I wish you a fall in love

Chapter 1872 Young Master, Young Madam, Are You Reconciled?

Chapter 1872 Young Master, Young Madam, Are You Reconciled?

"Is that how you got out?" she asked.

Tang Haotian was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly felt guilty for no reason, his toes curled up unnaturally, his tongue got knotted,

"I'm afraid that something will happen to you, so..."

"Go back to your room and lie down." Shui Fu interrupted him with a nod.

"What about you?" Tang Haotian was in a hurry, and didn't pay attention to Shui Fu's tone of voice. After blurting out, he saw her stunned face, and immediately realized that he seemed to have said something that shouldn't be said...

In the room just now, she had made it so clear to him that she would never want him again, even though every nerve in his brain was frantically resisting this fact, he finally accepted it and arranged All right.

The only time in his life is also the most heart-wrenching compromise.


Shui Fu lowered her head, moved the corners of her mouth, and was about to say that she would clean up the water spilled on the floor, but Tang Haotian spoke before her,

"Fufu, let me cook for you."

Shui Fu frowned slightly, her first reaction was that he was still suffering from a low-grade fever, not to mention his inconvenient legs and feet, so she could just have a bowl of porridge later if he wanted to cook anything.

Shui Fu shook her head and was about to refuse, but she looked at his smiling face with the corners of his lips gently curled up. His lips were red and his teeth were white, his facial features were handsome, and his relaxed face was extraordinarily soft under the sunlight.

She blinked her eyelashes, and her heart throbbed for no reason.

This is the first time Shui Fu feels that the four words [Warm and moist as jade] can actually be used to describe Tang Haotian.

"Are you okay?" Tang Haotian asked softly again, three words in a low and hoarse voice, with a very gentle smile.

Looking forward to, pampering.

More enticing to sink in.

Hearing that Shuifu's ears were crisp, the head that was still swaying up and down was not controlled by the brain,

"it is good."


When she recovered, she heard the doorbell ringing.

"It should be that Xiaoliu and Aunt Wang came back from shopping for vegetables." Tang Haotian had already picked up the crutch from the ground, and did not let go of the other hand holding her, leading them to open the door together.

Outside the door, Aunt Wang was ringing the doorbell, and Xiao Liu was standing beside the wall, holding a few big shopping bags in both hands, which were full.

It was all the fresh vegetables, meat, seafood, etc. that he bought back from the vegetable market with Aunt Wang in the car just now, just as the young master sent him in the message, and none of them were left.

Xiao Liu pouted all the way, looked down at the bag in his hand, and hit his head against the wall in a daze!

Almost didn't let out a "wow"...

He really couldn't figure it out, the text message the young master sent him, in addition to asking him to go to the vegetable market with Aunt Wang to buy these vegetables, he also asked him to book a direct flight ticket from F city to the UK at the fastest this afternoon .

For **** Mao!


"Click", the door opened.

When Xiao Liu saw the interlocking hands of the two people inside the door, his heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly had the urge to beat his chest and shout, "Mum! IQ is really not enough"...

cry silently,

"Young Master, Young Madam, are you reconciled or not..."

Who will explain it?

He was so entangled that he almost vomited blood...o(╥﹏╥)o

Tang Haotian ordered Xiaoliu to carry the dishes to the kitchen and put them down, and asked Aunt Wang to help clean up the water basin where the water flower was spilled.

Entrance door.

Tang Haotian glanced sideways at the little woman washing vegetables in the kitchen, took a deep breath, pressed his throat and asked Xiao Liu in a cold voice,

"Is the flight booked?"

"It's booked, the flight at [-]:[-] in the afternoon." Xiao Liu whispered, "But the first class is gone, and the business class is booked."

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  PS: Quickly tell Big Rabbit what have you all guessed? !

  Good night, have a bite (* ̄3)(ε ̄*)



(End of this chapter)

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