I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1557 The Legendary "President's Hooligan Girlfriend" Comes in Person 3

Chapter 1557 The Legendary "President's Hooligan Girlfriend" Comes in Person 3

A group of three went to the company's top president's office together.

Chi Shen couldn't help but want to laugh.

In fact, the saying "the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked" is really true. The boss's emotional intelligence is worrying and touching, and the assistant is also cute.


When Chi Shen entered the office, before he had time to take a good look around, he was attracted by the large pile of "unidentified objects" on the glass and marble coffee table.

That is……

Xuan Shengbei led her to the sofa to sit down,

"Shen Shen, I have to go to a meeting now, can you stay for a while by yourself, I'll be fine soon."

There was a slight apology in his tone.

Chi Shenshen was stunned suddenly, and when he realized it, the corner of his mouth twitched,

"Don't tell me that you were in a meeting when I called you downstairs just now."

"Yeah." Xuan Shengbei answered it as a matter of course, and the assistant next to him followed suit and pecked at the rice and nodded his head.

That's right.

Xuan Shengbei was just holding a departmental high-level meeting in the conference room, and it was in full swing, when Chi Shenshen called.

Boss said "stop for 15 minutes", and the audience fell silent for an instant, and then... left there... there...

At this moment, the collective is still looking forward to it.

Mr. Bei, come back quickly!


Chi Shenshen suddenly felt... a thunderbolt from the blue sky, pulled the corners of his eyes fiercely, and waved at him without delay,

"You...you go to the meeting!"

"how about you?"

"Didn't you just say that I'll just stay here and wait for you. I'm not going anywhere!" The last sentence was added.

Looking at Gua Erbai's sad face, are you really afraid that she will run away?

Suddenly thinking of something, Chi Shenshen's eyes flickered slightly.

Xuan Shengbei smiled and took her hand,

"The meeting will be over soon."

"It's okay, you have your meeting, I'm not in a hurry."

The smile on the corner of Xuan Shengbei's mouth suddenly subsided, his piercing expression was extremely serious,

"I don't like to make you wait, it should be me who waits for you."

Suddenly, Chi Shenshen's throat tightened slightly, as if the apex of his heart was pinched lightly by something, and there was a burst of pain.

But gentle.

Who said her boyfriend has a low EQ, he is so provocative...


Chi Shenshen kicked Xuan Shengbei to the meeting, and walked around in a circle.

The overall tone of the office is black and white, simple and clean, with a sense of fashion and luxury, which matches the handsome man in a suit just now.

Chi Shenshen unknowingly raised the corners of his mouth and smiled, and found that the assistant was still in the office, standing by the side with a smile, like standing guard, with an excited expression of "I really have a lot to say".

Chi coughed deeply.

The assistant seemed to have received an order, "Boss Bei is going to a meeting. I'm afraid Miss Shenshen will be bored by herself, so let me stay with you for a while."

"Taking teeth for nagging?" Chi Shen raised his eyebrows slightly.

Assistant, "That... so incisive!"

Chi smiled deeply, looked down again, looked at the glazed coffee table in front of him, and silently raised his forehead.

Individually packaged chicken feet with pickled peppers... fresh boxed duck wings and duck feet... big and small bags of potato chips of different flavors... spicy dried tofu... and...

It's really all the snacks she usually likes to eat.

"These?" Chi Shenshen said suddenly, with a slightly questioning tone.

The assistant couldn't bear it anymore, and answered a series of answers like beans poured out of a bamboo tube,

"President Beijing asked me to buy this as soon as I got to work in the morning. Oh, yes, there is still cheese cake in the freezer, which was just delivered!"

(End of this chapter)

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