I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1864 Fufu, you love me, right?

Chapter 1864 Fufu, you love me, right?

"Tang Haotian, your mouth is bleeding, a lot of blood..."

She reached out to touch his chin, her slender fingertips trembled uncontrollably when they touched it, why was there so much blood.


Tang Haotian licked the corner of his mouth, the strong smell of blood spread wantonly in the whole mouth, probably his tongue was bitten.

Looking at her bewildered little face, with a layer of mist in her eyes, and a touch of pretty pink on the tip of her nose, Tang Haotian understood something, and instantly felt that her mouth didn't hurt at all!Even a mouth full of blood is sweet!

Super sweet! !

He paused, pulled down her slender wrist that was still trembling slightly, pinched her slender fingers down, rubbed the fingertips twice, and said with a big tongue,

"I'm fine, Fufu, my tongue is probably broken, don't worry, just pour me a glass of water, I'll just rinse my mouth."

Shui Fu was taken aback for a moment, and then she came back as if she was in a panic, withdrew her hand and rubbed her sore and swollen eyes indiscriminately, then turned around and climbed out of bed with both hands and feet.


She stepped on a slipper on one foot, and stepped on the wooden floor with the other bare.

"Fufu, put on the slippers first." Tang Haotian looked at her white and tender feet on the floor, and frowned, almost twisting into braids.

His daughter-in-law is very precious.

There was a thermos and glasses on the bedside table, and Shui Fu didn't know if she heard Tang Haotian's words, so she ignored him.

She hastily poured a full glass of water, brought it over, and half-kneeled by the bed with one leg curled up, the tip of her chin was still tense, her face was ugly,

"Rinse your mouth!"

But Tang Haotian didn't move for a moment, he squinted his eyes and stared at her carefully, and suddenly he grinned "bloody mouth", and laughed silly, blood beads were still oozing out, which was weird.

"Hurry up!" Shui Fu stared anxiously, and directly raised her hand to put the water glass in front of his nose.


Only then did Tang Haotian take it with a very low eyebrow and pleasing eyes, and poured a big mouthful of water into his mouth with a loyal dog like "I listen to my wife very much", and there was a sweet smile that could not be suppressed at the corner of his lips.

In fact, for a moment he wanted Fufu to feed him and rinse his mouth, but after thinking about it again, he dismissed the idea.

"Gulu Gulu" twice, and then spit into the trash can next to the bed.

After rinsing two glasses of water, all the blood in his mouth was cleaned. Tang Haotian licked his gums again, but it still smelled bloody.

Shui Fu pinched his chin to look at him more seriously,

"Have you continued to bleed, do you want to drink saliva and rinse?"

She asked, without realizing that her questioning voice was like having a piece of marshmallow in it, soft and waxy...

It melted sweetly in his heart, and he sank completely.

Tang Haotian lowered his face, shook his head, rubbed his bearded chin against her palm, and asked her in a low voice,

"Fufu, you feel sorry for me, right?"

His eyes were deep and deep, reflecting the quiet and blurred light like midnight, especially... seductive, enchanting.

So Shuifu has always felt that when Tang Haotian pretended to be a serious gentleman on purpose, he was much more flirtatious than when he was jumping up and down like a monkey, and it was heartbreaking.

like now.

She could feel the heat spreading from the back of the ears to her face. She thought he was going to die just now when she saw his mouth full of blood, and she felt cold all over, wrapped in unprecedented fear.

Three seconds later, a coquettish roar came from a certain bedroom through the window,

"Who cares about you!!"

"Pa", a slap on his face accurately.

Tang Haotian's eyes suddenly stared at gold stars, and a bullet screen popped up in his head. He was almost stunned by the fierce wife...

 « €?br />
  PS: Hahahaha...

  Little Tyrant: Fufu, you are so fierce...┭┮﹏┭┮

  Shui Fu: This is called using violence to control violence. Do you have an opinion?

  Little Tyrant: ...No, you are right, daughter-in-law.

  « €?br />
  Good night, give me a sip~(* ̄3)(ε ̄*)



(End of this chapter)

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