Jing Qingge laughed straight, and rubbed his forehead wantonly against his protruding Adam's apple.

He raised his eyes again, his curled eyelashes brushed lightly over his chiseled chin, his eyes sparkled,

"Ji Yicheng, I am the strongest rival in love who has broken up evildoers and goblins for more than [-] years. You have completely fallen into my hands in this life. How can I still be afraid of your empathy?"

He loves her much more than he loves himself.

It even got to the point where she was jealous of herself.

Even if there are a group of stripped, naked, and sexy beauties in front of him at this moment, this guy will kick them all out without even sweeping his eyes.

It's such a domineering trust.

Because it was he who gave her the confidence to love her invincible life.


Ji Yicheng was slightly startled, and his pair of pitch-black peach blossom eyes were suddenly bright and startling.

"Wife..." The corner of the Big Boss's mouth grinned, and the sound was drawn out. He hugged and leaned over to make out, and instantly looked like a flattering and coquettish little wolf dog.

Jing Qingge slapped "pia",

"You want to take a cold shower again?"

"..." Qing Baoer, can you not mention this!

Jing Qingge smiled, and pecked his thin thin lips, "Solve your greed."


Ji Yicheng had no choice but to hug Jing Qingge into his arms, and lay down together, "Sleeping."

"I can't sleep yet, I'm still thinking about Shen Shen Xuan Er."

 Fourth update, continue to update the article~~~ Little rabbits, are you thinking deeply about Erbai?Aww~



(End of this chapter)

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