I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1832 Where did the agreed group of gods and goddesses assist? !

Chapter 1832 Where did the agreed group of gods and goddesses assist? !

In the living room, Shui Fu really didn't want to listen to their chat, but her ears didn't work.

I always hear it intentionally or unintentionally...for example, at my ex-girlfriend's house...or disturbing people's peaceful and happy life...and then whatever fate is over, it's over...

She thought that what they said before, standing firmly on her side, was to make her promise to keep them at home for dinner. Think about it, this group of coquettish young masters wished they could grow up wearing a pair of crotch pants. How could he not speak for him and turn his elbows outward.

However, unexpectedly, listening to the chat between them and the person downstairs just now, it was really ruthless and didn't help at all.

Although this was indeed in line with her original intention of not wanting to have anything to do with Tang Haotian anymore, why did she suddenly feel a little congested in her chest, as if a ball of soaked cotton was stuck there, and an inexplicable emotion surged up.



Shui Fu's eyes flashed suddenly, and she came back to her senses after hearing the sound, only to find that the other three women on the sofa were staring at her with burning eyes, and their expressions were... meaningful.

Shuifu touched her nose and let out an ah, her ears were slightly warm.

"What's the matter? I didn't hear what you just said."

Jing Qingge pretended not to understand the ignorance of Shui Fu frowning and deserting, Qiao Chujian repeated it kindly,

"We're talking about it. I didn't expect to see you for more than half a year. You actually went to get married without telling the big screen. You have a husband who loves you very much, and you have a healthy and beautiful baby. It's perfect."

Shui Fu shook her head slightly, husband... this word... doesn't suit her.


Jing Qingge followed what Qiao Chujian said,

"So in such a perfect and happy little day, even if Tang Haotian moved downstairs to you now, no matter how much he stalks you, Shuifu, you will definitely not soften your heart."

Shuifu was taken aback for a moment, her movements were half a beat slow, and she nodded her head stiffly,


Jing Qingge smiled quite satisfied, turned her head, and shouted to the balcony,

"You all heard it, Fufu is determined not to turn back.

Tell Tang Haotian that such a big person should bear all the vicious consequences if he makes a mistake, so let's go back to City A with us today, so as not to make Xiaofu feel bad when she is pregnant and sees her upstairs and downstairs every day. "


Shui Fu's heart tightened suddenly when she heard this, and she clenched the corners of her mouth unconsciously. Will he go back to City A with everyone today...

The men on the balcony had already entered the house.

"What's the matter? Did Little Tyrant King agree?" Chi Shenshen asked intentionally.

Xuan Shengbei hooked his chin,

"I didn't make a sound, and entered the house by myself in a wheelchair."

"It's useless to escape, you should go back." Chi Shenshen turned his head to Shui Fu and said, "We are here to help you drive the little tyrant away and let him go back to his own home. It's only been a day since I moved in, now you don't have to see him worrying about you."

Shui Fu clenched her small hands, squeezed the corners of her mouth a little stiffly, and was in a daze, not knowing what to say for a moment, and even a little confused flashed between her brows and eyes.


"Oh, yes, I remembered something again." Owen said in a casual tone, "The last time the little tyrant got drunk and fought in a bar, I went to the apartment to look for him the next day, guess I saw him at home What?" "€?br />
PS: It's the weekend, mua~ good morning

(End of this chapter)

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