I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1558 The Legendary "President's Hooligan Girlfriend" Comes in Person 4

Chapter 1558 The Legendary "President's Hooligan Girlfriend" Comes in Person 4

"There is still Cheese cake in the fresh cabinet, just delivered!"

"..." Chi took a deep breath, that's right, it's also her favorite dessert, "So, my painting style was broken into a 'foodie girlfriend type' by your president?"

The assistant bites the corner of his mouth,

"Okay...it seems like this..."

Chi Shenshen then heard the "cracking" sound of his heart breaking all over the ground, he waved his hand in a very unresponsive manner, and opened a bag of pickled pepper chicken feet,

"It's okay, my own people, I don't need the lower limit of integrity, it's true love."

The assistant was stunned for a moment, but he couldn't hold back his smile, and nodded his head affirmatively. He finally knew why his boss was so devoted to his girlfriend.

Molesting and being molested are always a natural pair!


As a result, the assistant's favorability towards Boss's girlfriend "噢噌" rose, and at the same time, he classified himself into the team of "one of us" very familiarly, and began to gossip about his boss enthusiastically with Chi Shenshen.

From being able to hear the subject adjective "My family is deep" no less than five times a day from Boss, to seeing Bei Shao smiling like a fairy when he came to work this morning, and finally to the photo frame on the president's desk .

Chi looked deeply at the two exquisite small photo frames, one was a photo of her alone, and the other was... a selfie photo of her and him at the Qingcheng wedding.

Tsk, when did that idiot develop all these photos?

She was wearing a dress that wrapped her breasts, and he was in a white suit. Although it was not a full-body photo, the upper body was also captured in the camera, handsome men and beautiful women leaning together.

Suddenly it reminded her...

Wedding photos.


Chi Shenshen suddenly blushed slightly.

The assistant next to him was still chattering endlessly,

"Miss Shenshen, our Boss is in love for the first time, and he really puts all his heart and soul into you. Every day when he looks at your framed photos, he can giggle for 3 minutes.

He is also handsome and unrestrained, and Altitude Gene absolutely does not have to worry about the next generation, except that sometimes his EQ is slightly off, but he is also cute and cute.

The most important thing is to stick to the end, you are definitely going to get married, you don't know that before you didn't come to the company, we were all envious of Boss's legendary girlfriend, and now it's even more..."

When Chi Shenshen listened, his expression became subtle.

The assistant listened to the radio with keen eyesight again, feeling that Chi Shenshen had something to say.

Chi pursed his lips deeply, raised his eyebrows,

"Then what, are you trying to sell your slow-selling big boss to me? Or... do you have a crush on my boyfriend?"


Immediately held back a sizzling pig blood face!It's like a big round meat dumpling stuck in my throat, and I can't find mineral water at hand!

Was he molested by the Boss' girlfriend? !

No, he is obviously trying to match the two of them to get married quickly, aren't they both married, Shao Ji and Shao Yu?

woo woo woo...

He's going to sue President Bei!



Chi Shen couldn't hold back his laughter and collapsed.

When Xuan Shengbei came back from the meeting, he saw his girlfriend smiling brightly while gnawing chicken feet, and his assistant next to him had a... ruddy and shiny face?

Seeing that the president came back, the assistant turned his head and ran away, and rushed over quickly, as if seeing his own mother's sight.

However, before he even opened his mouth, he was stopped by the president's cold black-faced question,

"What did you do?"

The assistant burst into tears instantly, it was obviously your girlfriend who bullied me! ! !

 Fourth update, continue to update the article~



(End of this chapter)

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