I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1833 My wife is a little princess, a fairy, and a big baby!

Chapter 1833 My wife is a little princess, a fairy, and a big baby!

"...guess what I saw at home?"

Owen glanced at everyone playfully, and finally glanced at Shui Fu quietly, with an excited expression of "Gossip and ask me, ask me".

Suddenly, Shui Fu felt a little beating in her heart, and her intuition told her that what Owen said must have something to do with her.

Is their apartment...

Seeing that Owen's "O"-shaped mouth was ready to blurt out, Shuifu's heart shrank even more, but Owen changed his mind when he spoke, raised his arms, and swayed a few times.

"Forget it, Goddess, you definitely don't want to know, so let's not talk about it."

After finishing speaking, Owen deliberately half-sighed, with a contrived "I know everything, but I just can't speak" hesitant to speak but stopped struggling and suffering.

Shui Fu moved the corner of her mouth, "..."

Say it!

I didn't tell you not to talk!

A certain girl couldn't help but rolled her eyes, silently feeling chest tightness and depression... She explained to herself in her heart that she hated half-spoken words the most, they were all tantalizing. w(Д)w


The clock on the wall said a quarter past twelve, and lunch was almost ready.

Except for Ji Yicheng, Shangguanyu, and Xuan Shengbei took turns into the kitchen to cook a dish, all of which were hand-picked by his wife and adults, Jinkou, and the rest were all made by Aunt Wang, which couldn't fit a large table.

Music was still playing on the stereo, and everyone sat around, making it even more lively.

"Ji Yicheng, I want to eat fish with pickled cabbage." Jing Qingge bit his chopsticks and pouted, glanced this way intentionally or unintentionally.

Ji Da Boss picked up a piece of sauerkraut fish without hesitation, and then carefully picked out the fishbone for his wife with a devout face.

Qiao Chujian also poked the man sitting next to him with his elbow, and just called out "husband", Shangguanyu had already picked one out of the plate of steamed shrimp with garlic he made.

Shangguan Boss started directly, dipped his slender and clear fingers in the shiny oil, dipped the peeled shrimps in some prepared umami vinegar, and fed them to Qiao Chujian's mouth, with a clear and cold voice with obvious softness ,

"what about the taste?"

Seeing the corners of Qiao Chu's lips twitch, she lifted her eyes very comfortably,

"another one."

Here, Xuan Shengbei was even more afraid that Chi Shenshen would not be full, so he kept adding vegetables to her bowl, and they piled up into a hill.


Finally, Owen put his chopsticks on the table, patted the table and said with a playful face,

"Hey, hey, I really can't sit at the same dining table with you couples to eat now, just a ton of dog food will make my stomach bloated to death.

Can it be so boring..."

After saying this, Ji Yicheng, Shangguanyu, and Xuan Shengbei squinted over in unison.

"My wife is a little princess."

"It's a fairy."

"It's a big baby."

One sentence per person seems to have been rehearsed in advance, and Ji Yicheng said at the end, "Of course we have to take good care of you."

Jing Qingge even smiled and bent the corners of her eyes, opened her mouth to take the pickled fish fed by Ji Yicheng, and said vaguely while chewing,

"This is called 'husband welfare'. Today, there are three couples. If Xiaofu and her husband are present, it will be four couples showing affection, right, Xiaofu."

Shui Fu was taken aback for a moment, tilted her head, and bit her chopsticks at a loss for words.

She and Xu Mu were not husband and wife in the first place, and they were different from Ji Yichengjing Qingge. Moreover, she actually didn't want Xu Mu to treat her too well.

Suddenly the doorbell rang.

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  PS: Who rings the doorbell?

  I wish all mothers in the world safe and happy, and the little rabbits remember to say happy Mother's Day to Mama~

  Good night, how big are you (* ̄3)(ε ̄*)



(End of this chapter)

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