I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1593 I'm leaving, can you say a little more... Nasty!

Chapter 1593 I'm leaving, can you say a little more... It's disgusting!

Suddenly, there was a particularly light knock on the automatic door of the first-class cabin.

It was the flight attendant who came to remind the couple who were tired and crooked. The captain received a notice from the superior that the flight took off 10 minutes late. I think it is the ability of the boss of Beijing Shaoda University.

It is almost time now, and at the same time, there is an aircraft announcement.

That is to say...

They are going to separate.


Xuan Shengbei clearly expressed his dissatisfaction with being interrupted, the corners of his mouth that had exposed his gums a second ago suddenly collapsed, and he yelled her name with great reluctance.


Chi Shenshen was a little dazed, his nose sore for no reason.

The joyful, shy and hypocritical mood just now was instantly shattered by the close departure.

Even the tip of the nose was smeared with a cluster of round pink, and she lowered her head slightly, biting the corner of her mouth and answering vaguely,


Xuan Shengbei naturally saw Chi's deep sadness.

He raised his hand, and the rolled-up shirt sleeves revealed a perfectly curved wrist. He gently pinched the tip of her chin and lifted it up, so that the two of them could look at each other.

Chi Shenshen's eyes were also red like rabbit eyes, and the pervasive ripples were like circles of ripples in a lake, constantly rippling... and then rippling...

What should I do, I can't help but cry again!

It has been said that she hates this parting scene the most!It's even more troublesome than the eight o'clock stall of domestic dog blood!

I'm going to cry...


Chi Shenshen's eyes narrowed, and the crystal beads that had been condensed had just hung on his upper and lower eyelids, and his back tightened suddenly, before he was pulled into his arms very domineeringly by the man in front of him.

Hug very hard.


It just so happened that that tear fell on his slightly open skirt and slid down to that delicate collarbone.

Xuan Sheng paused slightly on his back, and tightened his arms, the warm breath fell,

"I know that Uncle Chi has already arranged everything for you. The 20-hour flight will definitely be very tiring. Go back and rest after getting off the plane. Just send me a text message to let me know that you are fine.

You must take good care of yourself by yourself, eat on time, especially breakfast, and eat less snacks at night when your teeth are bad, especially if the ice is hard, otherwise you will cry again. "


Chi raised his eyes deeply.

A pair of wet black eyeballs made this scene sensational, as if the stars were scattered all over the sky, crumbling and flickering.

Seeing Xuan Shengbei's throat tightening, a certain emotion was getting more and more amplified in his chest, and more and more ignored by him.

"Erbai, are you just telling me this?" Chi Shenshen had already tightened his shirt hem.

Xuan Sheng Bei followed his breath,

"Call me if you have anything to do. My phone must be turned on 24 hours a day. And... remember to call me when you have nothing to do. I'm afraid I'll disturb your class."

"Is that the end?" Chi Shenshen pinched the corner of the clothes in his hands and twisted vigorously, and continued to twist... twisted into a twisted stick.

The rolling eyes, grievance, resentment, extreme displeasure...

I'm about to leave, can you say a little more... Nasty!


Xuan Shengbei's face suddenly brightened, and Chi Shenshen thought he had thought of it, and blinked his eyes along with it, which was called an infinite expectation.

Speak quickly!I'm listening!

Unexpectedly, he "crashed" all of a sudden, and brought over the bag he had just put on the glass tea table,

"I also bought you spicy duck feet, chicken feet, and peeled macadamia nuts. The almonds are a bit hard, so eat less..."

(End of this chapter)

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