I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1607 Comrade Lao Chi's father Xiao Hongqi fell so soon?

Chapter 1607 Comrade Lao Chi's father Xiao Hongqi fell so soon?

"The old and the young are so drunk that they have already changed their name to brothers and sisters."

Chi Shenshen originally had a feeling of sympathizing with a certain second young master Bai, but his heart trembled unexpectedly...

It was like a thunderbolt hitting the top of the head with incomparable precision, and it felt like thousands of prairie foals were trampling over his chest, and they couldn't speak clearly.

His face is... messy in the wind, so mysterious...

Brothers... Brothers... Okay...?


She has always been able to make up the imagination of a Hollywood action movie with just one sentence, and a scene pops up automatically:

Xuan Erbai drank until his face was pink and bubbling, he grinned his mouth full of white teeth, hooked Comrade Lao Chi's broad shoulders and shouted coquettishly and cutely,


Comrade Lao Chi had a benign smile like an old grandma, draping Xuan Erbai's back, smiling with chrysanthemum folds all over his face,

"Little brother..."

This picture...

Chi Shenshen couldn't help but shook his tiger's body violently again, hugged his arms and rubbed them wildly, the hairs all over his body stood on end in fright!

With a layer of goosebumps!

Why is Mao Mao suddenly a little creepy!



"My dear mother, dear mother! This must not be, impossible...it must not be as exaggerated as I thought, right, right..." Chi's deeply choked throat rolled up and down fiercely, and swallowed Take a sip.

Looking at the father and son at the table, Mama Chi couldn't help but bend the corners of her mouth, and nodded very calmly,

"Girl, you have to believe, everything is possible."

Chi Shenshen, "..." Tears silently, Mom, have you finished your golden sentence?

However, within half a second of silent tears, Chi Shenshen heard Comrade Chi's indistinct shouting on the phone,

"Her mother, who are you on the phone with? Let's help Xiaoxuan cook two special dishes for us. Work hard, Comrade Political Commissar..."

"Hiss..." Chi Shenshen couldn't hold it back anymore, took a deep breath, and his eyeballs suddenly shrank and then widened.

I caught two key words from the sentence just now.


【Deep her mother】

In her few impressions, when Comrade Lao Chi called Chi Mama like this, it was when Comrade Lao Chi was drinking so much that he was still clinging to it, and the next thing was like a 70-year-old lady. broken thoughts.

Then there is [Our Xiaoxuan].

We... Xiaoxuan?

When did Erbai become "our"?

No, on the day she flew to New York from China, Comrade Lao Chi stared at the round proposal ring on her ring finger and scratched it several times.

Wrong, dozens of laps...

I wish my eyes could be stared rounder than the ring, with an extremely complicated expression of hesitating to speak, but also wanting to speak...

In the end, he finally gritted his teeth and said in a deep sentence,

"You want to lure my girl away with an iron ring? Tell that stupid melon seed, it's not that there is no door, but even the small iron window of the cell is wishful thinking!!!"

At that time, her heart was cold for the most part, and she was quarreling with Erbai about something that she didn't tell him when she went abroad, her heart was so cold.


At this moment, Chi Shenshen suddenly felt that the alpaca on her chest was galloping more joyously. She didn't even notice it, and the corner of her mouth twitched again, and it was already curled up.

Comrade Lao Chi, even the small bars are delusional!

Why did her father, Xiao Hongqi, fall down so quickly?

So quickly from the camp of cabbage raised by your own manure to the stupid and cute pigsty?

(End of this chapter)

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