I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1608 Why is there an illusion that you love your son-in-law more than your daughter?

Chapter 1608 Why is there an illusion that you love your son-in-law more than your daughter?

So quickly put into the pigsty from the cabbage camp raised by your own manure?

What about your principles!

What's your bottom line!

Are you determined to protect Xiaobaicai's father's perseverance? o(╯□╰)o


The corners of Chi Shenshen's raised mouth were raised even more. Before she could speak, Chi's mother stopped talking,

"Then I'll go and cook some food for us Xiaoxuan. I'll answer the phone for your dad."

Chi was taken aback for a moment,

"Ah... Mom, don't, don't... Comrade Old Chi is about to lose his teeth again, the old lady is thinking..."

She didn't want to listen to it for three hours! →_→

"So you want the old and young comrades to drink and talk all night?" Mama Chi hit back mercilessly.

Chi Shenshen was at a loss for words, and silently held back a sentence, "Then you still cook food for us Xiaoxuan?"

She also deliberately emphasized the title "our Xiaoxuan", which feels a little... cute.

Mother Chi didn't hesitate at all, she blurted out naturally,

"The son-in-law came to the door for the first time, and the daughter is still not at home half a world away. The mother-in-law must not be nice to others."


Chi Shenshen's face suddenly collapsed, and the corners of his eyes twitched fiercely.

"Mom, why do I have the illusion that you love your son-in-law more than your daughter?"

"It's definitely not your illusion." Chi's mother smiled very softly, and her tone was cool, "Just like your father's catching people to drink, if you scare Xiaoxuan away, who will you marry when the time comes? go?"

Chi deeply reacted,

"So...Mom, are you worried that I won't be able to get married?"

"As far as you have inherited the savagery you don't know from when you were young, I really worried about it for a while." Chi's mother said.

"%@&..." Chi Shenshen opened his mouth silently, and his face was full of connotations.

Mama Chi paused again, and then added,

"It's just that Comrade Lao Chi feels good about himself and praises his daughter from head to toe when he sees people. Now there is Comrade Xiaoxuan who has the same hobbies. The old and the young collide together, so naturally we have something to talk about."

It turns out that this is... the truth! ! !

As a result, a certain girl's half-collapsed complexion instantly "crackled" to pieces, like powder and slag.

Her mother didn't think it was enough to stab her heart with a knife, so she had to make another butcher's knife!

So, the political commissar of her family is the strongest representative of the pro-mother series...

The girl beat her chest and burst into tears┭┮﹏┭┮


Chi Shenshen was silently wiping tears and feeling sorry for himself, and Chi's mother had already walked to the dining table and handed the phone to Chi's father.

"Here, deep call."

Xuan Shengbei, who was supporting his pink cheeks with his elbows just a second ago, suddenly lifted his drooping head, and stared straight at him with a pair of faint black eyes, grinning all the time. The face is... sparkling.

He is deep...

Papa Chi glanced over, patted Xuan Shengbei's back with clasped hands, and spoke with a bit of a tongue.

"First, give us Xiaoxuan a call first."

Xuan Shengbei's head suddenly shook from side to side like a rattle.

Papa Chi handed over the phone, and Young Master Xuan pushed the phone over.

Father-in-law first...

Son-in-law first...

Therefore, Chi Shenshen listened to the United States of America on the other end of the phone for a full minute.

In the end, I couldn't help it anymore, the corners of my mouth collapsed, I was so happy that I made a good suggestion,

"Why don't you turn on the amplifier and listen together..."

 Big Rabbit will roll back home tomorrow, the update is not stable this week, yesterday and the day before yesterday I went home to make up for the update, okay~

  Good night, I love Ni Meng~(* ̄3)(ε ̄*)



(End of this chapter)

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