I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1668 Xuan Zhihuang, you, don't you remember me? 1

Chapter 1668 Xuan Zhihuang, you, don't you remember me? 1

Top floor, Royal Suite.

The luxurious and exquisite floor-to-ceiling windows are wide open, and suddenly the cool night wind blows, and the dark golden European-style embroidered curtains flutter.

The candlestick-style crystal lamps on the ceiling are not lit, only the round cylindrical lamps are on. The dim dark orange light renders the whole suite more delicate, which is quite a romantic atmosphere unique to Sicily.

On the marble coffee table, a half-filled glass of Lafite wine was still awake, and a beam of light slanted down, just reflecting on the wall of the arc-shaped goblet.

Suddenly, a shadow passed by.


in the bathroom.

Xuan Zhihuang has already taken a shower, "Click"? br />
The bathroom door opened.

She was barefoot, and she was casually wrapped in a white bathrobe with an ice silk nightdress inside, and the bathrobe was tied loosely at the waist with a knot.

A head of long straight hair that is as smooth as a waterfall is scattered on the back shoulders wantonly, and it has only been blown dry for seven or eight minutes. The black luster makes her fair skin even more stunning, like a snow lotus on the top of Tianshan Mountain that has never had a trace of filth. .

Probably this is the real beauty, beauty, and bath in the legend.

Her lips are red and her teeth are white, and her glass eyes are glamorous, but just standing there, it seems that all the gorgeous scenes in the world are eclipsed in an instant.


Xuan Zhihuang casually plucked a strand of long hair that had fallen in front of her forehead, and a sharp, bloodthirsty evil light flashed across her eyes.

"Are you here to die?" Xuan Zhihuang smiled enchantingly, then raised his eyes, and looked straight at the sofa in the living room not far away.

In the Nordic style cushion.

The man was still dressed in the same outfit as when he was in the entertainment city. He was wearing a black jacket and casual trousers. He was sitting there lazily and casually, with two slender legs crossed and one hand resting on his knee.

He pursed his lips, the silver mask on his face was warmed by the deep orange light, and his eyelids were closed as if he was falling asleep.

When he heard the words, he had already opened his eyes, and a pair of deep eyes that seemed to have gathered all the darkness of the night casually looked over.

He met her unfriendly eyes straightly.


Xuan Zhihuang had already walked over, stepping barefoot on the black and white carpet, like an unruly cat queen, jumping and spinning on the most gorgeous piano keys.

Indescribably bewitching, sexual/sensual.

"Young Master Yechang, huh?" Xuan Zhihuang smiled charmingly again, his smile was bright and unparalleled, but a chilling coolness spread from the raised eyebrows, even a feeling of scalp numbness.

That's right, the Silver Pavilion Master in front of her is the man she just dealt with not long ago.

Ye Li.

There are really all kinds of exciting and fun things in this world!

Xuan Zhihuang leaned against the bar in the living room, and squinted his eyes lazily. For a moment, the air around him suddenly cooled down.


His stern sword eyebrows raised slightly, and he smiled out of nowhere.

It's not a kind of half-smile, but a really obvious smile, and the thin rust-red lips have a beautiful arc.

There was a very pleasant... tenderness.

He raised his hand again, covered his cheek, took off the silver mask he was wearing, and put it on again.

The perfect three-dimensional facial features were exposed brightly, and a head of blackish-grey hair shone with a silvery luster in the shadow of the lamp.

"When did you find out that it was mine?" Ye Li asked rhetorically, the gorgeous baritone before returning to a magnetic bass.

(End of this chapter)

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