I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1580 He is sad, isn't he?

Chapter 1580 He is sad, isn't he?

Eyebrows jumped, "What's wrong with him?!"

The manager endured it, and with the belief of "focusing on Boss's lifelong happiness", he boldly said in a lower voice,

"Did Miss Chi have a little conflict with the second young master?" This question was tactful enough.


Chi Shen's throat was astringent, so even the manager could tell that Erbai was in a bad mood when he left the hotel?

He's sad, isn't he?

He's blaming her...

It must be her fault.

Chi took a deep breath, his beautiful eye sockets were hot and painful, he clenched his fists hard, turned his head and ran towards the revolving glass door in the hotel lobby.

But the manager jumped out and stopped him.

"Miss Chi, the second young master may go out for a walk for a while, you should go back to your room and rest first."

To be normal, Chi Shenshen's first reaction must be to laugh at the manager's lame excuse, and take a walk... It really is a Boss employee's family.

But now, she really wasn't in the mood at all, her head was in a mess like a mess, she bit her lips tightly,

"He told you to stop me?"

"..." The manager was silent for a moment, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and thought of what the second young master said just now, his voice was cold.

If Miss Chi wants to go out, she must stop her, it's dark outside, it's not safe...

The manager swallowed again,

"It's getting dark now, Second Young Master is worried about your safety."

Hearing this, Chi knocked his teeth deeply, and bit the corner of his lips unexpectedly, and a fishy-sweet taste suddenly overflowed, permeating between his lips and teeth.

She knew that he couldn't worry about her.


Chi Shenshen ran out without turning his head back. The hotel manager's eyelids twitched, and he chased after him quickly, and even shouted at the two hotel security guards at the gate.

We must protect the president's girlfriend!

Maybe it's their future second young lady. If something happens to this, the whole hotel will probably be... completely blown up.


Although the second young master of their family is cuter than the eldest young master, it is also very scary for the second young master to go crazy. o(╯□╰)o

As soon as Chi Shenshen came out of the hotel, a gust of early autumn wind blew towards him.

She didn't know whether it was the coldness of the heart or the coldness of the wind, but she couldn't help but her teeth trembled, and then she clenched her teeth tightly, the corners of her pierced lips were still dripping with blood.

Looking around again, covering his sore heart, he ran towards the crowded Baolong Plaza opposite.


It's just after 09:30.

The aunts and old ladies who have just finished dancing in the square are sitting and chatting while resting. It is the National Day holiday these days, and there are many college couples who go out on a date at night. Queen Marry's new jewelry campaign for fall...

Chi Shenshen stood in this bustling crowd, even at a loss, with a pair of red eyes trying to find it, and shouting in a slightly hoarse voice,

"Erbai! Erbai..."

"Xuan Shengbei, Xuan Erbai..."

The hotel manager and security guards who came after him had no choice but to follow along to find someone.

Around the square, there are already strange eyes looking over frequently.

Chi Shenshen didn't care about so much at all, he only had the only thought of "finding him" in his head.

"Gua Erbai, I still have something to say to you, where are you, come out..." The corners of his mouth were torn apart again, his vision couldn't stop being hot and blurred, and he rubbed the moisture from the corners of his eyes fiercely.

But suddenly, her hurried steps froze, and her eyes lit up.

(End of this chapter)

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