I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1556 The Legendary "President's Hooligan Girlfriend" Comes in Person 2

Chapter 1556 The Legendary "President's Hooligan Girlfriend" Comes in Person 2

Is this nympho boy in front of him really the president of their family, Bei Shao? !

I finally know the reason for the series of strange behaviors of the big boss since I went to work this morning. .


The assistant to the president tried hard to reduce the sense of existence, silently observing the legendary "hooligan girlfriend" of his big boss.

Of course, there are those around the hall... such as the company receptionist who is pretending to be registering personnel, and the department director who has just returned from doing business outside... and the group employees in front of the big screen...

All of them squinted their eyes quietly and quietly, and they all had the same horror expression as the president's secretary.

The president's girlfriend is here!

As a result, in the WeChat group of all employees of Xuanshi Group, the power of an atomic bomb exploded in an instant.

However, when everyone saw the next scene, the employees in front of the big screen almost bumped their heads against the LED board.


Chi Shen raised his paws to touch Xuansheng Beiqian's tight and smooth cheeks, stepped on the tiptoes of the small shoes, leaned forward and kissed, flirting with a smile,

"It's handsome!"

Then, a certain second young master Bai smiled gorgeously with a pink face all over his face.

Behind him, the assistant to the president who had been working hard to install the air, the transparent, and the vase beside the floor-to-ceiling windows finally got out of his grip and gasped, grinning.


And then, a certain rogue girlfriend burst into countless red flowers all over her face, but it was... embarrassing!

Only then did Chi Shenshen realize what she had just done to the man in front of her!

I beat my chest in my heart and repented, what habit I didn't develop well, I developed the bad habit of touching my face and molesting my boyfriend every time I met!

It's over, everyone has seen it!

This is in his company!


Chi gritted his teeth deeply against his palate, held his breath and looked around, and silently accepted the eyes projected from all directions, "So our CEO's girlfriend is really so different".

She just...really...had no idea.

After learning from the pain, Chi Shenshen decided to completely abandon the idea of ​​a "gentle girlfriend" that flashed in her head before. She still insisted on acting in her true colors, and the style of painting remained unchanged. This is the couple pairing of "female hooligans and Gua Erbai" .


The assistant to the president shuddered and realized what stupid thing he had just done, so he jumped out to make amends, and said with great insight,

"It's no wonder Mr. Bei is very happy as soon as he goes to work today. It turns out that Ms. Shen Shen is coming to the company."

Hearing this, Chi Shenshen blinked and smiled at Xuan Shengbei, his dark eyes were shining brightly, and lowered his voice jokingly,

"Yo, have you been waiting for me to come over?"

Xuan Shengbei touched his nose, then nodded his head arrogantly, waiting all this time!

The assistant almost lost his legs and couldn't stand still.

As a first-level secretary, although I know that my boss's EQ is not online occasionally, but it will only be revealed in front of Ji Shao and Tang Shao's monstrous brothers. You are bent...

Decisively, it is the rhythm of getting off work to buy the Mark Six lottery!

It's raining red...


Xuan Shengbei took Chi Shenshen's hand,

"Come on, I'll take you to my office."

"it is good."

So, with an assistant who was full of nympho and didn't know it, a group of three went to the office of the top president of the company.

(End of this chapter)

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