I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1667 The Man Wearing the Silver Mask 4

Chapter 1667 The Man Wearing the Silver Mask 4

"...You don't necessarily have to die!"

Western European black: "White and blue"
Xuan Zhihuang felt it the most keenly, and even the surrounding air suddenly dropped several degrees, which was very tight.

The suppressed pistol in his hand was already loaded, and he rubbed his fingertips twice...


The silver-faced man smiled coldly, a pair of swirling black pupils flashed a shadow of prey, and spoke slowly,

"Even if you really lose your life, you will definitely die before me."

As soon as the words fell, there was even a trace of the end of the sound still floating in the air, only a "bang" was heard"

Suddenly, everyone's ears rang sharply!

When he reacted, his pupils shrank fiercely.

The boss of the Western European gang-gang who was swearing and swearing a second ago, fell heavily into the back of the chair, his mouth was still open before he could speak, and his gray eyes stared intently. He stared wide open.

Between the eyebrows, a bullet pierced through.

There was a black hole in the mouth of the bullet, and the dark red blood flowed out continuously, down the bridge of the nose.

In less than half a minute, his face was dripping with sticky scarlet.

It looked... extremely hideous.


There was another "boom"!

The dead boss of the Western European gangster, Dalian, fell straight down with the whole chair, and the dozen or so people behind him were so frightened that they all pulled out their pistols and aimed straight at the silver-faced man opposite him.

However, before the bullets were even fired, the group fell, without even a chance for them to resist.

It was the five men behind the silver-masked man who fired at the same time.

Xuan Zhihuang's heart sank, and the gloomy eyes flashed coldly.

This man is ruthless enough.

However, the leader of the Western European gangster was really panicked and kept talking nonsense.

What's more, this is a world of the weak and the strong, and they are all gangsters. Resentment?br />

The curved index finger of the silver-masked man tapped on the table again, and the soft sound was clearly amplified in the dead air filled with the smell of blood.

The man stood up straight from the chair, glanced coldly again, and the five subordinates behind him followed suit.

Xuan Zhihuang smiled charmingly, and there was a seductive and domineering murderous look in her glazed eyes.

It's now!

"Brother? br />
In an instant, on the top floor of the entertainment city, the overly extravagant and bright lights from the floor-to-ceiling windows suddenly went out!

In the darkness, a specially-made bullet shot out of the silenced pistol aimed straight at the speed of light.

In the air, the strong smell of blood suddenly became more intense and pungent...


10 minutes later.

The gate of the "Dreamer" entertainment city.

An oriental woman with long fluttering hair came out, with a stunning face, a pair of exquisite phoenix eyes flaring up, her every frown and smile were charming, and her whole body exuded a stunning and domineering arrogance that looked down on the world.

The eyeballs of the two waiters at the door were about to stare. They didn't recover until the woman drove the sports car far away.

In the distance, there is also the sound of police cars honking their horns crazily, breaking the bustling night with a "woo hoo".

Xuan Zhihuang went directly back to the Four Seasons Hotel. She has a habit of taking a shower and sleeping after killing each time.

In the Royal Suite on the top floor.

 Aww, a little rabbit guessed that the silver-masked man was Ye Liang, haha, let's go brainstorming!

  Ask for a monthly pass!Please recommend tickets!Is there a reward~

  Regarding the four finished books, they are blocked and locked. The big rabbit went to the editor again today, and I will reply tomorrow. Little rabbits, don’t worry, the big rabbit is also restless~

  Good night, how old are you~ (By the way, anyone who has seen billions of doting wives should know who Ye Li's real sister is~ I don't know about spanking!)



(End of this chapter)

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