I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1866 Fufu actually cooked him a loving breakfast!

Chapter 1866 Fufu actually cooked him a loving breakfast!

It seems... It came from the kitchen?

Tang Haotian thought he heard it wrong, since he passed out with a high fever last night, he heard some dizzy sounds from time to time.

Sure enough, it was quiet again after a while.


Until the "click" sound of the door opening, it was very real in my ears, as if someone really opened the door.

Tang Haotian kept pressing his throat and deliberately didn't breathe, even resisting the outside world, he just frowned slightly when he heard the sound, and then blocked it indifferently.

In the room, a strong smell of rice wafted from far to near.

"Are you planning to suffocate yourself again?" Suddenly, a cold and awkward female voice came down.

Tang Haotian was startled suddenly, his tightly closed eyes widened in an instant!

Seeing the little woman standing condescendingly in front of the bed and looking down at him, holding a white porcelain bowl in her hand, Tang Haotian was even more shocked than when he woke up an hour ago and saw her sleeping in his arms, because he was the one who put her in his arms last night. Take it to bed.


"Fufu, aren't you..." His breath was stuck in his throat and he couldn't get up or down, and his face was red with anger.

Isn't it already gone?Don't say anything about him...

Tang Haotian suddenly thought of something, and his dilated pupils shrank suddenly. Could he be like the ruthless young master of the Huangfu Empire, because he missed his dead wife too much and got delusional... The Fufu in front of him was imagined by him!

Tang Haotian's spine suddenly felt a little chilly, and his face was ashen as hell.

Shui Fu wrinkled her nose, and even looked crazy, why did this guy look stupid/forced again?

If she knew what Tang Haotian was thinking at this moment, she would definitely slap him in the face with the porridge bowl!

You are just an illusion! ! !



Shui Fu's ears were still slightly red, and she glared at him fiercely.

Dr. Lin said that he had ruined his body by not eating or drinking for a few days, and he must make up for it, so she made him mushroom porridge, which was boiled regularly last night with a rice cooker.

Shuifu felt that she was really a bitch, why...he became like this again, the more she thought about it, the more angry she became, she raised her hand, and "bang" put the white porcelain bowl heavily on the bedside table,

"Do you like to eat or not!"

Tang Haotian's ears exploded when he heard it, and his stomach let out a more appropriate "goo".

What to do, he suddenly felt dizzy before his eyes... as if lying on a mass of soft clouds... the whole person was about to fly...

Tang Haotian panicked, turned his head to look at the steaming bowl of glutinous mushroom porridge, blinked hard, and blinked again...

"This is..." That face of "Damn it! Is the dimension chaotic or the world fantasy! Fufu actually cooked him a heart-warming breakfast" Erha looked horrified.

The corner of Shui Fu's mouth twitched when she saw it,

"If you don't eat, you'll fall!"

Then he stretched out his hand to pinch the edge of the bowl to pour it into the trash can, but Tang Haotian suddenly jumped up and snatched it away, holding it in his arms like a peerless treasure, and half-bending his arms to protect it tightly,

"I eat!"

While speaking, Tang Haotian had already taken a spoon and fed it into his mouth one after another. It was so hot that he grinned his teeth and squinted his eyes and breathed without stopping.

Shui Fu couldn't help but want to laugh, squeezed the corner of her mouth, and gave him a disgusted look, but her voice softened unconsciously,


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  PS: Little Storm King is about to drift away~~~~︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿

  Little rabbits who have seen billions of spoiled wives must know about the ruthless young master of the Huangfu Empire. I recommend those who have never seen it before to watch it. Brother ruthless VS Weiyang~

  good night, huh~


(End of this chapter)

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