I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1559 Deep, I'll Hug 1 Again

Chapter 1559 Deep, let me hug again 1

The assistant burst into tears instantly, it was obviously your girlfriend who bullied me! ! !

Chi bit the chicken bone deeply, with a mischievous smirk on his face, tsk, her boyfriend came back from a meeting, and the assistant was more excited than her!


The assistant understood the meaning in Chi Shenshen's smiling eyes, and once again looked like he was suffocating from eating eggs, bit his lips, stomped his feet, turned his head and rushed out.

Chi deeply laughed.

Seeing her happy, Xuan Shengbei also raised his eyelids, rolled his eyes, and came over to ask what was going on.

"Your assistant is as cute as his immediate boss." Chi Shenshen concluded in one sentence, and patted the sofa cushion beside him.

Xuan Shengbei understood and sat down directly, sticking tightly beside her.

Chi Shenshen conveniently fed a piece of coconut milk candy, and also fed a piece into his own mouth, chewing it crunchily.

"What's the matter, you keep looking at me?" Chi Shenshen noticed that he was staring directly at her, touched his face, and laughed again, "I have flowers on my face."

Xuan Shengbei took out a dark blue handkerchief from his pocket to wipe her hands, smiling like a trumpet flower,

"Shen Shen, you look so good today."

Chi gave a deep "tsk", raised her eyebrows, her cheeks flushed pink, she naturally knew what he meant.


She is used to wearing T-shirts and hot pants. She thought that today she would come from her boyfriend's company. After all, it was her girlfriend's first appearance. She specially wore a honey yellow dress with shoulders and a pair of white shoes. , and also put on a peach blossom makeup for a date.

Before going out, she turned around in front of the mirror, and couldn't help but praise her narcissistically.

"This little girl is so pretty!"

Chi Shenshen deliberately narrowed his eyes,

"Oh, you mean I was not good-looking before?"

"Of course not!" Xuan Sheng Bei paused as he wiped her hands, "Shen Shen, you are always beautiful, and today you are especially beautiful."

At that time, when he got out of the elevator and saw her in the hall, his eyes lit up, and he was so fascinated that he could hardly find her.

Chi was deeply satisfied, she loved to hear these words, so he pouted his red lips and kissed him on the face,

"That's necessary. After all, she's also the CEO's girlfriend. I have to support you. I can't waste my beauty."


Hearing this, Xuan Shengbei tightly held her palm, and with a little more force, he pulled Chi deeply into his arms, bowed his forehead, and the lips that had just parted were tightly pressed together again. .

"Deep..." His clear voice became a little heavier.

Chi Shen was slightly stunned, then couldn't hide the smile in his eyes, and hung his arms around his neck.

Hey, it seems that this melon Erbai is really happy today, I don't usually hit bo** so fast on a date, and I kissed him as soon as we met today.

Chi Shen's action is undoubtedly the greatest encouragement.

Suddenly, Xuan Shengbei's pure and bright lacquered eyes slowly deepened, his throat tightened up and down, and he kissed her lips more deeply.

The other hand clasped the back of her head.


He parted his lips and slid in.

The sweet and milky aroma of coconut sugar permeates continuously, as if stimulating all the taste buds.

The kiss deepened.

Chi deeply felt that the breath under the tip of his nose was being taken away bit by bit, and it became weaker and weaker.

The eyes accidentally caught a glimpse of the floor-to-ceiling windows, and the blue sky was filled with white clouds, which was extremely beautiful.

Finally, he murmured in pain.

(End of this chapter)

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