I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1592 You will be my fiancee from now on!

Chapter 1592 You will be my fiancee from now on!

"No trouble..."

"Huh?" With a slightly raised ending sound, he could even feel the slight vibration of his throat, and even her sensitive eardrums oscillated slightly along with it.

Chi Shenshen killed him, and then, completely, surrendered.

The last bit of stubborn fighting power was "pupu" wiped out so that there were not even a spark left, and it was particularly disappointing that it softened its feet.


Chi Shenshen could clearly feel his face burning up little by little.

ah ah ah...

He obviously didn't do anything, so why was his breathing disordered, and the cyclical pattern in his head repeated over and over again the soft um that he just asked back.

Then, as if bewitched, he clenched his clasped fingers and murmured,

"Just...just kidding...ah..."

Just kidding...

Such an expensive and beautiful pigeon egg, how could she take it off after wearing it!

absolute!Swear to die!Don't take it off! T))T

This is in line with the wild ruffian attribute of a female hooligan/hooligan!

Xuan Shengbei smiled suddenly, his clear eyes floated up and down, and then narrowed, revealing a particularly radiant dark blue light.

Concentrated, eager, passionate, and filled with a deep joyful smile, it spread from the bottom of the eyes to the corner of the mouth.

With a sudden opening, a more brilliant and large arc was tilted,

"Then as you said, I will give you my responsibility for my whole life, daughter-in-law."


With the last sound, Chi Shenshen almost fainted.

What about going to the United States to study, two years of long-distance relationship...all of it was left behind, and there was no such thing as the sound of "daughter-in-law".

Chi Shenshen, with seven souls and six spirits, was floating, as if stepping on cotton candy. He nodded in a very unscrupulous way, squinted his eyes and smiled,



I will be responsible in the future.

Husband of a rascal/rogue family!


However, after Chi Shenshen was amused for a minute, his head suddenly shook, and he heard a man holding her in his arms and calling out to his daughter-in-law.

If she heard correctly, this guy is saying,

"From now on, you will be my fiancee!"


Chi Shenshen's eyes widened sharply, and finally... the soul returned to its place!what? What!fiancée!Etc., etc!


How did she become a fiancee!

"Xuan Erbai, you haven't proposed to me yet!" Chi Shen stretched out his claws and pinched the collar of his shirt, roaring so loudly... majestic.

Xuan Shengbei was stunned,

"The rings are all on."

It means "do you want to propose again?"

Chi Shenshen's face is full of love,

"So I begged for myself?"

"Ahem..." Xuan Shengbei tried his best to reduce the sense of existence, he really didn't say anything, it's because you said it yourself.

the pool is deep,


Life is so rough, she really needs to be quiet.

Looking for a husband with such a blind eye that he wants to beat him up at any time, if he gives birth to a son in the future, and his emotional intelligence will follow his father, then what should I do...


Chi glanced deeply at his face, blushing and gave him a hard look.

Xuan Shengbei, "..."

Momo shrank his neck, why did he feel that the expression he had stared at him just now was a bit hesitant to speak, hesitant to speak and yet hesitant.


Xuan Shengbei analyzed ing very seriously, but even if he wanted to break his head, he would definitely not be able to guess what Chi Shenshen was thinking just now.

Suddenly, there was a particularly light knock on the automatic door of the first-class cabin.

(End of this chapter)

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