I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1555 The Legendary "President's Hooligan Girlfriend" Comes in Person 1

Chapter 1555 The Legendary "President's Hooligan Girlfriend" Comes in Person 1

Very strong and straightforward expression of his desire.

Finally, there is an affirmative complement,

"I really want to!"


Chi Shenshen finally couldn't hold it back, and laughed "puchi",

"Then it's settled. I'll go up to the company tomorrow to find you, and you'll just be busy with your work. I'll call you when I get there. Just come down and pick me up again."

"Deep, then..."

"Good night, Erguazi." After saying that, "snap", Chi Shenshen hung up the phone.

Xuan Shengbei rolled back and forth on the bed holding his mobile phone for most of the night.

I have been in a relationship for so long, and Shen Shen has never been to his office. Although I have mentioned it a few times before, I was blocked by Shen Shen intentionally or unintentionally. I feel that my girlfriend does not seem to be very interested in his office. So I didn't mention it again.

But the office is really boring.

Xuan Shengbei looked at the screensaver photo on the phone screen and smiled again, his chest was "thumping" with excitement and excitement, so much so that he ignored the faint traces of uneasiness.


The next morning, Chi Shenshen took a taxi all the way to the first floor of the Xuanshi Group Building with his bag on his back.

When she saw the man coming out of the president's exclusive elevator, her eyes flickered suddenly, and at that moment, she was a little dazed.

Oncoming him.

A pure black HugoBoss customized limited-edition suit, the exquisite tailoring made the man's slender figure more perfect, and the dark blue gemstones inlaid on the cuffs were like the blue light flickering in his eyes every time he looked at her.

A head of jet-black short, broken hair was combed neatly, and the sunlight outside the floor-to-ceiling glass in the hall slanted in and fell on the outline of his side face, making his distinct facial features more three-dimensional.

He is in this mottled silhouette, exuding an innate charming temperament all over his body.


Although I have seen Xuan Shengbei in a suit many times before, he came to pick her up from school after get off work, but the man in front of me is different from the boyfriend she has been in love with for so long a feeling of.

A bit less Er Dai and soft, a bit more sharp, murderous, and even too cold and brutal.

That was something she had rarely seen before.

He came here stepping on the broken shadow of light gold, and at that moment, he gave Chi a deep shock, which was unprecedented.

It was as if the entire chest vibrated suddenly.

How could she have forgotten that Xuan Shengbei is also one of the young masters of the chaebol group that controls the economic lifeline of the entire city A, such a powerful and unruly aura originally belonged to him.

No, it should be said that she has always been aware of this, but when she got along with him, he was more of her family's Erbai boyfriend, which weakened his identity as the president of Xuan's Group.

That young master Xuan Er who was looked up to by many people.


Suddenly, Chi Shen's chest trembled.

Looking at the man who had almost walked in front of her, a certain thought in her heart became more and more firm.

"Deep!" Xuan Shengbei rushed in front of her, and the corners of his mouth that were still pursed just now grinned, with undisguised excitement on his brows, he directly grabbed her hand, clasping his fingers very tightly. fingers, as if she was afraid that she would suddenly turn around and run away on a whim.

Chi Shen was embarrassed in silence, and Xiaobai became possessed again. o(╯□╰)o

Followed by an assistant to the president, seeing this situation, almost surprised that the contact lenses fell out of the eyes, and the pupils were rounded.


Is this nympho boy in front of him really the president of their family, Bei Shao? !

(End of this chapter)

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