I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1577 2 Bai is not here, not in the room...... 1

Chapter 1577 Erbai is not here, not in the room...... 1

It seems like it can be broken with a slight tug.

From the thin neck to the chest, there is a large expanse of snow-white skin, with a layer of light pink just after taking a bath, just reaching the thighs and the hem of the genitals, and the slender and naked limbs can be seen at a glance.


This Qing**** pajamas was bought when she was shopping with Chu Jian and Nuo Xiaonuo. At that time, Qing Ge was still in confinement, and Ji Da Boss was waiting on her all day, so she didn't ask her out.

Each of the girls bought one, and when they were picking out at the underwear store, she and Ji Yinuo were as excited as "dengtu yu*** girls", and when they first saw each other, they blushed so much that they wanted to dig a hole.

According to Nuo Xiaonuo, the night she bought it back, she had a fiery upper body experience, and it was incomparably...successful!She fascinated her arrogant and meow husband.

Covering your face, it's simply too evil! !But the one I saw for the first time is probably still in the bottom of the box, and I don't know if Mr. Shangguan has seen it.

She will also come tonight to be more sexual/sensual and playful. It is estimated that the stupid Erha outside can instantly become a ferocious werewolf.

Absolutely can't hold it!

Haha ...

Etc., etc.

She walks out like this later?

Let's also learn from those high-definition uncensored close-up shots in love movies. The heroine first draws out a round jade foot, and then slowly moves from the ankle to the calf, then to the beautiful kneecap, and finally to the white thigh... …

Just like that, bit by bit... Lu came out?


ah ah ah...

so shy!

How reserved!

Just imagining the picture, she can hardly hold it anymore, her family's Erbai will probably squirt nosebleeds immediately when she sees it! ! !

A pair of swarthy eyes with the most evil blue light floating up and down, hooked her again, and then called her in a very hoarse voice that was almost worn out,


After all, my girlfriend is fair-skinned, beautiful and long-legged!

"Pfft..." Chi Shenshen couldn't help laughing, Taofen's cheeks were also burning, and her heartbeat in her chest was so fast that she couldn't bear it.

Suddenly, a "beep" sound was faintly heard outside the bathroom.

It sounded like a door lock.

Chi was stunned for a moment, is there anyone knocking on the door?

Or is he out?

Could it be that the idiot was too hot-blooded and excited to calm down, so he went out for a walk in the corridor outside?


Chi Shenshen silently praised his brain circuit, and quickly took a handful of water to pat his face, and his long black hair like seaweed fluttered gently.

She stood up on tiptoe with bare feet, and tiptoed towards the door, with a sweet smile on her crooked eyes.


The girl came and threw herself down!

Chi took a deep breath, reached out and grabbed the door handle plated with a layer of gold leaf to shake hands, "Click"?br />
A soft sound.

Turn and open the door.

Chi Shenshen first poked his head out of the crack of the door to take a look, and the smirk on his mouth made the ruffian and girl very good.

The whole suite is in an open layout, and you can see the panorama at a glance. I thought Xuan Shengbei was still in the living room, but there was no one there.

Chi wrinkled his nose deeply, and glanced at the balcony outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, muttering, "Maybe I'm really listening to music and blowing the wind", but still nothing.

Chi Shenshen had already opened the door and walked out, looking around until her eyes fell on the scattered passports and air tickets on the carpet beside the coffee table...

Suddenly, Chi Shenshen's face turned pale, and he walked lightly with bare feet... For a moment, he froze in place.

(End of this chapter)

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