I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1554 2 Bai, I will go to your office to play with you tomorrow

Chapter 1554 Erbai, I will go to your office to play with you tomorrow

"I can't sleep yet, I'm still thinking about Shen Shen Xuan Er."

"Why don't you miss me?"

"You're right next to my pillow, what do I miss you for?" Jing Qingge raised his eyes and stared over, listen, the tone of the big boss was sour.

Ji Yicheng snorted coldly, the corners of his mouth curled up.

Jing Qingge ignored him,

"Shen Shen was very depressed on the phone just now, and I was a little worried."

"As far as Xiao Beibei's emotional intelligence is touching, he even said something like going home with Chi Shenshen and being a son-in-law, what are you worried about?" While speaking, Ji Yicheng directly covered Jing Qingge's eyes with his big hand, " Go to sleep."

Jing Qingge gently closed his eyes, and a faint warm orange light from the desk lamp penetrated through his fingers, and smiled sweetly,

"That's right, Erbei is so cute, maybe he might hang himself if he cries, makes trouble, and hangs himself. It's beyond imagination."

After finishing speaking, she moved around in his arms again and found the most comfortable position.


On the other side, in the bedroom.

After Chi Shenshen hung up the phone, he got out of bed with bare feet and walked to the desk. Looking at the paper file bag on the desk, he was in a daze for a while, and was finally awakened by the ringtone of the mobile phone.

[Melon Erbai. 】

The call note on the screen kept jumping and flashing.

"Shen Shen, are you asleep?" A man's pleasant voice came over the phone.

Chi Shenshen's nose was slightly acidic, and his originally not too high mood was even more lonely. He bit the corner of his mouth and said,

"not yet."

She answered with a somewhat vague tone, and there was a slight urn sound, which made Xuan Shengbei's heart suddenly "thump",

"What's wrong with the voice? Have you caught a cold?"

Chi Shenshen inadvertently saw his faintly red eyeballs from the mirror next to him, quickly shrugged his nose and took a breath, pretending to be unintentional,

"No, I guess I was tired from playing at today's wedding..."


Then I heard him breathe a sigh of relief on the phone, probably he himself didn't notice the sudden tension in his tone just now.

Thinking about it, Chi Shenshen suddenly felt joyful, and the depression on his chest disappeared without a trace. Seeing his stupid look, he couldn't help but hooked the corners of his lips with a smile, and raised his voice again,

"Erbai, let's have a date tomorrow."

"...Huh?" Apparently, Er Shao Xuan's brain circuit still didn't come out from the matter of "deeply not having a cold", and he couldn't keep up with the speed for a while, so he responded even more stupidly.

"What are you, I said we'll go on a date tomorrow." Chi Shen pretended to be disgusted.

Xuan Shengbei finally came to his senses, and agreed without hesitation, she could imagine that he must be so brain-sick right now,

"Okay, okay, deep down, what do you want to do tomorrow, I'm defeated?br />
"Tomorrow is not the weekend, you still have to go to work, I'll go to your office to play with you." One sentence directly cut off what Xuan Shengbei hadn't finished saying.

In an instant, it stopped abruptly.

It's quiet now.


Chi Shenshen rested his cheek with one hand, and tapped the other hand on the desk, especially when the old god was there.

After ten seconds, the other end still only heard the slightly heavy breathing due to excitement.

"Hey, did you hear that? Why don't you just say something if you want to?" Chi said in a deep and intentionally impatient tone, with a row of white teeth showing from the corners of his grinning mouth.

"Think about it...!" A certain Xuan Ershao answered three times in a row, expressing his desire very strongly and straightforwardly.

(End of this chapter)

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